Where To Find Figures On # Of Homebrewers In Australia?

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what article?

The one the thread is about?

LMAO - Capt. the OP says ReVox has been contacted by Epicure about providing some info for a news article

Regardless of whether or not it is possible for a correct answer to come out of this thread, it seems obvious to me that CM2 has basically written the article himself above. Forward that instead of the numbers - it'll just need a little "colour". Job done.
Not in anyway having a go at the OP's journo or CM2.

no worries Bum. i took it exactly how you meant it.
The more under the radar our hobby is the better!!!! Who wants the govt or anyone to focus in on home brewers?
The more under the radar our hobby is the better!!!! Who wants the govt or anyone to focus in on home brewers?
Good point Hillbilly,
case 1: Dumb-arses getting tanked on alcopops & tartfuel down Coogee or Bondi, punching on and causing a ruckus = alcopops get taxed etc etc
case 2: Homebrewer has mates over to watch Beerfest, crack out different bottles of 7-12% kolschs, saisons, imperial stouts... drop bottles on toes, break glasses, crashing out & waking up in dodgy situation = what happens at brewclub stays at brewclub!
The more under the radar our hobby is the better!!!! Who wants the govt or anyone to focus in on home brewers?
well yes and no.

the other AHB threads with discussion on news articles on craftbrewing/homebrewing discuss the points:.
1. the articles are poorly written from the point of view that they are not really reflective of what true craftbrewing and microbreweries are about.
2. but if nothing else, its good exposure. ie dismissing the sterotype of old men brewing horrible rocket fuel in a shed.
3. a small worrry that the govt will see this as an untapped tax revenue stream.

I dont see the govt being that smart. an article here or there wont make them go after us. they are looking for bigger fish ie microbreweries.

more of #2 is good. more of #3 is bad.
The only hard data you can go by is a proper survey (ie MHBs). you cant really extrapolate the data baased on population growth as you dont know the takeup rate of the increased population.

Precisely. A random sample of society have been asked the questions in MHB's commissioned survey, which covered 10,000 actual measurable people for this subject (10,000 households at 4.5 head per, 2.5 being kids, one being female, one being male). Whilst it's 10 years old, it's sure as hell going to be a more accurate evaluation of how many HB'ers are out there than counting kit can sales or whatever else.

All we need to establish is whether this was done over a wide cross section of income brackets and localities - I would assume a professional organisation charging for such surveys would be, unless MHB requested specificly to be done in his area only, for his business interests (and of course there's no problem with that!). MHB, can you recall if it was done locally or wide spread ?

If this is a true picture (ie 1 in 11) then we would only need to determine the growth in the entire industry of HB supply over the last decade, and apply the % increase to the aformentioned statistics.

Population increase is irrelevant, being that immigration is strong, or at least that pre-1999 immigrants are having kids that may not be inclined to either drink or if they do, wouldnt be keen on making their own beer. How many first generation Chinese or Middle Eastern brewers do we have here ? <1% ?
Isn't that an unqualified shot at a figure ? If the SMH got their info at 2 % (had to come from somewhere right?) and MHB's survery that as conducted is to be referred to at 2.5% of the population (albeit 10 years ago), then the figure's more in the ballpark of 50,000. This seems to be the most reliable number to refer to in the absence of any other data.

2.5% of the population is 500,000.
Or in the words of the famous Guinness ad


That's worth a chuckle, I suppose. but remember that we HAVE statistics in this post, they're just a bit old, and perhaps of a selective regional area.
and there is a direct correlation between the decrease of the number of pirates in the world and the increase in global warming. limited data, stats and correlations can be used to make anything sound official. its been 88.2% proven
Would be interesting to know how many active homebrewers there are vs people who have a fermenter in their shed and have used it once or twice. I don't the number would be that large really. Not even going to try and guess a statistic :blink:
What are you talking about? Piracy is on the rise!
ok yes you got me. but in undergrad statistics we had a prof that used a internet pic showing a seeming correlation between pirates and global warming. a link to a simialr pic is here

I remember doing my own version back in high school with number of diasies per sq meter and birth rates. it showeed a direct correlation, even though everyone knows daiseys have nothing to do with babies. derrr stalks do! :lol:

edit: doh. i cant see QBs pics

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