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Tasty .. Don't notice the high ABV, very well balanced Imperial American Brown Ale!!
Mikkeler Brunch Weasel and Karl Strauss Tower 10 were last nights effort. Some Garage Project cans were the stars tonight. All the beers mentioned were great for different reasons. I love craft beer!
Not my own brew.

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It's a keg filler.
Grain and grape New World Ale.
Pretty bloody nice.

Pratty1 said:
Better than Russian river.....bold claim...lol
I could have worded my statement better but what i meant was that i picked up both Russian River Consecration and Supplication and also the Sang Noir, the latter was better in my opinion.

Still, both breweries are listed on Beeradvocate and Ratebeer as world class and specialize in sours (Cascade solely) so i don't think it's that bold a statement to make.

Perhaps your confusing this US Cascade with the Australian Cascade?
Batz said:
A few nice beers by Anchor Brewing Co. today, I had their tin signs in my brew room for sometime.
The Californian Lager is a lot like XXXX because of the use of cluster hops. Liberty Ale is nice.

Sorry to hear about your mum.
Rouge - Double Chocolate Stout

Fantastic! Awesome choclate aroma :icon_drool2:

Stone Brewing - Arrogant Bastard

100% Chinook - its no wonder this baby is selling out faster than they can make it :super:

The red colour comes from 6% Crystal 150L - The malt bill from research is 91% 2 Row, 6% Crystal 150L and 3% Special B

Ballast Point - Sculpin IPA

Fruity hop combo with a solid bitterness - great AIPA.

Probably my fave at the mo.

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Always loved it on tap whenever I had the pleasure , glad it is in a bottle now.

No picky sorry guys but hawthorn IPA, not too shabby except on the hop schedule, an easy drinker. Just got it in at work and a carton down to the chefs for tasting purposes, I promise. It's not too expensive but will give bang for the buck, don't expect a big IPA on alco or hops but it seems to fall into, in my mind a summer ale type category. There is just not enough hops for a real IPA. If I'm wrong please assist. It was/are a nice easy drinker dulled down for the Aussie pallet.

A couple of favorites I had lately.

Stone - Ruinten

Amazing. Massive marmalade, citrus, resin sugar syrup. Perfect.

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Brew Dog - Paradox (Heaven Hill)

This might just be my new favorite BA RIS. Shared a bottle with Nev (and previously with keifer too) and it just goes down so damn smooth for 15%.

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Rodenbach - Vintage 2011

This might have been the best beer I had all break.

Red wine vinegar, sherry, sour cherries, plum syrup, a touch of honey and some honey and smooth vanilla which I assume comes from the barrel.

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^ RuinTen is a beer I will never forget mate!

I had a Ruination all the way in NZ today, you could tell it travelled but it was still not bad.

Had a Karl Strauss Mosaic session ale from a Fill Your Own and it was fantastic! 5.5% of YOU BEAUTY! Also watched the mighty ABs win so that may have helped the good times roll also.

Happy Fathers Day to all in here. Bring back Northside Novice and his cellar of awesomeness!
Opened two bottles of. Bling IPA that came with the discounted Speigelau IPA glass & both were gushers. Lost about 1/3 of each bottle & the beer was thin & over carbed. To make matters worse, I've got 7 more bottles to go. Makes it seem like less of a bargain.
Day of the Dead Brewery - Mexico

Hop on or Die - IPA

Great beer, very hoppy and solid bittering charge :icon_drool2:

Brew Cult - Super Fly


Rye is only low but fits well with the malt, not overly hoppy nor bitter.

Very well balanced beer.

I think I posted a few months back about a Sam Adams triple bock that was like a jar of vegemite. In the interests of fairness, I should mention I got 2 bottles and cracked the 2nd tonight.
Very different experience. The cork still crumbled when I tried yto open it and the aroma still burns the back of the nostrils but this one is a vastly different experience.
Syrupy, rich, thick, coats the tongue. Pours flat, no head (expected). Flavourwise it's sweet with a distinct wood character and a sharper, more herbaceous character that reminds me of chartreuse.
Definitely a different beast from bottle 1.
Followed by heretic torment.
Deep copper, off white head that reduces quickly.
Aroma of currants and bread, low carbonation, flavour of rich dried fruit, mixed peel, cake, honey and sherry flavours. Sweet, less dry than rochefort for example but not syrup. Actually a gorgeous beer. No hot alcohol.
Had to get a mention, brewdog punk IPA, nice balanced IPA but more something you would reach for more often, rather than just having the one or two.

Not quite what I was expecting but still a great bargain, wouldn't fork out $90 for a slab though.
