Whats In The Glass

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just tapped my first hef!

Used WB-06 at about 23-24deg and got plenty of cloves & banana. this is really bloody tasty.

dodgy camera photo makes it look quite a bit darker

This looks very nice :icon_chickcheers:
Do I need to post a picture of American Budweiser?

Should I admit I am having a Budweiser? I have had the Czech Budweiser and guess what, it's better.

A bit late.... but better late than never :p


A bit late.... but better late than never :p

Hot damn how good does that look. Drinking magners cider, it's gluten free and will have to do until my gluten free bright ale is carbed up.
IMG_0574.JPGOk its not beer but Im quite proud of my first attempt at mead
All in all its a good drop that will onlt get better with age, the recepie is on my blog so im not going to re-write it here.

Took some over to my neighbour the other day 2 glasses knocked him off his feet.....hehehe I didnt tell him its about 20%....I did tell him to drink it slowly but he didnt listen did he.. :icon_drunk:
Well my second BIAB attempt made it to keg.

Another historical recreation, and a real surprise. 1934 Kidd Pale Ale.

I had no idea British beers came so pale. And the Bramling Cross is sublime. I think i've discovered the only lawnmower beer I'll ever want.

Sorry for the fuzzy photo.

But it's no ordinary lawnmower beer, with 44 IBU, perhaps it's better suited to lawnrolling?


first ag hefeweizen, bananery and smooth

thanks to warra48 in the recipe section - this was easy, four days to brew three in the keg and it tastes lovely. Great colour. Head's a bit ***** but I'll leave it for another week or two. :beer:


Well my second BIAB attempt made it to keg.

Another historical recreation, and a real surprise. 1934 Kidd Pale Ale.

I had no idea British beers came so pale. And the Bramling Cross is sublime. I think i've discovered the only lawnmower beer I'll ever want.

Recipe please!
English Pale Ale I did a few months ago. Used a marris otter base and i cant remember what else ( recipe on another computer). I used white labs burton ale yeast in this batch and another brew I did before this and I dont think i will be using it again. Came out quite cloudy and put flavors in I am not a fan of. Also this beer has a carlton draught kind of after taste whivch gives me the ***** but has a good malt flavor.


Well my second BIAB attempt made it to keg.

Another historical recreation, and a real surprise. 1934 Kidd Pale Ale.

I had no idea British beers came so pale. And the Bramling Cross is sublime. I think i've discovered the only lawnmower beer I'll ever want.

Sorry for the fuzzy photo.

But it's no ordinary lawnmower beer, with 44 IBU, perhaps it's better suited to lawnrolling?


Ditto on the recipe call. Bramling Cross is one of my favourite hops! Was in my first AG :)
my summer lager.

its improved from my first tasting and is now slightly carbonated. Slightly muddy looking. Needs more though...... I will drop the dark malt content and increase the light and the dextrose too and trya different grain instead of caramunich and something that gives a lighter colour.

Recipe please!

This was been passed down from my great granddad when he was head brewer at Kidd's Steam Brewery in Dartford, i had to decipher the code from underlined syllables in the family bible (old testament), so I can't really share it willy nilly.

... then would you believe it, turns out some bugger had already plastered it all over t'internet!


I didn't use optic, but a mainly MO with scratchings of leftover GP and mild. I subbed the 6-row for Pils.

Salts as per spec. and in the boil, as with the invert #2, which I made using the cheats method of golden syrup and molasses.

Kidd XXX next I think, then Fuller's OBE ... and on and on and on.

EDIT: and I used Nottingham, which meant although I hit the OG bang on, it actually finished a bit on the low side and about 5%.
My chocolate porter which turned into a chocolate stout.
Pretty stoked with how this turned out for a kit beer and some grains :)

My chocolate porter which turned into a chocolate stout.
Pretty stoked with how this turned out for a kit beer and some grains :)
Blakie, pass on your recipe?
Heres a my first all grain lager. Brewed a while ago, approx 12 months but not too sure. Not filtered/ no finings. Cc'ed for a couple of weeks and bulk primed. Slightly over carbonated, hence using the larger glass. Served a 2 degrees - photos are from a $90 phone, so apologies about their quality.

