Whats Your Current Non-beer Task/job/hobby Around The House...

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I study pure maths, and more specifically the operator algebras associated to higher-rank graphs (a higher-dimensional analogue of directed graphs). After two years though I still haven't delved into any of the algebraic stuff, and have essentially been doing general topology. I could go on, but I can't imagine it making sense to anyone apart from me or my supervisors :p.

Bloody hell. I thought that I was clever doing a little psuedo-algebra in mine :huh:

Best of luck with it!
Pure maths.........Sounds like ummmm, fun..I think....

I have to ask, does it actually have a real world application outside of academia?
Pure maths.........Sounds like ummmm, fun..I think....

I have to ask, does it actually have a real world application outside of academia?

Not yet... Unfortunately now in 2009 we're still stuck in 3 dimensions :)
Pure maths.........Sounds like ummmm, fun..I think....

I have to ask, does it actually have a real world application outside of academia?

:lol: nah, that's called 'applied maths', that's what physicists rely on :lol: I guess the applied maths guys might eventually use what we're doing, it could work its way down the line somewhere. I really don't understand enough about it, but the academics there seem to be able to convince the government to give them hefty research grants all the time...
Getting veggie patch in order for the next season, Saturday will be three trailer loads of chook shiite from the farm down the way, plus two trailer loads of horse shiite, all tilled in and planted with dun peas over winter to add some natural nitrogen back into the soil.

I think I'll be ready for a beer after that.

Problem with pure maths is all it leads to is... pure maths. What do you intend to do post-PhuD?

After mine, I intend to hand around on aeroplanes waiting for medical emergencies:

"I'm a doctor!... I have a PhD in engineering..."
The main reason Im doing a PhD is because I didnt know what I wanted to do when I finished my degree.
Most of my mates went to the mines or related industry they all said that they wanted to get out into the real world. Personally I had spent 10 years in the real world before starting my undergraduate degree and was more than happy to stay at uni for a while longer.
Besides most of them have already changed employers after less then 2 years, I guess it wasnt all they thought it would be.

Im sure there is something I should be doing right now.
I remember, back to the procrastination it is then.
The main reason Im doing a PhD is because I didnt know what I wanted to do when I finished my degree.

Me too. Now that that's all done, Im almost at the point of begging the local meatworks for a job :eek:

A science major asks "How does it work?"
A philosophy major asks "Why does it exist?"
An arts major asks "Would you like fries with that?"

I still remember that joke from when I used to study chemistry back at uni. Sad thing is I make more money taking people's money away than my nurse who has two degrees does saving people's lives......
In the dunnies around the engineering buildings here you can often find on the TP dispenser:

"Pull here for Arts degree."

...and my favourite:

"Here I sit, broken hearted. I came to shit, but only farted."
In the dunnies around the engineering buildings here you can often find on the TP dispenser:

"Pull here for Arts degree."

...and my favourite:

"Here I sit, broken hearted. I came to shit, but only farted."

Without trying to derail this thread entirely, one of my toilet favourites from uni was

"die poofs, die"

with "Guten Tag" scrawled under it in a different hand.

Probably should mention that I have a BA, but am partially redeemed with a science PhD.
another one here that only did it because of the inability to decide what else to do :p

I should start apply for jobs at my local maccas and coles.. I'm meant to finish soon.

Nah if newwy uni is still grossly understaffed I should have plenty of casual tutoring work (=$$) while I wait for my thesis to be examined. I'll do my best with defense jobs, if that doesn't work, industry i guess... go and train up as a quant or something. OR I guess there is the other obvious low paid high stress and workload job I could get...I can't imagine myself being an academic though.. ah well.. time will tell...
back on topic.

renoing the bathroom/laundry/toilet waiting for the tiler; for when he's done,
the second half the shed has to go up for the car parking which will allow,
the patio to be done which lets,
the retaining wall to be repaired that leads to the
final landscaping being finished and finally
first part of the shed being shelled out and set up for the big boys toy room to be completed!

I'm building a web site for a sporting club I'm kinda involved with... In the past month i've managed to teach myself not enough about Pshop, Dreamweaver, Flash and CSS... next up on the learning curve is PHP & MySQL.. So anyone who is a MySQL guru, let me know, I'm gonna need some brains to pick shortly... :unsure: