What Did You Do This Weekend?

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Spent Friday evening at Augustiner Beer Garden in Salzburg.
Saturday drove to Prague via Cesky Krumlov.
Today listening to the Eels Dragons game online then checking out the city.
Monday heading to Pilsner Urquell.

Check and mate :icon_chickcheers:

Saturday brewed a weizen for our daughters baptism next Sunday.
Pitched the yeast today and worked on final corrections for my thesis as suggested by the examiners. Ten chapters down, only two to go.
got abck from a 3 week tour of Vietnam and 3 days of Singapore. Spent all day today sleeping, eating and you guessed it. beer related jobs, zwickled a beer and transferred one to a keg.. noiice.
Dusted off the brew gear and brewed a spring/summer ale.
Bought a quad bike and finally ordered a pizza oven that ive been going to buy/build for ages.
Also tried to resurect the other type of tractor(harley) with not much success.Gotta clean the carby tomorrow of all that old fuel and see how it goes.One day off left before going back to work - bummer.

brewed all day with Muckey and Nige....60L of best bitter, 66L (due to higher than expected efficiency) of summer pale. 0830 start, 1730 finish, so absolutely buggered, and off to my bed. ;)

edit to Raven:
Not nearly tall enough for me mate unfortunately! wink.gif
Well, if it's not tall enough for you, I'd be completely buggered! :lol: Next time, invite BigH around....no ladders required!
Smacked a WY3068 on Friday. Starter nicely grown by this evening, and now crash chilling. Will split into 4 or 5 splits and make a further starter for Friday's planned hefeweizen brewday.
Sowed a row each of carrots and pak choy in the vege patch yesterday.
Drove to Wingham today after church for a model train display.
2 days on the jungle garden taking out plants the previous owner should never have planted <_<

Bought a shredder so I don't have to get it all into the trailer and et it to the tip . . . :D

Bottled latest brew

Used my new 75can cooler to keep new fermenter cool (fathers day pressies)

Bought a K&K kit Coopers to keep 2 fermenters full

That's enough :beerbang:
Bbq at my brothers place with a couple of beers, followed by a mate's birthday drinks at the taphouse.
Could only count how many I had by remembering WHAT I drank.
Hangover wasnt' too bad considering.
Spent the morning with the wife & kids at Narrabeen Lakeside making sandcastles, and the arvo cleaning the pool.
Went to check on my cerveza only to find it had been sitting at about 30c all weekend. Bugger.
Going to have to move that fermenter back away from the garage door.
Friday night - drank beer
Saturday - spent the day getting a couple of rooms ready for painting next weekend, lots of patching and removing old flaky paint, mainly of the ceiling
Sunday - BBQ fund raiser at a local market for my Bushfire brigade, the in the afternoon got a call out to a car accident. Motorcycle v Car - Car wins ! poor guy had compound fractures in both legs...but he was feeling much better after the ambos pumped him full of morphine.
Why is everyone so shocked at our swimming??

It's 32deg here right now, which for us sydney folk equates to HOT.....

Shopping for dinner all done, we don't have to go anywhere else today.........First beers already poured.

32.... it wont stop raining here, thou we did have a little sun yesterday!
Broke the starter motor drive gear retaining clip on the F^%$#G tractor... :angry:
I stupidly chose the hottest day of the year so far to get the vegie garden ready for spring planting. Four beds all weeded, dug, manured, composted, dug again and mulched. Another two to go once the winter greens are finished (next weekend I think).

I ache.
For a long weeked I should have fitted more in...

(Air Con got installed.... these are things of beauty... Contractors not quite done though! - not installed by me, but I shall enjoy it once running in those hot summer days!)


Welding up some weights frames and painted them.

Pulled apart another weights system and painted then reconstructed.... still struggling with all these cables! Thanks goodness for phots of 'before' shots!

Brew Rig 90% done.

2 Tier Gravity - future pump possibly for MT to Kettle.


Ran out of mig wire with about 6 welds on the frame to go. <_<

Plus potted the Goldings and Victoria Hops (thanks Boston!!!!).