HeHeHe!I'll ignore the flag in the back - but I have to say good work T_Kiwi! Looks the goods and I hope you enjoy every drop in good health.
Good on you mate.
Sorry champ, rookie error.
She's a top drop :chug:
I knew this wouldn't quite be ready, but I had to try one: My Wizard's Miff. A touch hazy, and tastes a bit green still (only been bottled 9 days) but drinkable.
First pic. is as it poured, the 2nd one I frothed it up using a syringe. Once it had a head of foam it held it quite well.
Pretty happy for my 1st attempt, and I think it will improve as it conditions longer. Planning another of these, but using the Cooper's larger can that came with my kit instaed of the Black Rock colonial larger, and the rest from one of the site sponsors. I hope using in-date ingredients and having a temperature controlled fermentation will improve it further.
If you like your lagers with a bit of roasty/choc flavour, give this one a go!
Schwartzbier Mk3:
Recipe, etc here:
Schwartz thread linky
Belgian Tripel 9.9%
Pours a golden honey colour with a thick white fluffy head.
Aroma is instantly that belgian herbaceaus, floral nose.
Carbonation is medium high - spot on.
Immediately hit with the alcohol on first taste. Crisp on the palate, with most sensation to the back of the roof of the mouth. Then a sweetness shines through.
No fruitiness what so ever.
brewer = mikk.
Thank you mikk!
View attachment 46165
My wife likes it. Said it makes me look better after 1 and now we're off to have a spa..... :beer: