What A Great Pastime Crafting Your Own Beer Is !

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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I sit here with my heavily hopped 6% American APA thinking where in Australia could I get such a wonderfully hopped beer other than making it myself .

You gotta love brewing real beer

pumpy :)
I sit here with my heavily hopped 6% American APA thinking where in Australia could I get such a wonderfully hopped beer other than making it myself .

You gotta love brewing real beer

pumpy :)
Haha you gotta kidding me Pumpy!
I'm doing the exact same bloody thing! :icon_cheers:

And it's non just any APA, it's my first keg beer! Nothing beats draught beer in your own home.
Nothing beats beer at all.

I was thinking today about wine and the wonderful varieties and varietals but the diversity in femented malt liquors blows just about everything else out of the water.

I'd like to say yes again. Making good homebrew (or even decent homebrew) is one of the most rewarding things I've done.
I'm still pumped with my Dr Smurto's GA, only beer i've had that comes close is Red Hill GA...

PS thanks Dr Smurto....
Haha you gotta kidding me Pumpy!
I'm doing the exact same bloody thing! :icon_cheers:

And it's non just any APA, it's my first keg beer! Nothing beats draught beer in your own home.

hey Muggus 'great minds drink the same ' or words to that effect .

Pumpy :)
Hear Hear!!!!

I love the fact I can have a mountain of beer in my garage, all of which is tasty and full of hoppy goodness, and (let's face it, this my probably the main reason 95% of homebrewers start out) at a fraction of the price it would cost me to find something remotely similar commercially....

And really, everyone needs a hobby..........
I was walking from work to the train station last night (I work in the Valley, Chinatown) and passed outdoor dining tables with guys drinking Sol and TED and Pure Blonde and thought "poor benighted peasants" Mind there wasn't much wrong with their taste in women, most of them ;)
I was walking from work to the train station last night (I work in the Valley, Chinatown) and passed outdoor dining tables with guys drinking Sol and TED and Pure Blonde and thought "poor benighted peasants" Mind there wasn't much wrong with their taste in women, most of them ;)

Yeah BribieG , would have to be a plastic surgeon to craft a new SWMBO ,then the result may not be all that palatable .

Suppose when I have had a few home brews I feel highly intelligent & attractive to the opposite sex, despite being a bit slurred and my knuckles dragging on the floor .

pumpy :)
Too right Pumpy.

Ive held a birthday lunch here for my Mums 60th birthday.

We had a great baked lunch of lamb and chicken, drank about $150 worth of red wine (2 bottles) and now that everyone is gone im sitting back watching the V8's sipping my freshly kegged belgian pale ale.

life is good!

Tried TTL for the first time today. Very nice beer. I know its subjective but my bitters, while probably not as good, are still in the same ballpark. I love brewing.

It is a great hobby and I have just had the pleasure of being reminded of it. Spent the afternoon watching the local footy, only beer there was CUB stuff, so chugged down four of those whilst the game was on.

Got home and poured myself a munich helles, WOW, its easy to develop cellar palate if all you ever drink is your own. The maltiness just jumped out and bit me on the arse! Great stuff, great hobby, great past time.

Plus I have some good self esteem points today giving away a bunch of rhizomes :) Karma.

I reckon the greatest pleasure is not only my own beers but other brewers beers as well. Had a very up and down emotional day today got home and the keg blew <_< Lucky enough I had some other brewers brews and I am thoroughly enjoying their passion for this obsession! :icon_chickcheers: Sully. Gravity Guru, Moony, GaryG, Tidal Pete, Nick B cheers boys!

Cheers to all you guys!

Most hobbies cost money in the long run. Not only does brewing save money you end up with a product better than you can buy for home consumption
Took a few bottles of dark mild to my sister's house last night. Got through those very smartly. Only other beer on offer was Toohey's New. "All natural ingredients" we are told on the label. Well, dog's vomit is "all natural". Foolishly consented to half a glass. Nearly gagged. F#$%in' undrinkable. Nasty. Vile.

God I love brewing my own beer.
God I love brewing my own beer.

Too bloody right.

Thanks to following some simple methods discust in this website, for the last three months some friends an I have been enjoying some great tasting & clear beer.

What a wonderful hobby/obsession to have. :chug:

I'm getting a big kick of late by converting the heathens and unwashed to HB :icon_cheers:

a bottlo that we've passing lately is now selling a lot more Monteiths, Barons, JS etc since i introduced the boys to good beer B)

well, i better go and get the HLT fired up for the Wheat mash i spose.........

I sit here with my heavily hopped 6% American APA thinking where in Australia could I get such a wonderfully hopped beer other than making it myself .

You gotta love brewing real beer

pumpy :)

Isn't it heartwarming to hear the rapturous enthusiasm of a newbie... :blink: ... :rolleyes:

No, never tires does it...
I am a totally unashamed addict. I have an addiction to my HB.
