What did you buy while pissed last night?

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spog said:
Looks like its occupied ATM .
I thought the mafia had stopped selling those 'cos it's a dead giveaway.

(Shut up antiphile and go back to your corner.)
Aldi do great sleeping bags, that one is the Belanglo State Forest model. Guarantees the long sleep.
Impulse buy from Keg King the other night. Weldless tap and a couple of barbed hose connectors, 3m of silicone hose (they supplied over 6m), and a 90° SS bend (for pickup). Almost finalised the order and I spotted the Corny Keg Repair kit. Added.

Oh, forgot to mention that I bought a few 150 litre SS stockpots, which required me to buy the weldless ball valve tap and bits. The SS pot purchase was necessitated by the 'as new' 80 litre cylindroconical fermentor.

There are further requirements now. Viz, magnetic pump (to fill the fermentor in place), and a fridge/freezer to provide that place for temp controlled fermentation to occur.

Cascading purchase effect, I acknowledge. Lucky the fiancee gave me the axe a while back and has no say in it. However, to give the devil his due, she was initially supportive, in the initial stages (honeymoon phase).

EDIT: I suppose it wasn't so much an impulse buy, then
Went at it again. Picked up this, a 36 pint pin.


Got a few bits to get before I can hook it up to my beer engine - need a tap, obviously, and a cask breather and a few other sundry items which I'll get next time I make an English bitter. Will have to pop down to the big green shed to pick up some wood to make some kind of mounting for it but real cask ale is getting closer and closer. I've been dabbling with some polypins with great success. The cask can surely only make it better!
What's it made out of? Is that aluminium or some sort of resin?
A 10L oak barrel made in Croatia only paid 150 delivered.
Seems to hold water with no leaks. ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1463121326.173366.jpg
Not tonight but a few weeks back I had a few on a Friday night here at home and decided to go and buy personalised plates for my car.. :lol:
Meet Urnestine - pictured here next to her big brother Urnest.


Urnest was getting lonely since I sold Urnold (the old Birko)

Also I was getting a bit frustrated with doing small mashes in Urnest - I'm cranking out a few 12-15L batches for the forthcoming comps as many of the styles I enjoy prefecting, but they are not my go-to styles for quaffing. I really needed a more compact setup for the comp season for those beers that I'm not doing a full batch in Urnest, and already have a number of smaller fermenters - and my BrewBucket of course - that handle smaller lengths perfectly.

Then the other night I came across Urnestine on Gumtree.

20L Crownie in great nick for $80 - for sale at Coffs Harbour.

Great weather, hey lets go for a drive on Sunday - blow the cobwebs away and catch some sea views.

The Bill:

2/3 Tank of petrol
Hey let's stop over at the Woolgoolga Diggers
Motel Room
Dinner for two
7 schooners of Reschs Original Draught

Cheap urn I tells ya.

Won a meat tray, but.
welly2 said:
Always wondered what they looked like. Never had the balls to buy one myself.
**** man i thought it was a mouldy ol dogs eye until i clicked on the pic, nearly put me off the old dogs eye, thank god for that
Urg - it wasn't last night and I wasn't pissed... but walking into keg king without a clear idea on what to buy leads to an expensive trip.

Honestly guv'nr, only there for tank fill I was!

Walked out with some stainless pump heads for the kaixin's, coupla spare dip tubes, bunch of posts, poppets, keg lid "feet", faucet plugs, o-rings aplenty and more...
mofox1 said:
Urg - it wasn't last night and I wasn't pissed... but walking into keg king without a clear idea on what to buy leads to an expensive trip.

Honestly guv'nr, only there for tank fill I was!

Walked out with some stainless pump heads for the kaixin's, coupla spare dip tubes, bunch of posts, poppets, keg lid "feet", faucet plugs, o-rings aplenty and more...
It's even worse when you realise you're not carrying much cash and have to pay with plastic and lose the 10% discount. Get to wear the ol' homebrewer's lament as you leave until you remember you have new shiny things.
Camo6 said:
It's even worse when you realise you're not carrying much cash and have to pay with plastic and lose the 10% discount. Get to wear the ol' homebrewer's lament as you leave until you remember you have new shiny things.
10%?... Wait, what....

Oh fcuk it. At least I have my shiny things. (Hey, that works!)