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It's just a simple k+k...
Wals Blonde
1k Body Brew
Saflager s-23 yeast
S.G: 1.050
F.G: 1.012

Move to secondary, boiled honey in 1 1/2 litres of water (20mins)
2 vanilla beans split in half at 5 mins.

Planning on ccing in the very near future.

Porter,Pilsner and Scottish in the fermenters

Mashing in the morning a Foreign Extra Stout hope to hit OG 1.080 with a decotion mash, only my third decotion. 7.72Kg of grains and 130g of hops for 50 IBUs, if it works, I will post the recipe, :)
Another big beer around 8%. :p
Most recent brew finished for drinking was my 'davey spice', a spice beer, quite obviously. I tried a stubby three weeks prior to the final date and became quite distraught because it tasted TERRIBLE. It was just spices and water. That made me leave it for 3 more weeks (I suppose that helped a lot :D ) because I was too afraid that it was a terrible batch I would have to tip down the sink.

However, the extra time let the malt flavour rise and it tastes delicious! I will change the spice balance though- take out the allspice, have more cinnamon, and maybe throw some oregano if I am feeling lucky. However, it is quite a full bodied, rich flavour beer, and I'm quite happy with that.

Coming up- brewing the Saaz Pale on sunday

You might find with spice beers that the flavour profile changes anyway. I brewed one for Christmas and at first it was all cloves, now the cinnamon is currently dominating...

It's all part of the adventure!
I brewed a Pilsner on Friday night...
6kg pils malt
10g PoR, 60g Cz Saaz 60mins
30g Cz Saaz 15 mins.

Two step infusion mash, ended up with 25 litres at 1054 in the fermenter, fermenting away happily now in the fridge with whitelabs bud yeast.

Can't wait for this one to be ready!

Just finished my Golden Ale on Sunday.

Doing a Porter this comming w/end.
I wanted to brew last night whilst watching Chook Senden crack his first win on the US Tour when I remembered that I don't have Foxtel. With The Open Championship starting late next week I have been given permission for some night brewing sessions with a TV in the garage.

Czech Pils

It is lager season here and brewing is in full swing. There has been at least one and sometimes two mashes a week occurring. The barley crusher has been left out on the veranda ready for action, the stir plate has seen almost continuous use and there are bits of brewing gear lying around in the kitchen and out on the table on the veranda.

Brews are now going into kegs and bottles. The end bedroom is sitting at 10-12 degrees and there are 6 fermenters, crates of bottles and kegs bulk priming. Last week's guest stayed on the lounge in front of the fire rather than the end bedroom.

The brews so far this season are:
Dortmunder export (in the NSW July swap case)
Vienna lager
Munich lager
Hersbrucker pilsner
Winter solstice pilsner
Munich Helles

That should fill all the kegs up with about 12 crates of bottles.

On the agenda is a Maibock, Alt and some more pilsner and Munich helles. Thank goodness we saw some decent rain on the weekend, plenty of water in the tanks to brew with.
Good Day
Milled the grain for a German pils and a "Golden Ale" lager last weekend, stood up when I finished and nearly fell over, sciatica from nowhere. Have spent the last week of my holidays laying down and sitting, relaxing but boring (but did read a lot about brewing). So brewed them today with the aid of panadol (panadol pils?). Now have 8 lagers in fermenters so better start racking, fining and bottling before I brew any more. ;)

Hi Barry,
With 3 prolapsed disks not being where they should be due to too much time in the 2nd row, I can recommend Voltarin from the Chemist and a pint of RIS and all your problems will drift away! :D

Having a 10 Gallon mashtun means lots of milling and I do it standing up, otherwise my brewday is almost over before mash-in!! :ph34r:

That's a nice list of beer you have their PoL! Being !?slightly?! anally retentive, I add a label to my brews with a letter from the alphabet, starting with "A" in Jan etc... Dry Stout "U" entered the fermenter yesterday...

Mashing in the morning a Foreign Extra Stout hope to hit OG 1.080 with a decoction mash, only my third decotion. 7.72Kg of grains and 130g of hops for 50 IBUs, if it works, I will post the recipe, :)
Another big beer around 8%. :p

Turned the HLT on at 6.20 and done and cleaned up by 11.30, OG 1.077 [refrac 18.4] double decoction mash and hit very temp :) , FWH the first additions :) no chill over night and pitch the starter sometime tomorrow when it is at full krausen. Don't you just love it when everything goes smooth.
Just doughed in for a simple single infusion rest for 90min at 65C. :D
Why 90 min, you ask? Seems to work better with the Maris Otter, better conversion. Thanks for the tip, Gough.

Malt bill is 4.1kg of MO pale ale and about 50g of crystal (not sure what colour, as I left this to Keith at lhbs). I'll have to ask next time I see him.

Hop bill is 28 IBU of a mix of Northdown, Challenger and EK Goldings. 20g of EKG for the last 15 min + a Whirfloc. Then 5g EKG into cask/keg for a week before serving.

I'm hoping for a tasty Bitter which will be a daily drinker at cellar temp and only lightly gassed.

Seth :p

*edit: spelling only

A bit off topic, but it has been mentioned before that Powell's malts appear to suffer through poor efficiency. Would there be any advantage in the same procedure as above to try and improve the efficiency?

I brewed yesterday and used my new Barley Crusher.
Brewed a Pale Ale: JWM Ale, wheat, munich, amber and some CaraRed
Amarillo and Bsaaz in differing amounts @ FWH, 15min and Cube. Mashed at 65, OG 1047, IBU 30
pitch with US56 tonight.

Getting a bunch of brews down so they mature nicely while I am on holiday for a month or so...
E=SB2 - An ESB with some maris otter, a couple of crystal types and some Challenger & Goldings

Munich/Euro Lager - Lager with some Munich malt amongst other things and Santiam hops

Belgian Sour Orange Ale - An attempt at a Belgian Oud Bruiny sort of ale (not soured by yeast or other cultures though) with a sort of sour orange from my folk's place.

All down now, bottled before I leave late August and then can sit nicely for my return...
Looks like sunday was a big brew day all round. Saturday rained so brew day was blown out but feeling inspired after Drews brew club meeting I decided sunday was the day to give the Bohemian Pils another go. HLT on at 7 am.
Mash in by 8am all done by 2pm.
5kgs PIls malt
0.5Kg Munich
300gms Carapils
BSaaz 45gms 60
Czech Saaz Plugs x 2 at 30
Saaz Plug x2 at 0
Wyeast 2001

mmm only 10 more weeks to go now !
I am heading down the Lager path for the next few months like most would be. :)

Brewed a Bock on Saturday and a Bohemian Pils on Sunday.

After they are out of the fermenting fridge it will be a double batch of Oktoberfest's split with Whitelabs 820 and Whitelabs 833.

I actually need to get my arse into gear lagers wise as well.

Hopefully a few Pils and Aus draughts over the next month or so.
I am brewing an Irish Red today. it is in the mash tun now. Hopefully will get to do a copy of Ross's Light american amber this week as well.

i just started the boil on an amber ale. smells brilliant and will smell even better when it gets some wiliiamette thrown in....
currently have a partial mash OLD style ready to keg tomorrow and a golden draught fermenting away happily just a simple kit brew , slowly but surely on the way to more grains , then perhaps all grains ...
Wednesday will be 30 litre batch of Wheat Beer !
I will filter 10L(Krystal) and compare.
70% wheat 30% ale in my 60L fermenter.
About 15 IBU hallertauer pellets, and the stir plate is whizzing yeast as i speak.
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