Why Are Australian Suppliers So Expensive Compare To Usa?

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Wake up people, as others have said, this is not about aussie retailers ripping us off, it is about tax. The US gov. has FA tax on beer and everything else we are chasing over there because they have bugger all social welfare. Wages are lower and everything is cheaper. Over here IMPORTS and everything else is taxed to support our socialist way of life. NickJD's rant against aussie retailers is simplistic and unintelligent. Of course we will get stuff overseas cheaper, ordering it ourselves thought the internet we pay no import duties on it or have to pay wages, rent, superannuation, company tax, rates etc etc etc As individuals we are free to buy local or overseas, but getting on here and acting like the mesiah bashing retailers and telling us we are all stupid for buying at home when we can get it OS cheaper without taking into consideration the real facts is just ignorance and arrogance.


Can you give us an example of your hops order just for comparison please? Do they produce here? Is it of the same quality as the other stuff?

Ellerslie grow hops up ear Mytleford...
They also import hops......
Their quality is excellent....Been happy with what I've bought from them...
It is not true that it is all about tax. Ie my parents used to make jogging shorts for NIKE years ago for around 3.50 each. They were sold in excess of $35. It wasn't because of tax.

Australia never had competition and the could do what they wanted and we had no choice. Clothing, none of which is made here anymore, is a prime example. Jeans that cost around 180 here selling for a standard of less than 30 there ('top name' brands here mean nothing there).......that is a lot of GST. It might be heavily taxed here, but do not forget greed.

If a part or tool is said to be 'specially for brewing', the price automatically goes up 10- fold. Even parts here ie fermenter taps at a home brew store cost 4 times what it does at a non- brew store. It is identical (just like fermenters) and from the same supplier. Justify that. Kegs at a third the price......
You may be able to justify it for imported stuff, but the stuff made locally?Please explain.
If a part or tool is said to be 'specially for brewing', the price automatically goes up 10- fold. Even parts here ie fermenter taps at a home brew store cost 4 times what it does at a non- brew store.

Agreed. My LHBS has fermenter taps for $4.00 incl GST each. A few suburbs over a non-homebrewing stores sells the same taps for 88 cents incl GST each. Not sure if this amount of mark up is the same across all products though, hops also get marked up heaps from what I've seen. Not sure about grain.
Sounds like one of you should start a store. If all the competition is way too expencive you will make a killing selling much more for less.

That is what one guy did over here. He got tired of having to drive 40 miles round trip to get brewing supplies. He converted an office in his auto shop to a store and is serving the local population at fair prices.
How many home brew store owners do you see driving round in porches? How about this one, home brew stores do not have people lined up outside waiting to get in and hand over their cash. They are not selling high volumes therefore the mark up must be higher.
I live in Sydney and I regularly support the sponsors. But I struggle to support the sydney ones - its cheaper to buy stuff from Brisbane and melbourne even with the shipping. For some reason I can't buy a liquid yeast for under 14 bucks in this town.
America tends to think 'Sell more and make less on each item but more overall'

Race to the bottom!!
Let's call a spade a spade. The likes of Craftbrewer, Grain and Grape etc sell hops for a lot more than you can get them from Hops Direct and a little more expensive than from Ellerslie - by the time you have paid postage on your five pounds or your couple of kilos etc it works out that from HD or Nikohop you are getting your hops at the equivalent of $3.50 a "foil" and from Ellerslie around $5 a foil. Ellerslie list price looks great but again there's the eleven dollar post pack then the GST that takes a bit of the shine off, but still a good Australian company.

That's fine as long as you restrict yourself to the major hops such as Cascade, Goldings etc. Alternatively if you use a wide variety on a regular basis, are yourself prepared to carry up to 10 or 15 kilos in your freezer which could, with some varieties, take you up to 2 years to get through.

For example if you regularly make American Styles, UK Styles, Lagers and the odd stout and Sparkling you can easily need 12 - 15 varieties that you need to keep in stock as cooking hops, that's without all those hops you use for experimenting with. With just the US varieties you may well choose as "cooking" varieties Cascade, Chinook, Centennial, Willamette, Magnum / Galena...... know what I mean. Then someone gives you a bottle made on Simcoe or NB and you swoon...... B) - or you tweak a brew with Galaxy or Motueka and suddenly Centennial is just soooooo 2008 :p and your cheap but forgotten slab o' Centennial is suddenly 18 months old.

Now lets switch to the larger retailers such as CB an GnG and see what their situation is. AFAIK, for starters they deal through - and are understandably loyal to - the hop merchants, stock a huge variety that they have to pay guys to pack in the foils, run the inventory and pay floor rent and electricity to store them, so you have the luxury of being able to pick and choose for your next few brews. They are offering us a real service with a capital S and buffering us from shortages and price shocks, like the Hallertau disaster which I assume is now behind us.

I'll come clean, I bought a few main US "cookin" hops from HD - and made the mistake of getting a pound of reimported Hallertau MF which turned out about the same quality as Chinese Saaz. and will probably get binned. So that's bumped their useful hops up to $5 a foil, effectively. Also I have bought 500 of Challenger and 500 of Styrians from Ellerslie. The Challenger has an AA rating of only around 3.5 so they have done the right thing by labelling it accurately - maybe it's 2008 stock (don't say) but I really have to put 50g in to get the same effect as say 30g of Challenger from Craftbrewer. So again that saving has tended to evaporate.

So two sides - by all means buy a few cookers like Cascade or Magnum or Chinook from HD in a bulk buy, but if everyone did that we would risk losing the convenience and variety offered by our own home brew suppliers. If that happened then if you need say Amarillo for a comp brew and HD are out until they harvest then you are stuffed for the sake of $8.

There is a place for attempting deliberately to spread purchases between the bulk guys for varieties that you are going to use and not just sit there costing you money and AA% - and on the other hand to support the locals whenever you can. Personally I no longer get my Euro Hops in bulk - once bitten - but can see the point of getting Cascade or POR.

Scuse essay but I think there should be balance and not "we are being ripped off"... it's a lot more complex than that. :)
I think some of you experts should startup a small business of some kind and maybe even employ someone.

With all your knowledge and selling stuff at reasonable prices which are well below what any Australian shop sells for , I don't see how you could fail.
I think some of you experts should startup a small business of some kind and maybe even employ someone.

With all your knowledge and selling stuff at reasonable prices which are well below what any Australian shop sells for , I don't see how you could fail.

Good call, everyone's an expert!!
people have to remember it might be cheap in some cases,but when the item break's down try and get it fixed..i get most of my beer gear here http://www.mybeershop.com.au/ ..

home brew equipment is not mechanical. Very little goes wrong. Kegs and beer taps, for example, are indestructible. Ingredients don't break. Only keg systems may have minor issues and grinders are hardy. We are not looking at car parts here.
actually.....In the US, you can go to breweries Ie Harpoon (Vermont/New Hampshire border) and ask for a tasting paddle and not pay a cent. Go to a brewery tour Ie Samuel Adams, and not pay a cent, and get as many samples as you want for FREE for 40or so minutes (14 or 15 taps there). Same all over.
While mildly OT, I like Odell's (Ft. Collins, Colorado) sample model. For each sample paddle ordered, the punter receives 1 wooden Odell's coin for use in the merchandise shop. 1 coin = 1 pint glass (about 20 styles to choose from), 3 coins = T-shirt (again, many to choose from. Great quality on the merchandise, too.. it's not just junk).

So while the paddle may not be free, the pint glass, etc. that comes with it certainly is. And I think they do a deal where if you come back with your receipt and order a pint from the platter eg I loved your 90 Shilling I'll have a pint, you get it at 50% discount on the pint, or similar.

You could easily walk out of the brewery having done a tour, tried every beer in the house (around 15 beers), plus a few pints (so you're sloshed and hopefully not driving), with a T-shirt or a few glasses for the bar at home, for $20. Bargain.

gas regulators come to mind.that some import..Golani51...refractometer's are they as good quality
Where did you earn your B Econ? Not the University of Chicago I'll warrant.
Monash and Melbourne

I just can't spell and mostly post on a ****** little iphone

Books, jeans, cars, music, movies, prepared food, pretty much everything.

This (recurring) discussion is redundant beyond words.

Shut up, all of you.
Yup agreed
Wake up people, as others have said, this is not about aussie retailers ripping us off, it is about tax. The US gov. has FA tax on beer and everything else we are chasing over there because they have bugger all social welfare. Wages are lower and everything is cheaper. Over here IMPORTS and everything else is taxed to support our socialist way of life. NickJD's rant against aussie retailers is simplistic and unintelligent. Of course we will get stuff overseas cheaper, ordering it ourselves thought the internet we pay no import duties on it or have to pay wages, rent, superannuation, company tax, rates etc etc etc As individuals we are free to buy local or overseas, but getting on here and acting like the mesiah bashing retailers and telling us we are all stupid for buying at home when we can get it OS cheaper without taking into consideration the real facts is just ignorance and arrogance.



Go you good thing :p


NickJD's rant against aussie retailers is simplistic and unintelligent. Of course we will get stuff overseas cheaper, ordering it ourselves thought the internet we pay no import duties on it or have to pay wages, rent, superannuation, company tax,

And the American retailers don't pay these things. They are all staffed with free robots who require no wages, free buildings and utilities, they pay no benefits to their robots and of course the USA has no company tax? You think the people who are employed by an American HBS are paid less than an Australian one? Think again. Is rent cheaper there? Think again. Do your employees in USA want benefits? Yes. Are your utilities in the middle of winter cheaper there? No.

Yes, they pay import duties - and this is responsible for the fact that a pound of hops that went from NZ to America is 1/4 the price of the same hops that just hopped the Tasman? I'm finding your ignorance ammusing. Perhaps look up some trade agreement stuff and become smarter. GST is 10%, price difference with all that shipping: 75%.

I'd say you are the person who's being simplistic and unintelligent. Aussie retailers are ripping you off. They are not ripping me off, because I buy from these American robot factories where everything is free and they can charge much less.

But I suppose I do need to thank you for propping up the LHBS and keeping them in business for when I need something locally.

Attempting to shape international (e) commerce with your little wallet is futile but also a little cute :wub: .
And the American retailers don't pay these things. They are all staffed with free robots who require no wages, free buildings and utilities, they pay no benifits to their robots and of course the USA has no company tax?

I'd say you are the person who's being simplistic and unintelligent. Aussie retailers are ripping you off. They are not ripping me off, because I buy from these American robot factories where everything is free and they can charge much less.

But I suppose I do need to thank you for propping up the LHBS and keeping them in business for when I need something locally.

Attempting to shape international (e) commerce with your little wallet is futile but also a little cute.

Did you just fart or are you speaking out of your arse?