Bit of time on my hands this arvo. Time for an Aussie Imperial Stout taste off!

The lineup

1st contender: Red Duck Ox

2nd contender: Murrays Wild Thing 2010

3rd contender: Murrays Wild Thing 2008...ish

Taken 10 minutes after pouring the beers; if a picture paints 1000 words...
I'm really glad I did this lineup of beers. Not because i'm getting pissed on a Tuesday night; that's just the consequence of good research; but because the results are very conclusive and prove a far as i'm concerned anyway.
The Ox, whilst a very nicely flavoured beer, really doesn't seem enough like an Imperial Stout IMO...and compared to the other two. Very sweet, not particularly roasty and somewhat fruity/estery, it seems like more of a Belgian Dark strong ale.
The '10 Wild Thing on the other hand has all you'd expect from an American-style IS...lots of roasted malt, lots of hops, lots of bitterness, lots of alcohol. Very aggressive and intense, and I would be ranting and raving about it like no one elses business, but...
...It has an older sister, and she's amazing!
Like a vintage port, this beer has just taken on the most amazing transformation, and in just a couple of years! All the rough edges are rounded off and your left with a ridiculously complex yet velvety smooth black beer that i've never come across a rival to. A testament to patience, and still has further aging potential!
Long(er) story short; good imperial stouts are great when young, but i'd really considering buying one, or more, for the cellar!