What Is The Next Step Up From K&k?

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I think there is a little bit of "sensitive type" in us all hey Jase.......

Oh yea, especially in me ! I'm your typical church mouse in real life, and the internet is where I hide my kittenish day-to-day persona. Katie, you are very perceptive, almost to the point that I feel, well, violated by your insight.

I'm going home to have a hand crafted AG beer! mmmm which one will I have.... :icon_chickcheers:
I'm going to someone elses home to drink their handcrafted beer instead of my own :icon_drunk:

I'm going home to have a hand crafted AG beer! mmmm which one will I have.... :icon_chickcheers:

But I thought you were a PP disciple Katie

So that would be

"I'm going home to have a hand crafted BIAB beer! mmmm which one will I have...."

And thats different innit.

Still, I think AG in any apartment (unless you have a 500 square metre penthouse with gardens!) is a bit ambitious.

I've done more than a hundred AGs in our apartment. Ambitious - perhaps. Crazy - definitely. :icon_cheers:
Geez Stuster! How do you manage it? I've only got a 2 bed + study joint and I can't imagine trying it.

What's your secret, dude?

Cheers - Fermented.
A balcony and a garage.

Oh, and lots of trips up and down the stairs. :rolleyes:
I intend to start doing BIAB in our apartment next year, on the stove, 60L pot straddling all four gas burners if I need it...

My fermenters have just been moved from under the kitchen table to down in the garage for summer.....

I can see me doing to wide legged walk up and down the stairs a few times...
Garage? Fookin' loooxury!

I've got a parking space, uncovered and insecure, but at least it has an automatic roller door. Well, I did have it until I bought the missus some new wheels and put mine out in the street. Oh well... at least I get to drive it on weekends.

Cheers - Fermented.
I don't own a car anymore and our garage has always been a storage location....

It even has carpet....And my spare stereo with the big speakers set up....
Lucky bugger. :) Sounds like you have the right kinda "man's den" happening there.

Cheers - Fermented.
I look at it as a journey.

K&K, K&B, extract, partial, AG. I'm not there yet but I am happy to go at my own pace. I figure if you jump straight to AG you miss lots of things on the way. If you fly from Sydney to Brisbane you get there quick but you miss a lot of interesting places and fun things to do. Yes it takes time but who's in a rush? Even when you get to AG there can be a journey - BIAB, the No Chill thrill, milling you own grain, upgrading you kit. :zen .. (where's the little zen face?)
Just coz I'm a sh*t:

And I would hope that hand milling with a mortar & pestle is de rigueur, electric mills seems like cheating to me, for it takes so much of the precious experience away........

You forgot about harnessing the sun's rays to boil and I'm not talking about namby-pamby solar panels. :lol:

...a little less EGO!!!!!!

Awwww, Katie! Where's the fun in that?

As for the direction of this topic, let's think if it was transposed to a round-table at the pub...
...Unless of course there's a sensitive type among us, then we'd all have to walk on eggshells so as not to upset any notions of social sensibilities.

I agree and thank you for noticing. :huh: ;)

make beer... not war

Awwww, Katie! Where's the fun in that? Ooh, sorry, Brendo. :p

Edit: I never knew there was a limit on how many emoticons could be used!
Don't you AG guys get someone to grow and roast the grain for you???

Surely you don't have total control???

Yep, just like the Micro's and big brewers do. During quite a long sword isnt it <_<

Good luck, enjoy, and of course "relax, don't worry, have a homebrew" :beer: (can I get sued for saying that?)
So, do you know any good photographers? ;)

Chillax, be real. It is a highly respected tradition on this forum, although I am not necessarily speaking for anyone else, that readers/forumers will respond to a request to have another beer. I can't believe that a bloke who could speak that sentence would ever sue anyone for using it. It's free publicity for him if you spread the word.
Tonight I had an all-grain clone of Fullers London Pride. Best beer I've made with this recipe. I used a WLP002 that I saved from a PoMo beer in a previous NSW case swap. Fruity and malty, with enough hop bite to balance. I'll save one for the Goatherder. Sometimes you like a beer too much too notice that there's anything wrong with it. He'll let me know, and it will be good BJCP practice. Maybe even a judging sheet? This is also another game that can be played when you step up to the big-league of all-grain. Just jokes, Joyce. :lol:

Les out :p
I think it was Papazian who quipped along the lines of "Best beer in the world, the one one I've got in my hand right now".
Now he is certainly correct but where "homebrew" has fallen down for years, certainly from my observations here in Australia, is within the group of "brewers" who having made their first kit undergo some form of epithany where forever more the commercial product, which no doubt they had been drinking for years, becomes megaswill and their own particular brew is nothing short of fantastic, this group ridicules those who find the HB not to their peronal taste as running lackeys of the megaswill conglomerates. They see their own particular brand of beer, complete with diacetyl, acetaldehyde, rank fermentation problems, and a KFC of phenolics, fusels, cardboard, and cats piss on a hot tin roof as superior, as real beer should taste and no doubt, for their own individual taste may be correct but the average consumer (the ridiculed one with an apparent taste for swill) finds that the product tastes like, lets face it, homebrew.
Now, fortunately most, if not all of the contributors to this forum are not in that group. To the contary they strive to make good beer, the best beer they can and to a large extent they do.
Arguing senselessly and needlessly about the merits or otherwise of kit or extract or AG is pointless.
Most homebrewing in the States is by way of extract plus specialty grains and yes I grant you they have a much wider range of specialty extracts available but this is only in response to market demand.
Infections aside, the most dismal homebrew beers I have ever tasted or for that matter made are AG and I have tasted a lot of beers and judged a lot of beers.
Get your basic techniques correct with KandK (following the ThirstyBoy Manifesto is as good an advice as anyone could give you).
Learn that beer has faults, learn what they are, how to identify them and finally how to reduce the impact on your beer.
If you can take a fresh basic kit, a kilo of sugar and please some decent yeast (say US05) and make from that a bland, but easy to drink beer (how some describe megaswill) then you well on the way to being a champion brewer. Use these techniques and then start ramping your beer up.


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