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Brewed today:

Cicada Lager

5.4 kg Premium pilsener (Weyermanns)

69g Saaz (3.2%AA) @ 60
1 tsp yeast nutrient and brew brite added @ flameout

Mashed @ 66 for 90 mins

~75 min boil

30 secs of 02 into wort before pitching 2L starter

Wyeast 2000 (Budvar)

OG-1.050 total of ~24L in fermenter ferment temp of 11oc

While this ^^^ was mashing I knocked out this:

Pressure Pale Ale (Adapted from Neils Centennarillo ale in db)

2x Cans of Morgans lager light malt extract
~400g Dextrose, ~ 100g LDME

20g Green Bullet (13%AA) @ 30
40g Amarillo (8.9% AA) @ 20
40g Amarillo (8.9%AA) @ 10

Yeast = rehydrated US-05
30 sec O2 added to wort before yeast pitched
NB-Forgot to take OG before pitching yeast :(
Total in fermenter ~ 25L, ferment @ 18oc

If this extract brew (is the first extract I've done) works out ok, I can see me doing extract brews while another beer is mashing quite regularly.
Two brews in the same time :super:
Did this one yesterday, I went into the LHBS requesting ingredients for a Little Creatures Pale ale....I think he was a little off the mark. :)

2kg Simpson Maris Otter
2kg JWM Traditional Ale
1kg JWM Munich 1
0.5kg Bries Victo
20g Chinook @ 60mins
27g Chinook @ 20mins
30g Chinook @ 5mins

No chill

Post boil OG - 1.044

Pitched US-05 and threw in another 23g of chinook.

25 litres into ferment fridge at 18 degrees.

So, to those with far more experience than I......what am I going to end up with? It looks far from a pale ale.
I know it isn't going to be a LCPA. When I came home with my loot and checked out the recipe I have for LCPA, I saw that the hop bill was 30g of East Kent Goldings @ 60mins and a combo of Chinook and Cascade till flame out. Hence my question. :)

Am I gonna get something drinkable or have I done $40 worth of ingredients. I guess I'll find out in 3 weeks.
CoopsOz said:
I know it isn't going to be a LCPA. When I came home with my loot and checked out the recipe I have for LCPA, I saw that the hop bill was 30g of East Kent Goldings @ 60mins and a combo of Chinook and Cascade till flame out. Hence my question. :)

Am I gonna get something drinkable or have I done $40 worth of ingredients. I guess I'll find out in 3 weeks.
Some sort of an APA id say
You have 77g of Chinook in there.. i hope you like pine ?
Put a heap of Cascade into dry hop, might make it drinkable.
Ha, there is more than 77g...I dry hopped with it as well. I guess it's fooked. Next time I'll take the recipe into the home brew shop.
***** mate... give it a couple of months.. the hop taste might die down..
Anyone tried "Stone Arrogant Bastard" IPA? It seems they don't mind a bit of Chinook either. :) I grabbed this from another brewing forum....no direct link as I'm unsure of AHB policy.

Stone Arrogant Bastard IPA

Grain Bill

13 lbs. - 2 Row Pale Malt
1.25 lbs. - Aromatic Malt
1 lb. - CaraMunich Malt
1/2 lb. - Special B

Hop Schedule (98 IBU)
1.5 oz - Chinook [13%] (60 min.)
1 oz - Chinook [13%] (20 min.)
1.5 oz - Chinook [13%] (1 min.)

White Labs California Ale Yeast (WLP001) - (Starter: 1130 ml shaken or 1000 ml on a stirplate)

Mash at 150° to 152° for 60 min.
Sparge as usual
Cool and ferment at 66° to 68°
CoopsOz said:
Ha, there is more than 77g...I dry hopped with it as well. I guess it's fooked. Next time I'll take the recipe into the home brew shop.
Chinook is polarising... You might find you love it, I do!
decided to try my luck at my first lager. single american hop. my first use of rice and my first protein rest, even though i was told i didn't need it. still getting used to beersmith too and all my new losses/figures etc. simple recipe but hoping it should be easy drinking for the fam at christmas.
Recipe: 27 Monterey Lager
Brewer: Fletcher
Asst Brewer: Baxter (the dog)
Style: American Lager
TYPE: All Grain

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 32.84 l
Post Boil Volume: 24.77 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 20.82 l   
Bottling Volume: 18.93 l
Estimated OG: 1.043 SG
Estimated Color: 5.9 EBC
Estimated IBU: 21.4 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 69.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 78.9 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amt                   Name                                     Type          #        %/IBU         
0.64 kg               Rice, Pre-cooked (Minute Rice) (2.0 EBC) Adjunct       1        15.0 %        
3.61 kg               Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (3.9 EBC)            Grain         2        85.0 %        
30.00 g               Cascade [5.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min         Hop           3        20.8 IBUs     
1.00 Items            Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins)        Fining        4        -             
0.50 tsp              Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins)          Other         5        -             
23.00 g               Cascade [5.50 %] - Boil 1.0 min          Hop           6        0.7 IBUs      
2.0 pkg               Saflager Lager (DCL/Fermentis #W-34/70)  Yeast         7        -             

Mash Schedule: BIAB, Light Body
Total Grain Weight: 4.25 kg
Name              Description                             Step Temperature Step Time     
Protein Rest      Add 33.00 l of water and heat to 50.0 C 50.0 C           10 min        
Saccharification  Heat to 64.0 C over 10 min              64.0 C           50 min        

No Sparge
I'm trying Ahtanum out, did a double batch with a Magnum @ 60 to 25 IBU and then cube hopped 2 cubes

50g mosaic to both
100g Amarillo to 1 (2011 crop pack discovered in freezer, smelled just fine)
120g Ahtanum to the other

Plan on fermenting at the same time to compare, some people have likened the 2 but I read conflicting reports so only one way to know for sure..

Do it myself as a side by side

Yob said:
I'm trying Ahtanum out, did a double batch with a Magnum @ 60 to 25 IBU and then cube hopped 2 cubes

50g mosaic to both
100g Amarillo to 1 (2011 crop pack discovered in freezer, smelled just fine)
120g Ahtanum to the other

Plan on fermenting at the same time to compare, some people have likened the 2 but I read conflicting reports so only one way to know for sure..

Do it myself as a side by side

Would be very keen to hear the results of this - am planning to buy some Ahtanum in my next hop order.
knocked this out on Saturday. I haven't had a big stinky AIPA in the fridge for a while so thought I'd better make up for it.

Idiot IPA
American IPA

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 22.0
Total Grain (kg): 6.500
Total Hops (g): 300.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.070 (°P): 17.1
Final Gravity (FG): 1.018 (°P): 4.6
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 6.88 %
Colour (SRM): 10.6 (EBC): 20.9
Bitterness (IBU): 152.8 (NFI - hopburst were calculated as 20 min additions) (Average - No Chill Adjusted)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 75
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
5.500 kg Munich I (84.62%)
1.000 kg Wheat Malt, Dark (15.38%)

Hop Bill
Hopburst, equal amounts of each starting at 40 minutes up until flameout. Smaller amounts earlier:
50.0 g Cascade Pellet (6.7% Alpha) @ Minutes (Boil) (2.3 g/L)
50.0 g Mosaic Pellet (11% Alpha) @ Minutes (Boil) (2.3 g/L)
50.0 g Simcoe Pellet (12.6% Alpha) @ Minutes (Boil) (2.3 g/L)

in cube:
20.0 g Cascade Pellet (6.7% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (0.9 g/L)
20.0 g Mosaic Pellet (11% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (0.9 g/L)
20.0 g Simcoe Pellet (12.6% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (0.9 g/L)

mini boil (flameout) on pitching day:
50.0 g Cascade Pellet (6.7% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (1.4 g/L)
50.0 g Mosaic Pellet (11% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (1.4 g/L)
50.0 g Simcoe Pellet (12.6% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (1.4 g/L)

Misc Bill
1 tsp gypsum (boil)
4g brewbrite @ 10 minutes

Infusion at 65°C for 60 Minutes.
Raise to 71°C for 10 Minutes
Raise to mash-out at 78°C

Fermented at 18°C with BRY-97
my golden ale is being forces carbonated should be ready to bottle this afternoon :)
vittorio said:
my golden ale is being forces carbonated should be ready to bottle this afternoon :)
Just made a Golden Ale too and packaging on wednesday night, i scrolled back adn couldnt locate the recipe?

What did you make yours with Vittorio?
vittorio said:
my golden ale is being forces carbonated should be ready to bottle this afternoon :)
wait.. you have kegged it and are then going to bottle it? :blink:

Pratty1 said:
What did you make yours with?
Soft metals

*Ed: fairy chronic typo's
Just went to keg an aipa and wondered why it wasn't running out of the cube.

Temp probe fell out of the fermenting/conditioning fridge so the brew froze over. Hopefully not too long before it melts. No I won't be trying to make eisIPA.
"Saison 2"

OG 1053
IBU 27

Weyermann Bohiemian Pilsener Malt 4.800 kg 85.7%
Joe White Wheat Malt 0.600 kg 10.7 %
German (Acid) Malt 0.100 kg 1.8 %
US Victory Malt 0.100 kg 1.8 %

German Hallertauer Mittlefruh 35g 60 Min
Slovenian Styrian Goldings 20g 20 Min
Slovenian Styrian Goldings 20g Dry-Hopped

Not sure how the Victory malt will go but i thought why not try a touch.
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