Water Dilution Tool

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Well-Known Member
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Gulmarrad, NSW
Hi all,
Merging from Beersmith to Beer Tools pro & cant seem to find a dilution function anywhere. I hover over my kettle volume & I need to hit a pre boil sg of 1.033 for 34 litres. If I finish sparge at 34 litres & get 1.035, how do I use Beer Tools to tell me how much water to add to hit 1.033?
Beersmith has this tool.
Not sure about Beer Tools, but we recently added this feature to Brewtoolz

Has the ability to either enter an amount of liquid then calculate the resulting gravity, or enter the target gravity and work out the amount of liquid to add.

Can also be used for working out the evaporation rate if a higher gravity is required ( ie you end up with a negative value for the required addition )
It's also pretty easy to calculate manually too...
Yep, being a post- boil diluter, in situations such as this I will often retreat from a calculator or spreadsheet and give my brain a little mental arithmetic workout:
Actual SG / Target SG * Actual Volume - Actual Volume = Water Addition Volume
SGs such as 1.070 expressed as 70.

A bit rough, but in most circumstances it works well enough! :icon_cheers:
I think Kai is being generous.

From the good old C1V1=C2V2

1.035 X 34 = 1.033 x V2 (when you do the maths leave the 1 out of the SG) rearrange the equation.

(0.035 x 34)/.033= V2 = 36.06, you already have 34L so add 2.06L


Yep u can just all it 35, rather than 0.035 or whatever, so long as your consistent

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