What Did You Do This Weekend?

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Homer is God
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Finally got around to fixing the upstairs ceiling at home today.

Ripped down the old gyprock - previous owners had done a dodgy patch job after replacing the Hot Water service, spots were sagging, etc - installed a whole new piece, new manhole timber edges, and a lot neater cornice work.

Big thanks to my Father for his help and direction... the cornices went up an absolute treat.

A few piccies of before, during and after.

Next to paint, then get the a/c installed prior to summer! Mmmmmmm coolness finally...!!!! :super:




What did you do this weekend?
The prospect of collingwood loosing and actually experiencing it,helps me whittle away a weekend. :mellow:
What did you do this weekend?
I sat the BJCP exam with a few other fellow Sandgropers!

Amazingly enough I even knew a few of the answers and managed to spot the dodgy beer in the tasting :ph34r:
finally got my old tractor going that has been stuck in the paddock....bloody fuel pump...put an electric one on , bleed the hell out of it, bit of aerostart and away it went :party:

Damn thing runs awsome on old chip oil.. :super:
Finally got around to fixing the upstairs ceiling at home today.

Do they make extra tall step ladders? :lol:

Prepping stuff for brewday tomorrow with Muckey and Nige.....2 recipes, 60L per recipe...120L output for the day. So up at half past a sparrows fart....
Had to help the FIL change his rear brakes on the bits are shitty, because he had no idea. He managed to fark the piston on the calliper, so i spent most of the arvo stuffing around with that. We prolly would have fixed it had I not been drinking my dark ale all arvo. Woke up a bit fuzzy this am, he back out there now messing with it so I'll have to go out there soon and fix another one of his f**kups, won't be drinkin' this early I tells ya that.
Absolutely Nowt.

Watched motorsport on TV including British Touring Cars on 'One'.

Drank a few Squire IPA and some various HBs.

Looks like same program for today :icon_cheers: except got to get a brew bottled if I have the time.
finally got my old tractor going that has been stuck in the paddock....bloody fuel pump...put an electric one on , bleed the hell out of it, bit of aerostart and away it went :party:

Damn thing runs awsome on old chip oil.. :super:
Aerostart sure is the can of 'don't argue' for most recalcitrant diesel engines, I used to use just a sniff of it on our old Southern Cross YC stationary engine on cold mornings, occasionally the tractor wanted a snort too.
A pal of mine had an old diesel SWB Landie which was often a pure PITA to start, he used to pop the aircleaner lid off, and just drench the element in aerostart. When he fired it up, the knocking was just outrageous and would probably register on a seismograph, I stood well back because it sounded like any second it was going to throw a leg out of bed and bits of crankcase and piston would be flying around. They must make Landrovers tough the poms, he said he'd been starting it that way for ages. Those were happy days, but I never had him start our old YC, thank goodness...
Had a small casual bbq last night after visiting my grandmother in hospital. Man I am sore.
I sat the BJCP exam with a few other fellow Sandgropers!

Amazingly enough I even knew a few of the answers and managed to spot the dodgy beer in the tasting :ph34r:

Well done to the lads. Easy exam to pass, hard to do well, and a #%$^&load of writing in a small time...
Did 2 shifts at work. Bought some wonton wrappers whilst in Chinatown. Riverfire fireworks display was on last night and the train home at 10pm was full like a Japanese bullet train then 2 Poms got on at Eagle Junction with pushbikes. Unbelievable. Usually the train is empty at that time unless theres a Broncos or Roar game on and then it's full of football droids who have no train etiquette.

Making tonight - off to Woolies and get some pork mince.

Mate was round on Thursday night and brought 3 CSA tallies and we got so pissed off the kegerator we forgot to drink them, found them this morning so I'll do a CSA clone tomorrow and culture up the yeast from the tallies that I am going to drink starting at 4 pm :chug: :chug: :chug:
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Dropped the wife at work yesterday, then spent the day entertaining the little one, went to her friends 3rd birthday and drank a bit too much last night with the wife.

Just got home from our first beach swim for the season, she great. Now to sort out dinner for tonight and then I can start dreading the return to work tomorrow...

EDIT: Michael, you are an inspiration, after your post I suggested wonton soup to the wife, and luckily enough one of our many asian cookbooks has a recipe...
OMG how can you swim at this time of the year? First time I ever went into the water in Sydney at Harbord on New Years day a few years ago I turned blue and screamed :eek:
Brewed a double (rice lager).... drank to much beer! again.

Pollux swimming, freezing.

Kangaroo Burgers for dinner tonight! We have some sun so a bbq is looking good. Thinking of cracking a beer! Yes Pollux I failed! Miserbly!
Would it be out of place if I said I brewed some beer, bottled some beer, racked some beer and drank some beer?

Also made some candi sugar, drank some cider, visited a friend in hospital, had farewell drinks with a friend, went to a gig and wrote some music.

Working tonight, should write up a thesis topic proposal at some point too.

I also spent time on the internet.
Why is everyone so shocked at our swimming??

It's 32deg here right now, which for us sydney folk equates to HOT.....

Shopping for dinner all done, we don't have to go anywhere else today.........First beers already poured.
It's the water temperature I'm referring to, here on Bribie in the summer you jump into the sea and go "aahhhh". At Freshwater beach, Harbord I jumped in and my life flashed before my eyes . AAAARRRRGGGG :unsure:

Now, my favourite beach activity in Sydney is sitting at a window-sill position at the Steyne Hotel slurping a Stella and watching the chix on the Corso/Beachfront :icon_cheers:
Spent Friday evening at Augustiner Beer Garden in Salzburg.
Saturday drove to Prague via Cesky Krumlov.
Today listening to the Eels Dragons game online then checking out the city.
Monday heading to Pilsner Urquell.
I hate you Josh :)

I also hate that I have to bottle 3 and a bit fermenters of beer. Man I need to go to kegging soon.
I drained a keg last night with a few of the boys giving me a hand, keged one today and currently have a brew on the stove boiling away.

