What Did You Actually End Up Drinking On Christmas Day?

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Started the day with a shot of ouzo (ouch), moved onto JS Amber and then onto LCPA (1 of each)... Made the move to the next xmas and knocked back about 6 of the boags strongarms that were around (best of breed that's for sure).

Off to the next xmas and that was jack and coke, then dinner with a nice white then a chivas regal to finish off the night.

good day :)
First we drained the last few pints out of a keg of a pretty standard aussie ale (galaxy + cascade, 5% crystal). Then on to a keg of honey beer made for xmas, pretty nice drop. However most of my drinking today has been red! An excellent cleanskin and a sparkling something with lunch, Lloyd Bros 05 shiraz with dinner (and some champagne) and a sparkling jacob creek shiraz over the last hour. Now I'm sitting here pissed as a parrot! :chug:
Well it is just 10AM Christmas morning here so drinking a cup of tea.

Have a bottle of something we got at our brew club Christmas party. Still have some winter warmer left in the keg. Maybe just stick with eggnog and a glass of wine or beer with dinner.

I know not very enthusiastic about drinking but it is early and the family canceled the Christmas get together because of snow and bad roads. No need to start drinking too early just to get along with the in-laws.
Couple of American Blondes and an Apricot & Ginger Wit, it was a long day with plenty of driving so I wasn't willing to risk DUI. So we booked Christmas Day at our house next year so we can relax and have a few and everyone else can do all the driving. Ate well thou prawns, turkey, chicken, beef, ham and pork etc etc etc. was a realy good day with family.
Didn't drink much at all. A couple of glasses of aged Mount Pleasant Semillon from my cellar, and one stubby of hefeweizen and one best bitter.
From Nectar in West End. Best bottlo in Brisbane, hands down. They also had the SCB Hefe and Summer Ale (which I'll be in to try after the best bitter.)
Bugger! I lived in West End for 20 years, only moved to Gladdy 2 years ago and look what opens up after Im gone! It must be near the corner of Russell St somewhere?

I think its time for a visit to my old haunt. :)

Bugger! I lived in West End for 20 years, only moved to Gladdy 2 years ago and look what opens up after Im gone! It must be near the corner of Russell St somewhere?

I think its time for a visit to my old haunt. :)

Yeah, on Boundary near the corner of Russell. Near the big concrete goanna. No affiliation ect. ect. but has the best range I've seen in Bris. Huge range of aussie micros makes it all the better.
Started the morning with a Mad Brewer's Rasberry Wheat Beer with berry pancakes for breakfast, followed by some sparkling with SWMBO, followed by the rest of the berries from breakfast - soaked in vodka and blended into a cocktail.

Then onto a selection of our hand crafted drops at the in-laws (pils, apa, golden, bitter, sparkling, etc).

twas a good one...

Started the day with Dr Tim's Ale at the mother in laws, and then moved onto my kegged kit Coopers Pale Ale at the nephews house.

Moved my kegerator over there on Christmas eve, which proved to be a hit, and had no dramas drinking it for the rest of the day, had the lovely wife drive me home even though I only blew .02 on a breath tester (don't trust them myself).

Great day - great beer, and the kegerator did double service holding soft drinks and other beers in there also.

Quite a few glasses of sparkling shiraz and chambourcin. My old man dug up a late picked Chardonnay from 1990(!)
Cracked open a bottle of Boon Gueuze and Billy B's Dark Apple Beer too...yum!
All homebrews and no hangover. :rolleyes:

Pale wheat lager, Honey wheat lager, Brown Lager, Viennese lager, Peculiar mild american ale, and my wifes lovely pilsner. This homebrew thing sure beats buying beer!
Started off with La Terrible
Moved on to an Eisenbahn Dunkel
Next was HB belgians
Then Hoegaarden Forbidden Fruit
Back to HB belgian for dinner and Wii-Fit, lol...balance games when you're 'merry', interesting

edit: spelling
Red creaming soda at Mum's
then after driving home, I drained the keg of pilsner (about 3 glasses), about 4 Redbacks and a Hoegaarden.
The best part of the day was the whole lamb on the spit the gf's old man and our neighbour cooked. And the home-made tsatsiki!
Bottled some Golden Ale travellers from the keg for lunch - a request by my brother. He loves them.

I was driving so took along some Rogers for me

Dinner with at the cousins i got to hand car keys over to the old man so had a few Hofbrau Dunkels and then capped the night off with 2 longies of my IIPA....
Far too many ESBs. Was no good at Wii bowling by 10.30 and banished myself to bed for turning in such a poor performance.

Home brew is fantastic. If I drank that much commercial instead of homebrew ESB, I would not have got out of bed today. No headache, stomach only mildly queasy.
Jim where do you get the Sunny Coast Brew? We were round the hinterland on Tuesday doing the 3 Ms (Maleny etc) and none of the local bottlos stocked it, and a couple were even a bit dismissive.

Was up at Peregian today but of course everywhere closed :(

....G'day BribieG, indeed we do have beer at Nectar in Brisbane , but we dont have bottled beer in many of the bottlo's up here...quite a lot are unreceptive to anything other than the big guys and we are but minnows......we do have some of our range in a small but ever increasing number of restaurants in the area..."Fish on Parkyn" at Mooloolaba, 'Harry's on Buderim' being just two that spring to mind...Our best bitter and summer ale are available on tap at Pennyfathings at Montville as well...we'll just keep chipping away for other suitable venues, which is fairly tough...

... therefore we are turning our focus on getting the punters both local and tourists to experience the beers here at the brewery, where we know they can be looked after as well as resuming cooked meals with an obviously beer friendly menu, later trading hours etc...all to be undertaken in the new year...
for now you can always come and see us here and try the beers on tap...we'll have a new pale/golden ale on tap in a couple of weeks which will be closely followed by a wide range of international beer styles in the coming weeks and months...we will be brewing a rotating roster of beers to keep things interesting for everybody...oh yeah , our bottled range is available here at the brewery as well....we are out of best bitter in bottles at the moment but will have more bottled very soon...

...completely affiliated etc,etc...

Cheers , Scott

Sunshine Coast Brewery
13 Endeavour Drive
Kunda Park QLD 4556
(07) 4576 6666
Cantillon Lou Pepe Framboise 750
Otuwhero Sauv Blanc
Cidre Dupont Reserve 750
Chouffe N'ice 750
Rogue XS I2PA 500
Rogue XS Barleywine 500
Jack Daniels

Merry Christmas!
Started off with Wicked Elf Pale Ale
then cracked open my homebrew - dark amber/pale ale with cascade/ammarillo
Then opened a Coopers 2008 Vintage Ale
and Coopers Sparkling Ale
Followed by homebrew
2 bottles of dupont avec les bons voeux, with mussels - OH YEAH
2 bottles CSA
various homebrews - all the 10% ones
one glass of moet that i had a sip of then knocked over
seawater, imbibed retronasally
Well i was sick as a dog with the flu yesterday so all i drank was a drink the old man made for me containing: warm milk, honey and rum. Man did i sweat last night. Think ill be having another one tonight.
