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Brew No.1 for 2010 is the following Cream Ale for those balmy Sunny Coast afternoons.

Was going to use polenta but decided on rice just for ***** and giggles :p

Ricecream Ale

4.00 kg Ale Malt - Barrett Burston (6.0 EBC) Grain 80.00 %
1.00 kg Boiled Rice (2.0 EBC) Grain 20.00 %
20.00 gm Challenger [7.90 %] (60 min) Hops 18.2 IBU
10.00 gm Challenger [7.90 %] (10 min) Hops 3.3 IBU
1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Safale American Ale (DCL Yeast #US-05) Yeast-Ale

IBU - 21.5
Color - 9.2 EBC
Est ABV - 4.7%

Currently in the kettle and boiling away.....

My cherry popper for 2010 as below!


Belgian Wit

Type: All Grain
Date: 2/01/2010
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Brewer: Braden
Boil Size: 30.90 L
Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: My Brew Pot (40L) and Frosty Cooler (38L)
Brewhouse Efficiency: 68.0

2.00 kg Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) (1.7 SRM) Grain 42.1 %
2.00 kg Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) (2.0 SRM) Grain 42.1 %
0.50 kg Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) Grain 10.5 %
0.25 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (7.1 SRM) Grain 5.3 %
25.00 gm Styrian Goldings [5.40%] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 17.3 IBU
7.00 gm Calcium Chloride (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
15.00 gm Coriander Seed (Boil 5.0 min) Misc
40.00 gm Orange Peel, Navel (Boil 5.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Belgian Witbier (Wyeast Labs #3944) Yeast-Wheat

Beer Profile
Est Original Gravity: 1.044 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.011 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 4.3 %
Bitterness: 17.3 IBU
Est Color: 3.5 SRM

Mash Profile
Mash In Add 13.30 L of water at 74.2 C 68.0 C 60 min
Mash Out Add 10.00 L of water at 78.0 C 72.0 C 10 min

2g cacl to mash
5g cacl to boil
My first for the year something tropical! All went well, now, to the fermenter.

25Lt based on KT Hopburst.

4.00 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (3.0 SRM

1.50 kg Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM)

0.50 kg Melanoidin (Weyermann) (30.0 SRM)

0.50 kg Munich Malt (9.0 SRM)

10.00 gm Amarillo Gold [9.50 %] (20 min)

10.00 gm Galaxy [14.90 %] (20 min)

10.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %] (20 min)

10.00 gm Amarillo Gold [9.50 %] (15 min)

10.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %] (15 min)

10.00 gm Galaxy [14.90 %] (15 min)

10.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %] (5 min)

10.00 gm Amarillo Gold [9.50 %] (5 min)

10.00 gm Galaxy [14.90 %] (5 min)

10.00 gm Galaxy [14.90 %] (Dry Hop 3 days)

10.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %] (Dry Hop 3 days)

10.00 gm Amarillo Gold [9.50 %] (Dry Hop 3 days)

1 Pkgs American Ale II (Wyeast Labs #1272)
I thought it was your new years resolution to brew less Belgian Wit? ;)

Shhhhh!!!! :ph34r:

Haha, nope just to brew more belgians other than a witbier! haha! Ive had a jungle style witbier w/pandan leaf, lemongrass, lime juice and zest on the cards for sometime now and im brewing this standard witbier so i can top crop and pitch a healthy yeast colony onto her when i get around to it!

From then on it will be Tripel and Saison country for my Belgians for the rest of the year. After all i have made a resolution to enter all VIC comps so i need to brew a belgian of sorts for the belgian beer comp as i know my wits will have passed their prime by then.
Citra Smash

TF MO mashed at 67 to 1.052
20g Citra at 20, 15, 10 & 5min for 40 IBUs
Wyeast 1187 Ringwood
20g Citra dry hop after primary.

Let me know when its on tap mate!
I also made an all Citra ale yesterday. Mine's not quite a SMaSH but pretty simple.

Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Size: 27.23 L
Estimated OG: 1.051 SG
Estimated Color: 11.3 EBC
Estimated IBU: 35.4 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 75 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.80 kg Pale Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.9 EBC) Grain 96.00 %
0.20 kg Carawheat (Weyermann) (98.5 EBC) Grain 4.00 %
25.00 gm Citra [11.10 %] (60 min) Hops 29.5 IBU
25.00 gm Citra [11.10 %] (5 min) Hops 5.9 IBU
25.00 gm Citra [11.10 %] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
25.00 gm Citra [11.10 %] (0 min) Hops -
1 Pkgs Denny's Favourite (Wyeast Labs #1450) Yeast-Ale
Gonna brew a German Hefeweizen this afternoon.
First brew of 2010 yesterday, bit of a make it up as I went with what I had on hand.

Recipe: AG16 - Kiwi Amber Ale
Brewer: Stuart
Style: American Amber Ale
TYPE: All Grain

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 24.00 L
Boil Size: 29.44 L
Estimated OG: 1.052 SG
Estimated Color: 30.7 EBC
Estimated IBU: 34.4 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item
5.00 kg Pale Malt, Traditional Ale
0.30 kg Crystal, Light
0.30 kg Melanoidin
0.10 kg Chocolate Malt
15.00 gm Southern Cross [14.80 %] (60 min)
20.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [11.50 %] (20 min)
30.00 gm D Saaz [5.80 %] (1 min)

Single infusion mash @ 66C for 60 min
I'm doing a brew today and I'm not going to drink it - as such . Mate gave me a can of Coopers Euro Lager. I'll combine that with 500g LDME and do a 15L brew, adding some Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Sulphate to the brew, aerate vigorously morning and night for the first three days.

the yeast? Proculture Wood Ale (AKA 1469). B) Then after 10 days in primary I'll bottle off fairly turbid into Coopers glass and save the yeast cake itself in some Schott bottles for immediate pitching of a couple of Yorkies coming up, then keep the bottles as a yeast bank. On culturing, if the beer tastes sound then the yeast is sound (well as sound as a Coopers lager kit done on an ale yeast can be :p ) Hint from Graham Wheeler (UK Real Ales book).
Just chilling now, thanks to the good Dr. Smurto for the malt bill.

Galaxy APA
Brew Type: All Grain Date: 4/01/2010
Style: American Pale Ale Brewer: JD
Batch Size: 40.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 41.02 L Boil Time: 90 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 85.00 %

Amount Item Type
6.00 kg Tradional Ale (5.9 EBC) Grain
1.00 kg Munich Malt 1 (17.0 EBC) Grain
0.50 kg Wheat Malt (3.0 EBC) Grain
0.25 kg Caramunich I (Weyermann) (100.5 EBC) Grain

75 min - Hold mash at 68.0 C for 75 min
20 min Mashout: Heat to 76.0 C over 20 min
10 min - Hold mash at 76.0 C for 10 min
-- Estimated Pre-boil Gravity is: 1.047 SG with all grains/extracts added
Boil for 90 min Boil Ingredients
Boil Amount Item Type
90 min 20.00 gm Galaxy 08 CB [15.00 %] (90 min) Hops
90 min 10.00 gm Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Boil 90.0 min) Misc
20 min 20.00 gm Galaxy 08 CB [15.00 %] (20 min) Hops
15 min 1.00 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
Dry hop 50.00 gm Galaxy 08 [15%]

1 Pkgs Denny's favourite 50 (Wyeast #Wyeast 2450PC) [Starter 2000 ml] Yeast-Ale
Dont you hate it when you get ready to brew and then realise that the missus has taken the only keys we have for the garage :angry:
First brew of 2010 is another mild with biscuit malt. Need more of this malt is all i can say!. Slightly different to the first, just due to the malt i have.

Scotch finger mild x 2.

78.5% JW trad
7.1% Pale choc
3.1% Carafa 3
7.4% Caramunich 3
3.9% Dingemans biscuit

10g gypsum in the mash ( double batch )
69deg mash for 60 mins.
Dark grains in at last 15 mins.

Newport @ 60 mins

25.75 SRM ( calc'd )
19.5 IBU

Whitbread ale yeast.

Can't wait for this one as the last batch was bloody nice. Doing a double this time, and i'll bottle every last spare drop hehe.
I've somehow managed to get behind on the brewing so I'm planning a big couple of days, A Kolsch, an Alt and an APA. Will be the first for 2010.

The Kolsch...I'll tweak the water to get it plzen style.

Style: Kolsch
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Size: 20.10 L
Estimated OG: 1.049 SG
Estimated Color: 3.5 SRM
Estimated IBU: 28.4 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.60 kg Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM) Grain 95.83 %
0.20 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (2.0 SRM) Grain 4.17 %
40.00 gm Santiam [6.00 %] (60 min) Hops 22.3 IBU
10.00 gm Santiam [6.00 %] (60 min) (First Wort HopHops 6.1 IBU
20.00 L Distilled Water Water
1 Pkgs Kolsch Yeast (Wyeast Labs #2565) Yeast-Ale

Mash Schedule: Decoction Mash, Double
Total Grain Weight: 4.80 kg
Decoction Mash, Double
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
35 min Protein Rest Add 20.03 L of water at 52.5 C 50.0 C
45 min Saccharification Decoct 6.44 L of mash and boil it 63.9 C
45 min Saccharification Decoct 3.91 L of mash and boil it 70.0 C
10 min Mash Out Heat to 75.6 C over 10 min 75.6 C

The Alt...bit of Gypsum added to the water.

Style: Dusseldorf Altbier
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Size: 20.10 L
Estimated OG: 1.050 SG
Estimated Color: 13.9 SRM
Estimated IBU: 52.9 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
2.70 kg Munich Malt - 20L (20.0 SRM) Grain 52.63 %
2.40 kg Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM) Grain 46.78 %
0.03 kg Carafa II (412.0 SRM) Grain 0.58 %
70.00 gm Tettnang [4.50 %] (70 min) Hops 29.8 IBU
10.30 gm Millennium [14.00 %] (70 min) Hops 13.7 IBU
20.00 gm Tettnang [4.50 %] (70 min) (First Wort HoHops 9.4 IBU

Mash Schedule: Decoction Mash, Double
Total Grain Weight: 5.13 kg
Decoction Mash, Double
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
35 min Protein Rest Add 21.41 L of water at 52.5 C 50.0 C
20 min Saccharification Decoct 6.88 L of mash and boil it 63.9 C
20 min Saccharification Decoct 4.19 L of mash and boil it 70.0 C
10 min Mash Out Heat to 75.6 C over 10 min 75.6 C

The APA...I'm thinking about whether it needs a bit of Amber or Biscuit to make the malt bill a touch more interesting...

Style: American Pale Ale
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 16.00 L
Boil Size: 10.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.054 SG
Estimated Color: 8.1 SRM
Estimated IBU: 38.9 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.50 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (3.0 SRM) Grain 90.91 %
0.30 kg Munich Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM) Grain 7.79 %
0.05 kg Special B Malt (180.0 SRM) Grain 1.30 %
14.00 gm Warrior [15.00 %] (60 min) (First Wort HoHops 24.0 IBU
12.00 gm DSaaz [5.60 %] (20 min) Hops 4.2 IBU
8.00 gm Cascade [5.50 %] (20 min) Hops 2.8 IBU
10.00 gm Bsaaz [6.80 %] (20 min) Hops 4.3 IBU
12.00 gm DSaaz [5.60 %] (5 min) Hops 1.4 IBU
8.00 gm Bsaaz [6.80 %] (5 min) Hops 1.1 IBU
10.00 gm Cascade [5.50 %] (5 min) Hops 1.1 IBU
10.00 gm Cascade [5.50 %] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 3.85 kg
Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
60 min Mash In Add 10.04 L of water at 74.4 C 67.8 C
Very big couple of days with all those decoctions!

I tend to do a 3 or 4 step infusion for my Kolschs so probably almost as much effort.

My alts are single infusion although i do add melanoidin.
Just chilling now, thanks to the good Dr. Smurto for the malt bill.

Galaxy APA
Brew Type: All Grain Date: 4/01/2010
Style: American Pale Ale Brewer: JD
Batch Size: 40.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 41.02 L Boil Time: 90 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 85.00 %

Is this right razz? I dont want to tell you how much I lose over a 90min boil... Nor start another evap thread.
My Chinese Cascade APA (Amarillo & Chinook) - currently fermenting away merrily. Will see how it turns out.

Cascade APA
Brew Type: All Grain Date: 02/01/2010
Style: APA Brewer: mossyrocks
Batch Size: 22.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 29.54 L Boil Time: 75 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.0 % Equipment: My Equipment
Actual Efficiency:
Taste Rating (50 possible points):

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.00 kg Pilsner (Weyermann) (1.7 SRM) Grain 54.5 %
1.00 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (7.1 SRM) Grain 18.2 %
1.00 kg Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) (1.8 SRM) Grain 18.2 %
0.50 kg Caramunich I (Weyermann) (51.0 SRM) Grain 9.1 %
35.00 gm Cascade - Chinese [5.80%] (60 min) Hops 23.6 IBU
25.00 gm Chinook [12.00%] (15 min) Hops 17.3 IBU
15.00 gm Amarillo [8.60%] (15 min) Hops 7.4 IBU
15.00 gm Cascade - Chinese [5.80%] (15 min) Hops 5.0 IBU
15.00 gm Amarillo [8.50%] (0 min) Hops -
15.00 gm Cascade - Chinese [5.80%] (0 min) Hops -
30.00 gm Chinook [12.00%] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
0.50 items Koppafloc (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs SafAle American Ale (DCL Yeast #US-05(56)) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.051 SG (1.045-1.060 SG) Measured Original Gravity:
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.015 SG (1.010-1.015 SG) Measured Final Gravity:
Estimated Color: 9.6 SRM (5.0-14.0 SRM) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 53.4 IBU (30.0-45.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 4.4 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 4.7 % (4.5-6.2 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume:
Actual Calories:

Mash Profile Name: Single Infusion, Light Body Mash Tun Weight: 2.00 kg
Mash Grain Weight: 5.50 kg Mash PH: 5.4 PH
Grain Temperature: 20.0 C Sparge Temperature: 82.0 C
Sparge Water: 0.00 L Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE

Name Description Step Temp Step Time
Mash In Add 14.00 L of water at 72.8 C 65.0 C 75 min
Mash Out Add 11.00 L of water at 92.7 C 76.0 C 10 min
Step 3 Add 14.00 L of water at 99.8 C 84.0 C 10 min


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