Whats In The Glass (commercial)

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Haand Byrggeriet Farewell Ale
Brewed to farewell or honour the dead and wish them well in the afterlife.

Dark and rich with a hint of spiciness. Dangerously drinkable for 7.5%.

I'd say I'd like people to drink this to toast me when I go but if I'm not around to enjoy it then you might as well all be drinking Hahn Super Dry...

View attachment 45025

Ben I definitely won't be drinking Hahn Super Dry at your funeral. I'd want something to get me drunk really quickly, like Toohey's Extra Dry Platinum. :icon_vomit:

As an aside, you guys posting pictures really need to brush up on your beer presentation skills! Some of those shots put me off the beer, despite the reviews!

Of course, this is coming from a complete hypocrite who has never posted a beer in this thread... :ph34r:

Cheers - Snow.
A confession....

I've been necking Melbourne Bitter for the last 2 weeks during my stint at a winery during vintage (aka cleaning out presses, tanks etc). After 12 hour days in the winery i am physically exhausted. I volunteered for this :blink:

I (finally) understand the concept of a lawnmower beer. Something that i can drink in a few gulps and feel refreshed. I was a little ashamed at first to be enjoying the MB but now grab an extra for drive home.

This scientist has never worked so hard in his whole life. A big cheers to those of you who have physical jobs, i now appreciate hard work (i do work hard but it's my brain that does the work normally and with the help of hour lunch breaks, 9-5 and a few coffee breaks to boot i have nothing to complain about). 6am starts, 6pm finishes, 30 min lunch break if i am lucky. Only 7 more days of this **** left and i can go back to my normal working life.

Will i still rate Melbourne Bitter? :icon_drunk:


p.s. took a case of my bo pils in and the winemakers (and fellow cellar rats hands ) have enjoyed it immensely but given my thirst for MB i am not sure how much i can take away from that.......
A confession....

I've been necking Melbourne Bitter for the last 2 weeks during my stint at a winery during vintage (aka cleaning out presses, tanks etc). After 12 hour days in the winery i am physically exhausted. I volunteered for this :blink:

I (finally) understand the concept of a lawnmower beer. Something that i can drink in a few gulps and feel refreshed. I was a little ashamed at first to be enjoying the MB but now grab an extra for drive home.

This scientist has never worked so hard in his whole life. A big cheers to those of you who have physical jobs, i now appreciate hard work (i do work hard but it's my brain that does the work normally and with the help of hour lunch breaks, 9-5 and a few coffee breaks to boot i have nothing to complain about). 6am starts, 6pm finishes, 30 min lunch break if i am lucky. Only 7 more days of this **** left and i can go back to my normal working life.

Will i still rate Melbourne Bitter? :icon_drunk:


p.s. took a case of my bo pils in and the winemakers (and fellow cellar rats hands ) have enjoyed it immensely but given my thirst for MB i am not sure how much i can take away from that.......
Sounds all too familiar.

The boss went out a bought a case of Coronas after the last day picking this vintage.
After 8 hours out in the heat wading my way through tonnes of Petit Verdot, an ice cold cerveza hit the spot like nothing else.
Nogne O Sweet Horizon. 14% ABV. It was like drinking rum and raisin chocolate. I love Rum and Raisin chocolate.
Nogne O Sweet Horizon. 14% ABV. It was like drinking rum and raisin chocolate. I love Rum and Raisin chocolate.
:icon_drool2: Jealous!

What number/vintage is that one?
I'm waiting for the right occasion to crack open the Batch #2 I bought a couple of years back.

Batch number: 372
Brewed: 30/06/2008

I bought two bottles of it, both from the same batch :)
There comes a time in every brewer's life when they find that special beer...

much enjoyed the 4 pack...... damn these guys can brew!


I think this will become quite a regular purchase from Aldi, ten bucks a six pack, and a damn fine Hefe
Crappy image but a cracker of a beer. Lovely hop aroma, then a surprising choc/roastiness on a long finish.

Face it Tony. With all due respect, just admit you like in-your-face US hop flavours. :p

Yeah i have always been the APA nazi on here...... but every now and then a brewer creates a US hop driven beer that just gets it right for my taste buds. This aint perfect, but hot damn if i could make it just like this i would buy a lor more US hops!
Yeah i have always been the APA nazi on here...... but every now and then a brewer creates a US hop driven beer that just gets it right for my taste buds. This aint perfect, but hot damn if i could make it just like this i would buy a lor more US hops!

My favourite commercial brew too. Dying to try it on tap. One of these days must head back to Aberdeen and sample the Brewdog pub.
Paulaner Octoberfest, 1L can (can you imagine the damage if you could get a cube of these!) with the 'oh I just can't resist' 1L stein at Dan's. 1.5 long necks of 6.5%.........

Its lager, but oh so malty. You can SMELL the malt in this beer. Begging for some roasty/porky/crackling/knuckle/haxen goodness, or some fatty/hoofs/lips/arseholes sausage with senf.

What is the base malt for this beer How can it smell so fresh out of aluminium?
LC Mrzen.

I'd always pray that LC weren't going to do a lager for one of their single batches. Now i'm glad they did ;)
Is it just me or does most (see: all) Little Creatures beers have head retention problems?

Mountain Goat Black IPA

This was delicious. Had a wonderfully citrusy and floral hopbag aroma, but drank like a nice roasty stout which wasn't too heavy on the palate. Superb.

Mikkeller Beer Hop Breakfast.

This was more of a Hop driven stout than a black IPA. Piney and a little citursy, but mostly bitter stout. Was lovely too.

Mitch :D
Mildura Brewery Choc Hop Stout..........

Quite an interesting beer this one, very light body for a stout, nicely balanced and for once a stout that even my wife will drink......Went back and bought a case (8 bottles) today after trying one last night.

HaandBrygeriet 'Norwegian Wood' I'm having trouble describing this. It smells woody, tastes lightly smoked, and kind of stewed fruity, which i'm assming is the Juniper berries (I've never tasted them before so it is a stab in the dark). Only 2 things I can fault with this beer. It's a little overcarbed, so it's mouthfeel is a little lighter than I like and the Missus really likes it. So I had to part with the other bottle. A very Bittersweet moment is was as I poured her a glass.
