What's the best yeast for Brisbane temps?

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I don't have a deticated fridge set up to ferment in yet. But until I do can anyone suggest the best yeast to use? Or should I just be using the yeast supplied with the kit? (I'm only new to this so only using kit and kilo at the mo) I have tried WB06, US05, I have a saison on the way and also used the kit yeast. My brew has been sitting at about 21-27 deg. Not too sure about my wheat beer with WB06 or my Pale Ale with US05. They have produced some varied flavours. Coopers lager with cascade hops and kit yeast best for me so far. I will be trying an ale next. What brew would best suit the Saison yeast when it arrives?
If you're making ales I'd go with BRY-97 and try to keep it in the low 20s. It's a lot more flocculant than US-05 and a bit less fruity at warmer temeratures. This can be done by sitting the fermenter in an esky of water, having two frozen bottles and switching them from the freezer to the esky when req'd.
RE the saison yeast (I'm assuming belle saison) I'd go with a basic kit like coopers pale ale and a little bit of saaz or hallertau. it will be happy at higher temperatures, have a search on the forum, there are a few threads about the yeast.
The thing I found most important when getting into brewing with kits was to boil all of the water. If you don't boil the whole lot you will have microbes and stuff in there that can produce off flavours, and the beer won't keep as well.
Coopers bottle yeast at warm temps has worked well for me, I get pear esters. Others say they get banana the first couple of generations, but I have never had that. I've only had a sort of a tart hint of banana in a Coopers pale I bought on tap at the pub.
The other bonus is that Coopers bottle yeast is very quick to ferment.
I will certainly be trying the fermenter in an esky full of water and ice bricks for my next batch.
Also pretty keen to try the coopers bottle yeast
Cheers guys
A trick I used before I had a fridge (and even afterwards) was to freeze a couple of 1.25L bottles of water and place them next to the fermenter sitting on a folded towel, wrap a big beach towel all around and then wrap the whole lot in a doonah.
Swap over every evening. Depends on how much freezer space you have to produce the bottles.

There are a couple of yeasts that do well in the low to mid 20s anyway, my favourite is Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale. It's similar to the yeast they use at Guinness in Dublin and they ferment at 24 degrees. Good for pale ales as well. It's a liquid yeast, just pour into the FV and it should take off ok as it is in the low 20s without making a starter.

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