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My first crack at a Belgian Wit, though only 30% unmalted grain. I threw in two cracked cardamom pods at flameout and it has worked really well. Subtle lemon. The wife is asking for one (a Wit that is) every night <_<

View attachment 51652

APA. A bit of a dare from NickJD. I pitched this onto a yeast cake of Wy 1762 Belgian Abbey Ale II @ 17'. Man this has worked surprisingly well.

View attachment 51653
Muummm that Wit is looking good, you maken me thirsty. Your wife was telling me the other day how much she likes it . :ph34r:
Belgian saison with 3724, some wey pils, some victory and some dark wheat (ran out of normal wheat).

Looks like pale beer in a holgate pint glass if you can imagine such a thing. Lacing all the way. Hopped with styrians and spalter.

First tastes last week were really nice except for a faint medicinal character which made me think infection (no chlorine near the brew).

Fortunately whatever was there seems to have dissipated so now it's just a funky, dry, peachy full bodied refreshing summer beer.


My Copperhead. Going down a treat after a weekend on the 'larry'

I'll try and get a nice pic of this later, but it went down beautifully over the weekend.
The coffee addition makes it like having a 50/50 long black & porter.
Upper & downer working in harmony!

Brutal Coffee Porter
A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 25.00 Wort Size (L): 25.00
Total Grain (kg): 6.99
Anticipated OG: 1.058 Plato: 14.266
Anticipated EBC: 61.5
Anticipated IBU: 43.3
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
71.5 5.00 kg. Pale Ale Malt (2-row) Australia 1.037 5
14.3 1.00 kg. JWM Light Munich Australia 1.039 13
7.2 0.50 kg. JWM Crystal 140 Australia 1.037 147
3.6 0.25 kg. JWM Chocolate Malt Australia 1.032 750
1.7 0.12 kg. JWM Roast Barley Australia 1.036 1400
1.7 0.12 kg. Special B Malt Belgian 1.030 236

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.

Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
55.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 4.80 34.9 60 min.
25.00 g. Fuggle Pellet 4.20 5.6 25 min.
10.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 4.80 1.7 15 min.
10.00 g. Fuggle Pellet 4.20 1.1 10 min.

Danstar Windsor

100g roast Coffee (Vittoria) steeped in french press, and added to priming

OG=1058 FG=1010
My Sister in Law returned from Nepal today and brought me a couple of Nepal Ice to try.

Slightly unusual taste that I can't quite place.

Sweet malty aroma, head barely formed and then went in seconds. Medium bitterness.

Refreshing enough, and free beer is good beer!

A Dortmunder Export of sorts - fermented with wyeast 2112 @ 14 degrees.
Been in the keg for almost 6 weeks.
I love filtered / kegged AG homebrew, does not get any better on hot day :super:


My NYE weissbier.

A whole day of force carbing at a higher pressure though the beerout and that's what it pours like out of a beer gun. Really happy.
Sampling my blended lambic schwarzbier tonight.

Figured with the heat lets try something sour, funky and thirst quenching.


Low to minimal carbonation
Musty muted aromas, sour light phenolics
Subtle chocolate flavour, oxidised thin dry finish with a sour tang.
Black in colour, but clear with some garnet highlights on edge of glass.

Needs more carbonation but the 50/50 blend is nowhere near as harsh as the 100% version.

(Will add a link to the 2011 Funky case swap thread also to this post)
My first crack at a Belgian Wit, though only 30% unmalted grain. I threw in two cracked cardamom pods at flameout and it has worked really well. Subtle lemon. The wife is asking for one (a Wit that is) every night <_<

View attachment 51652

My first post in this thread. Its a simple Pale Ale.

1.048, mashed at 65c
80% Ale
20% Wheat
Citra & Cascade at 15mins to 25ibu
Citra & Cascade at 5 to 5ibu

Note - I am not having this now, it was taken last Sunday afternoon.


Since its around 99% humidity, its time for a big ESB,

Hmmm, that Wit is mounting a good argument for inclusion.....

German Pils and Cricket. Is there a more perfect combo??? (Perhaps only a German Pils and the AFL!)
