What Are You Brewing III

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jyo said:
I might go and smack it now.

I am kegging an APA with BRY 97 tonight. It was a double batch and the first keg is not drinking up to my expectations. If this one is not much chop, I will heading back to old reliable US05 and 1272.
Just smacked a 1469. Its a tad old so will fire up a starter in the next day or so. Sounds like you are not completely sold on BRY-97 either. I want it to work sooo much, but I think I am heading back to US-05 and 1272 as well.
Yob said:
Into the FV's today a double batch IPA, side by side comparison.

1070 wort

First batch
50g Mosaic - Cube
100g Amarillo - Cube

Second Batch
50g Amarillo - Cube
100g Ahtanum - Cube

Yeast is some rinsed (50ml clean yeast) Greenbelt into a 2lt starter split between the 2 cubes + 1 pkt BRY-97 Each cube (Rehydrated)

The aim is to do a side by side to see what Ahtanum brings to the table, reading suggests that its similar to Amarillo, so will just have to wait and see now

ed: fermenting low @ 17

I have a half kilo of Ahtanum waiting for an experimental brew. I thought it was more like Cascade than anything else, so really keen to hear how your brew pans out.

I was planning a 95% pale, 5% light crystal with all Ahtanum late (maybe a super alpha early for the IBUs). Anyone else a fan of Ahtanum? Any commercial beers that feature it?

Brewdog use ahtanum but with a few others for the 5 am saint amber ale.
German Pils - triple decoction ........ FTW

38L batch
8.5kg Wey Pils
0.2 kg Acid Malt

55c, 63c,72c, 78c mashout

Magnum 25g @ 60 mins
Saaz 100g @ 5 mins

IBU 32 ish
No chill

1 keg - Danish lager 2042
1 keg - Mangrove Jacks Bohemian Lager (never tried it)

Ferment at 6C ramping to 10C over the next few days

Altbier this weekend.
50% of base will be dingemans pils (no wey) and the other 50 an even split of wey munich and vienna. Touch of biscuit, aromatic and choc for colour. Couple of decoctions. Spalter at 60 and 10 to around 45-50 ibu. 1007 yeast at 14.
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