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Looks great Bribie!
Your Irish Red was always tasty. :icon_drool2:
Wouldn't mind one right now what with the missus away until Sunday. :drinks:
I see you've had extensions & renovations? :D
Cream Ale, around 4.5% and quite enjoyable.

Simple recipe, 80% pale malt/20% dextrose, Hallertau Mitt. to 15 IBUs, US05 fermented at 16 degrees.

APA - Pale malt, 5% light crystal.
CTZ and Nugget.

Very happy with this one. Extremely fine, fluffy head...almost nitrogen-y !


JYO Hefe


JYO brewing this like shooting fish in a barrel. I like the yeast character on this more than some other wheat beers I've had - this one has some subtlety and leaves some room for a bit of malt. A well brewed hefe.
Warra's Strong Belgian Ale - This is my last bottle of this amazing beer. Have had one a year for the last three years. It has held up beautifully, still loads of sweet malt and stone fruit esters. Hopefully Warra has the recipe posted somewhere in the bowels of AHB

Cheers for the review, dent.

Dark Mild. Bit of brown malt, medium and dark crystal, some choc, styrians and mangrove's dark ale yeast. Goes down a treat.

jyo said:
Cheers for the review, dent.

Dark Mild. Bit of brown malt, medium and dark crystal, some choc, styrians and mangrove's dark ale yeast. Goes down a treat.

Ah **** yeah!. Brown malt huh?, hmmmmm
This is my latest AIPA called American Party Ale (MkII). Still very young, just kegged a few days ago and it tastes great. Dry hopped with Amarillo, Citra and Cascade, 50% IBU added at 10min with a total of 70 IBU.

A Dark IPA that I made a few weeks ago...that didn't turn out as IPAish as planned...but has turned out quite well balanced and somewhat interesting to drink. Up front you get the toasty roast/coffee/chocolate you'd expect from using a small portion of chocolate/black malt...then you get a well rounded bitterness and the fruity hop combination at the back end (galaxy/citra/centennial and cascade).

All in all...despite not being as hoppy as I intended...quite happy with how it turned out

I found it could over power as you say but I'm keen to try it out again.
English ipa. Perfectly balanced with caraaroma and Brown malt. All east kent goldings and fuggles. **** me boys, this is a winner.
Ill post her up soon if there is any interest.

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