Whats Your Current Non-beer Task/job/hobby Around The House...

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So I was cutting up some old wine barrels this afternoon and thinking...damn I could go for a beer right now...and it came to mind..."I wonder what the other AHB'ers are doing around their house other than making beer, building breweries or drinking beer". Thought it could be interesting to see what others get upto in the spare time other than brewing.

Mine today was getting the barrels ready to replace old pots around the house that have rotten (older wine barrels that have been there for 15+ years)

And a photo just for good measure...got the old man working :p


So what is yours??
We got settlement on our townhouse today (bank took for farkin ever to approve things!), so I shall be renovating inside the house - including replacing ceiling sections, sanding & painting.

Then outside there is to be a small shed (for brewing of course!), replace the old pergola, and a heap of paving, plus general garden work.

It seems like a mammoth task, but it shall sure as hell beat being at work.
Most of my non beer time is taken up by sleep/work/taking care of the little one now that the missus is back at work.

For pleasure and relaxation, I shave......It may sound odd to some but the smell of a rich creamy lather and the feel of a blade on my skin, very soothing...
Most of my non beer time is taken up by sleep/work/taking care of the little one now that the missus is back at work.

For pleasure and relaxation, I shave......It may sound odd to some but the smell of a rich creamy lather and the feel of a blade on my skin, very soothing...

You are a strange one...

I love swimming but really have not done that much this year. I love cooking.... but yeah sleeping is good!
Katie, I am slowly learning to shave with a straight (i.e. cut-throat)......

There's something very satisfying about getting a good shave with an old school single blade, very cathartic.
Katie, I am slowly learning to shave with a straight (i.e. cut-throat)......

There's something very satisfying about getting a good shave with an old school single blade, very cathartic.

Does 'cathartic' mean, accidentally slicing ones jugular open and bleeding to death? ;) Give me my cordless bruan any day :D
Farside, note that many people have actually done that, and trust me I am currently using a shavette which is a cheaper version that uses disposable blades and is known to be harder to learn with and even more hazardous...

I am yet to much more damage than a few simply nicks here and there.......I so need to buy a safe so I can get some real straights in this house..
I'm just in from renovating the front hedge. It's almost flat now.

Beer always tates better after some physical labour. :icon_cheers:


I got a cut-throat shave by a very pretty hairdresser many years ago...hot towels the works...to over 1/2 hr, but the end result was awsome. I would recomend it to any one :super:

As for jobs around the house.....mmmm...well living on a farm they change by the week, but current project are

1. Building long wide ( 8m x 1.2m )step off the side of the house
2. Converting the old timber shed into a new laundry
3 Converting current laundry into a walk-in-robe
4. Whatever SWMBO tells me
I'd dare say he has signed ownership of them over a while ago, I know I did...... :p
I'm not even allowed visitation rights to mine.
I either writing up my phd thesis, fixing/building/tinkering with RC cars or roasting coffee :)
I either writing up my phd thesis, fixing/building/tinkering with RC cars or roasting coffee :)

What's your thesis topic Sammus?

As for me, my non-beer project at the moment is tinkering with the idea of writing a book.
Wow, seems to be a lot of us postgrad students on here... during the day... procrastinating.
What's your thesis topic Sammus?

As for me, my non-beer project at the moment is tinkering with the idea of writing a book.

I study pure maths, and more specifically the operator algebras associated to higher-rank graphs (a higher-dimensional analogue of directed graphs). After two years though I still haven't delved into any of the algebraic stuff, and have essentially been doing general topology. I could go on, but I can't imagine it making sense to anyone apart from me or my supervisors :p.
Ohhhh lord, pure maths, you poor deranged man. I now understand why you have that expression in your avatar!