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Rogue Yellow Snow IPA - I'm just going to go right ahead and second everything fourstar said about this beer on the last page (if not only to save everyone from my lack of vocabulary to describe what I'm tasting). Except that I would take his one slight criticism a little further. I think the hopping schedule is kinda flawed. It is a very good beer but the bittering is very rough and although I do love Amarillo I don't feel it has the backbone to star alone when used so aggressively (which I'm pretty disappointed with because I was looking forward to something like a big JSGA). I don't mean to look like I'm down on this beer - I will get it again but it does feel like it could have been so much more.

[EDIT: stuff]
I have just got back from a 3 week long working trip to PNG.

I was stuck in a work camp in the mountains in the center of the country, and it was a dry camp <_<

On sunday A workmate and I left site for a couple weeks before we return.

We got into Port Morsby airport at 8:30am and went preety much strait to the bar :)

first up was the Niugini Ice


It was tastelsess and a bit sweet. It just didnt have enough bitterness and wasnt dry enough to be what it wanted to be. It did have a touch of maltiness and went down well as the first beer in 3 weeks of on site misery in a 3rd world country.

Next up was SP (south pacific) Lager.


This was basicly PNG's VB. It was a bit rough around the edges but still quite drinkable.

We then relocated to the Airways Hotel in Port Morsby. A scary ride in what passes as a taxi in PNG, no meter running, no mirrors on the car, no seatbelts. We went through multiple security check points......... scary looking guards stering at us and seeing we were white, asking...... "reception or pool side?"

We said POOL SIDE!

There were NRL Players showing up while we were there, mid 30 temps, 5 star service and $3 beers.................. we were in heaven!

we decided to try the SP Gold, a midstrength lager. Comparable to XXXX Gold which is a beer i will drink at the pub if im driving. Once again, it was just comercial swill but it was clean, crisp and had a nice body for a 3.5% beer. QUite enjoyable!


Then with lunch we tried the South Pacific Export.


Now this was the beer i enjoyed the most! It had bitterness, it had a mild hopiness. It had a character and a quenching bitter dry finnish that complimented the climate sooooooooooo well. When in PNG again the Export will be my beer of choice.

PS.......... sorry for the crappy phone pics.

Strangely enough saw that exact same glass of the south pacific export at St Vinnies at Mt Pritchard (Sydney South West) today (except without the beer in it:() PNG sounds like an adventure!
Yeah they sell the glasses in the airport shops.

Adventure is one word you could use i supose :unsure:

The local tribespeople stand on the road into the mine site with machete's and stare at you like you came to kill their children and the cutlary constantly goes missing from the mess hall to be turned into weapons by the local workers (over 2000 of them on site). We find all the spoon and fork heads after they are snapped off so the handle can be sharpened up to make a spear head.

No ****!

Endless rain, endless mud, endless insects, horible, sometimes rotton food, 90 hr weeks with no days off and NO ALCAHOL ON SITE!. When the sun is out it burns you to a crisp.

I lost over 4kg in 2 1/2 weeks there

But hey.......... its tough times and i need the money :)

Lindemans Rene cuvee Kriek.

Light frothy rosy pink head, deep red/merlot in appearance. Sweet and acdic on the nose with some fruit. slight vinegar, mosty fruit with allot fo sourness.. lots of lactic sourness.

Onto the palate the lactic continues.. very tart, cherry with deep vinegar tartness on the finish. Thin mouthfeel with high carbonation. Almost like drinking liquified mega warheads. awesome. Everymothful s met with a wall of sourness with fruit taking the backseat but its still there for the ride. interesting beer indeed.


Tried this on Sunday night.

Natte from Brouwerij 't IJ. This from the website:

"Natte is what we call a double beer, similar to a Trappist beer.
It is a red-brown colour, brewed with soft-bitter hop and 20% caramel malt."

Very much a funky beer from my tasting. Not dissimilar to Orval.
Has that horse blanket, earthy aroma. Tastes of malt, cherry type fruitiness, some bitterness.
Would say they use brettanomyces in fermentation.

I have only tried a few of these type beers and have to say I am really developing a liking to them.
Great beer for mine.


Rocks Brewing 1809 Pale Ale - under Real Cube dispense. Malt, hops, malt, hops, balance, it ROCKS!

Tried this on Sunday night.

Natte from Brouwerij 't IJ. This from the website:

"Natte is what we call a double beer, similar to a Trappist beer.
It is a red-brown colour, brewed with soft-bitter hop and 20% caramel malt."

Very much a funky beer from my tasting. Not dissimilar to Orval.
Has that horse blanket, earthy aroma. Tastes of malt, cherry type fruitiness, some bitterness.
Would say they use brettanomyces in fermentation.

I have only tried a few of these type beers and have to say I am really developing a liking to them.
Great beer for mine.


Nice choice Arab... Sounds quite similar to a Flanders Brown Ale? Save for the bitterness.

Warren -
A couple from last night


Red Hill Brewery Hop Harvest Ale, This beer had the most intense floral aroma (slightly citrusy) straight out of the bottle that i've ever noticed in a commercial beer, The lowish carbonation was perfect for the med to thick body of this beer. It's a beautiful malty drop that was well balanced with a lovely resiny hop flavour. This was a real treat for me as i've been unlucky with a lot of micros lately (infected brews) And it was nice do taste a beer of this quality from an Australian Micro thats just on the other side of the bay. Me thinks i'll be visiting soon :icon_cheers:


Holgate 's Hopinator, This beer was everything i'd hoped it would be, Massive hop flavour and a huge malty/caramel backbone. It was Resiny as hell and each mouthfull made me want more oohhh i love double Ipa's. Again another local brewery that'll be on the list and an awesome Australian Micro :beerbang:

Now all that's left is to try Red Hill's Scotch Ale woo hoo
BUlp how many Dipa's have you had, I also had the holgate one last night and it is a awful beer, poorcarbonatoin, off flavours all over the place and for a double IPAS, not much bitterness or aroma
BUlp how many Dipa's have you had, I also had the holgate one last night and it is a awful beer, poorcarbonatoin, off flavours all over the place and for a double IPAS, not much bitterness or aroma

I've had a few commercial examples Sinkas, Jamiesons being one of my fav's and i spose you'd call the Meantime ipa a double and i loved that too, I'd probably agree with you on the bitterness being not as high as it should be but the carbonation was spot on and i couldn't detect any off flavours it also had a really nice intense resiny hop aroma
I aint no beer judge but i knows what i likes and i likes'd it . Maybe the one you copped was a bit old or mistreated don't know, i'd definately like to try it off tap. :icon_cheers:
i spose you'd call the Meantime ipa a double

Can someone clarify this for me? I didn't try this one because when I was recommended it by someone he went on to also recommend the JS IPA but said it was more aggressive than the Meantime. In my mind that puts the Meantime pretty far outside of 2IPA territory.
Can someone clarify this for me? I didn't try this one because when I was recommended it by someone he went on to also recommend the JS IPA but said it was more aggressive than the Meantime. In my mind that puts the Meantime pretty far outside of 2IPA territory.

Gday Bum (there i typed it :p )

I really love both beers the JS IPA imho is no where near the Meantime Ipa in maltiness nor hoppiness, don't get me wrong i really like squires ipa but the meantime is higher gravity with massive amounts of hopping, its a thick malty resiny killer english IPA. I think the squires IPA is more of a session beer . In my opinion the Meantime would be close to a Double IPA because of its gravity,body, hop levels etc etc.... Give it a try mate if you can find it, i haven't heard any bad reports from anyone here.
My first Holgate Mt Macedon Ale - an absolute gusher, took over 5 minutes to stop. Not getting much from the hops but bitterness and the malt is way out of balance but obviously the beer is not as intended so I dunno if it is fair to judge based on this bottle.
[rant] I have almost given up on tasting micro brewed beers in the bottle - mostly I wait till I can get it on tap. Or - I reserve judgment about the brewers skill till I have tried the beer on tap as well as bottled

Unfortunately - I just don't think that the small breweries in Aus are (usually) able to maintain good levels of quality consistency in their bottled product. Holgate is a perfect example for me. His beers are awesome, he doesn't make a bad one and he makes a few bloody exceptional beers. They are among my favorites... but, I have never, not once had a good bottle of Holgate beer. And I am not talking having tried two or three of these, this is over dozens of attempts. It's never as good as it should be. Yet the beer is beautiful on tap!

Goat is the same, even in Melbourne. And to be perfectly honest - its such a common theme that I have given up. Murray's Beers ... you all know how good they are. But I thought they were lousy, till someone shipped over a keg and I tried one on tap. Amazing.

I have a three strikes policy with beers - I wont call a beer irredeemably bad till I have tried it three times. Could have been a bad bottle, could have been me having a bad palate day... I figure three bad ones means its probably bad.

Now I am not saying that bottled micros are always bad - or that every micro has bottling issues. Its just that it is so very common that they do, that nowadays I don't even include bottled versions in my three count - I almost expect them to be faulty and I try to avoid them at all if possible.

Wait till you can get it on tap - and if you cant wait, reserve a little of your judgment [/rant]

[rant] I have almost given up on tasting micro brewed beers in the bottle - mostly I wait till I can get it on tap. Or - I reserve judgment about the brewers skill till I have tried the beer on tap as well as bottled

Unfortunately - I just don't think that the small breweries in Aus are (usually) able to maintain good levels of quality consistency in their bottled product. Holgate is a perfect example for me. His beers are awesome, he doesn't make a bad one and he makes a few bloody exceptional beers. They are among my favorites... but, I have never, not once had a good bottle of Holgate beer. And I am not talking having tried two or three of these, this is over dozens of attempts. It's never as good as it should be. Yet the beer is beautiful on tap!

Goat is the same, even in Melbourne. And to be perfectly honest - its such a common theme that I have given up. Murray's Beers ... you all know how good they are. But I thought they were lousy, till someone shipped over a keg and I tried one on tap. Amazing.

I have a three strikes policy with beers - I wont call a beer irredeemably bad till I have tried it three times. Could have been a bad bottle, could have been me having a bad palate day... I figure three bad ones means its probably bad.

Now I am not saying that bottled micros are always bad - or that every micro has bottling issues. Its just that it is so very common that they do, that nowadays I don't even include bottled versions in my three count - I almost expect them to be faulty and I try to avoid them at all if possible.

Wait till you can get it on tap - and if you cant wait, reserve a little of your judgment [/rant]


Well I disagree on the recent Holgates bottled beers. I had a rep(not from Holgates) drop off a mixed 6 pack of their beers 2 weeks ago, his business is based in Woodend. I have had 2 Mt Macedons, a White Ale, Big Reg and ESB and they were all in stellar condition. Best before dates were early 2010. Now he hand carried these over so perhaps the issue is the transporting of the bottles?

Samuel Smith's Old Brewery Pale Ale

Copper/burnt orange in appearance, creamy head. Sweet, toffee like aroma with some malty nuttiness. Rather clean fermentation profile, some slight fruity esters.

Full to meduim mouthfeel with moderate carbontion. Toffee and nutty biscuit maltiness on the palate complemented with a firm bitterness. The malt profile is quite good with some sweet caramel coming through to balance. The finish is rather toasty, offset with a slight hoppy creaminess and fruit profile. The hop flavour is qutie floral. A decent beer, kept me coming back for more!

Cheers! :icon_cheers:

Just got a few good internationals. Drinking the pils now! reminds me of my europe travels! beinge a coopers club member i got a free six pack with my carton of 08 vintage! I have not tasted there 09 yet but im looking forward to it!
The Grandfather II Barleywine at the Bootleg Brewery. Dangerously balanced 9.1% aged in Chardonnay Oak Barrels. I'm inspired to brew something like this :icon_drool2: .
Rogue - Dry hopped, St. Rogue Red.

Deep copper to red in appearance, thick and lacy tan creamy head. Slight hop haze as per the description on the bottle. Quite 'C' hoppy aroma which has been offset with a deep crystal sweetness which takes the front seat.

High carbonation with a meduim to full mouthfeel. A high hop bitterness and a citrusy balanced hop flavour shoots through on this with a mellow nuttiness from the malt. Overall a great balance and finishes crystal sweet on the palate. A very quaffable beer. Was 10x better on tap @ the US beer spectapular. Either way its an awesesome US amber/red. i have just got to get my hands on their AAA again. It blew my mind! :icon_drool2:

Cheers! :icon_cheers:
