#3 Dogfish Head 'Palo Santo Marron' Brown Ale (2014)
Good Lord. Brown Ale? More like double imperial brown ale (if that style exists?) - this big f*cker weighs in at 12% alc/vol!
Wish I had looked at the potency of this feller when I'd organised tonights "tasting" session. I thought it was just a US Brown Ale.
Interesting write up on the bottle…
"An unfiltered, unfettered, unprecedented BROWN ALE aged in handmade wooden brewing vessels. The caramel and vanilla complexity unique to this ale comes from the exotic Paraguayan Palo Santo wood from which these tanks were created…"
Initial aroma was pretty amazing. Upon pouring it, I thought I was getting banana. On closer inspection, I must admit, I'm not sure exactly what the aroma is… but I like it (other than the alcohol which is noticeable). Smells a tiny bit vanilla - without the sweetness, but with alcohol in the background.
The flavour/taste is impressive. For a 12% beer, it hides the alcohol - which I always rate as a good quality (want to taste alcohol, drink vodka!). You know the alcohol's there, and there's a fair bit of malt sweetness afoot, as well as some mildly roasted malt.
A wonderfully complex beer that is sure to play havoc with the rest of my "tasting" session. Lol.
To be honest, I'd probably prefer it with a little less alcohol. For what it
is, nicely balanced. 8.5/10