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Ooh any secrets for your saison??. I just kegged my first, will sneak in a half carbed taster in an hour or so
maxbroner said:
Might have gone overboard with hops on this one but I will see how it goes, ended up mashing for 2 hours but only ended up with 59% efficiency, I did another the day before with the same grain bill but slightly different hop schedule to see how that goes.

Name inspired by my recent watching of Men In Black and the use of all Galaxy Hops.

Orion's Belt
American IPA

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 21.0
Total Grain (kg): 6.650
Total Hops (g): 218.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.063 (°P): 15.4
Final Gravity (FG): 1.016 (°P): 4.1
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 6.19 %
Colour (SRM): 14.0 (EBC): 27.6
Bitterness (IBU): 120.0 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 65
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
5.800 kg Pale Malt (87.22%)
0.400 kg Caramalt (6.02%)
0.250 kg Crystal 120 (3.76%)
0.200 kg Caramunich III (3.01%)

Hop Bill
18.0 g Galaxy Leaf (13.8% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (First Wort) (0.9 g/L)
35.0 g Galaxy Pellet (13.8% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (1.7 g/L)
25.0 g Galaxy Pellet (13.8% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil) (1.2 g/L)
20.0 g Galaxy Leaf (13.8% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/L)
20.0 g Galaxy Pellet (13.8% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/L)
50.0 g Galaxy Pellet (13.4% Alpha) @ 5 Days (Dry Hop) (2.4 g/L)
50.0 g Galaxy Leaf (13.8% Alpha) @ 5 Days (Dry Hop) (2.4 g/L)

Misc Bill
2.0 g Kopperfloc @ 10 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 67°C for 90 Minutes.
Fermented at 18°C with Safale US-05

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
That much Galaxy at 60 mins will surely turn your face inside out.
Pilsner Urquell Clone

Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 (°P): 11.9
Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (°P): 3.1
Alcohol (ABV): 4.72 %
Colour (SRM): 3.3 (EBC): 6.4
Bitterness (IBU): 36.7 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)

100% Pilsner - Weyerman Premium

1.5 g/L Saaz (4.1% Alpha) @ 120 Minutes (Boil)
0.9 g/L Saaz (4.1% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
0.9 g/L Saaz (4.1% Alpha) @ 8 Minutes (Boil)
1.2 g/L Saaz (4.1% Alpha) @ 1 Minutes (Aroma)

Cold water mash in - 18c 15 min
Raise to 32c - 15 min
Decoction to 52c - 15 min
Decoction to 62c - 30 min
Decoction to 68c - 30 min
Decoction to 72c - 15 min
Sparge 75c

Ferment with Wyeast 2001 - Urquell Lager

Pitch 15 million cells/ml at 4c
48 hours after pitching
raise 1c a day till 9c
ferment 4-5 days more
transfer to secondary.
lager at 1c for 3-4 weeks.
writing some reports from home today so throwing down a few brews

Imperial Rye IPA - 40L
IBU 74
OG 1081
10.6kg ale
3.5kg rye
0.12kg choc
0.35kg cara rye
0.6kg wheat
0.47kg crystal (medium)
mash 65C

54g magnum @ 60
65g centenial @ 10
65g chinook @5
65g amarillo @ 0
65g cascade @ 0
30 cascade, amarillo and chinook @ dry
(hops adjusted for no chill)

Gyle - 21L
no extra grain
50g saaz & 50g cascade mixed
random hop schedule. mostly late.

US05 on both.
Yob said:
Is that first runnings and then batch sparge the gyle?
1st and 2nd batch sparge go into IRIPA and 3rd batch sparge goes to gyle.

brew gods r punishing me. Stuck sparges 3 boil overs. Burnt more times than I care to admit :(
3 more reasons why you should wear pants


I think Im getting a brewday this weekend, thinking about doing my American Barleywine cross Imperial AIPA again... and taking bloody notes this time ;)

A double batch, boiled 2.5 hours reduced to a single and aggressively hopped from Mash / FWH / Multiple Boil and a truckload at WP.

Incentive to come to the November meet ;)
Columbus IPA
TYPE: All Grain
Recipe Specifications

Boil Size: 42.33 l
Post Boil Volume: 30.98 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 26.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.060 SG
Estimated Color: 24.1 EBC
Estimated IBU: 60.4 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 80.2 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes


Amt Name Type # %/IBU
49.00 l Potts Point, NSW Water 1 -
17.00 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 min) Agent 2 -
5.78 kg Pale Malt, Halcyon (Thomas Fawcett) (5.9 Grain 3 81.3 %
0.53 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 4 7.4 %
0.41 kg Wheat, Flaked (3.2 EBC) Grain 5 5.7 %
0.33 kg Crystal, Medium (Simpsons) (108.3 EBC) Grain 6 4.7 %
0.07 kg Black Malt (Simpsons) (1083.5 EBC) Grain 7 0.9 %
30.00 g Northern Brewer [9.30 %] - First Wort 90 Hop 8 29.9 IBUs
20.00 g Simcoe [10.30 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 9 11.4 IBUs
35.00 g Cascade [5.60 %] - Boil 15.0 min Hop 10 8.9 IBUs
15.00 g Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.70 %] - Boil 10. Hop 11 7.3 IBUs
30.00 g Cascade [5.60 %] - Boil 5.0 min Hop 12 3.0 IBUs
30.00 g Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.70 %] - Boil 0.0 Hop 13 0.0 IBUs
30.00 g Simcoe [10.30 %] - Boil 0.0 min Hop 14 0.0 IBUs


49L = preboil + grainbill
24.5L x 2 (Mash and Sparge)

Not sure about Mash schedule yet, probably 50 something, 63 (10), 67 (40), 72 (10), 78(10) and have to check yeast stocks to see what gives.
First time attempting to use Gypsum for a hoppy beer with some kind of conviction, based off EZ Water spreadsheet.
Fingers crossed, the last of a run of 'muddy, malty' Bitters and IPAs that has brought me to my knees (and to the bottleshop)
Just about to pitch some 1272 into a Dr Smurto's Golden Ale (my first) - I needed slightly more than the 80g of Amarillo I bought from G&G so I grabbed a small pack of mosaic, seeing as everyone is frothing over the stuff. I split the 10 and 5 minute additions 50/50 and I'll do the same with the dry hopping too.
citymorgue2 said:
writing some reports from home today so throwing down a few brews

Imperial Rye IPA - 40L
IBU 74
OG 1081
10.6kg ale
3.5kg rye
0.12kg choc
0.35kg cara rye
0.6kg wheat
0.47kg crystal (medium)
mash 65C

54g magnum @ 60
65g centenial @ 10
65g chinook @5
65g amarillo @ 0
65g cascade @ 0
30 cascade, amarillo and chinook @ dry
(hops adjusted for no chill)

Gyle - 21L
no extra grain
50g saaz & 50g cascade mixed
random hop schedule. mostly late.

US05 on both.
That Rye IPA looks delicious, been looking to brew one for a bit, just one question on the malt bill, is the wheat malt just there for body/head retention?
Donske said:
That Rye IPA looks delicious, been looking to brew one for a bit, just one question on the malt bill, is the wheat malt just there for body/head retention?
pretty much. Esp with all that rye oil in there.
citymorgue2 said:
pretty much. Esp with all that rye oil in there.
Fair enough, might borrow your grain bill, probably go with a Chinook and Centennial combo though.
Its a cracker. Its the collaboration IRIPA brendo maple fourstar and I have made. Any good us hop combo will do. I was tempted to throw in simcoe but ill save it for a pliney elder clone
Managed to get a brewday under sufferance today, doing a double batch, Apollo to 25 IBU and then Cube hopping 2 different cubes.

The thing that strikes me is the eff. out of the new system, assuming my volumes are right, this **** is off the scale..

Brewmate estimated preboil at 1057 at 70% and im getting 1065 at boil (refractometer)

Booooyahhhhh!! The upgrade seems to be going just fine :ph34r:
Brewing this today..

Brett B Trois IPA

OG - 1.066

ABV - 7%

Vol - 23L

Eff - 70%

70% Pilsner Dingeman's

23% Wheat Malt Weyermann

3.8% Acidulated Malt Weyermann

3,8% Carapils Malt Weyermann

Centennial Hops @ 60min = 49 IBU

Chinook Hops @ Flameout

Citra Hops @ Flameout

Mosaic Hops @ Flameout

No Chill

Chinook @ Dry Hop

Citra @ Dry Hop

Mosaic @ Dry Hop

Pitched onto WLP 644 Brett B Trois yeast cake
mje1980 said:
Ooh any secrets for your saison??. I just kegged my first, will sneak in a half carbed taster in an hour or so
Acidated Malt...stay away from the sugar..
New Brew, half way thru:

Simcoe + CTZ Ale (probably too much munich for it to be pale)

Vol = 23L
OG = 1.047
FG = 1.012
Alc = 5.0%
EBC = 42.8
IBU = 27.5 [22.7 with HCF correction - when the bulk of hops added, Vol ~14L]

Malt Bill
LME, Briess Munich, 1.5L

1kg JW Ale malt
1kg JW Munich malt
0.5kg JW Wheat malt
0.25kg Weyermann Vienna malt
0.25kg Briess Victory malt
0.15kg Tassie Crystal, med [trying a teeny bit of Not For Horses new Crystal]

Hops Schedule
1g CTZ @ 60min
½ Whirlfloc tablet @ 15min [Bugger - forgot the Whirlfloc!!]
10g CTZ @ 10min
10g Simcoe @ 10min
25gCTZ @ 5min
25g Simcoe @ 5 min
30g CTZ @ 0min
30g Simcoe @ 0min [SIZE=10pt]Add cold tap water to drop below 80°C immediately[/SIZE]
30g CTZ @ dry hop
30g Simcoe @ dry hop

Mash Volume 20L at 69°C.
Aim for 66°C for 60min. Hit 66.2°C. Dropped to 65°C after 60min.
72°C for 10min. Took ~7-8min to hit 72°C
78°C Mash-out.

Sparge w 3L at 78°C. Used ~6L

Pre-boil vol = 22L
Est. post boil vol = 14L, add 9L cold tap water to bring to 23L
Add some of this (chilled) at Flameout to bring temp down below 80°C.

Ferment with BRY-97, hopefully at 18°C.

Possible names:
MMX Ale [MMX = 20 10 ... date of brewing]
20 10 Ale [the date, obviously, plus 20:10 vision is meant to be twice as good as nominal vision. I'm hoping this will be twice as good as a normal ale B) ]
The Monolith [reference to the Monoliths in 2010, the sequel to 2001: Space Odysssy]
I really like the name "Hop Odyssey", but the date is wrong, so it seems a bit fraudulent :ph34r:

Knappstein Reserve Lager clone today

Aus pils

Dough in at 59
45 rest at 64
30 rest at 74
Mash out at 78

90 min boil
Magnum at 60
Nelson and Pacifica at 10
Nelson and Pacifica dry hop

Reuse yeast cake from pilsner urquell.
technobabble66 said:
Ezy being CTZ?
MMX sounds a bit dirt bikey and while I love the sci fi reference, I feel let down by 2010. Kubrick lends a special touch that was missing. If you named after 2010 I think you'd always be wondering 'what if Kubrick helped me brew this
Recipe-wise, I'd say next time try NFH Viennese Waltz that I'm currently trialling. Might be a few months away yet.
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