Haha thanks for the confidence there jyo. I will be brewing mine on Sunday arvo.
If all goes well, I'll probably be moving house that weekend, but I will make it for at least the swap portion!! Brewed mine yesterday and will be pitching the yeast today! Looking forward to it.
Confirmation list-
1. Jimboley- confirmed, rad dry stout.
2. keifer33 - confirmed (probably a comp winning APA icon_cheers.gif )
3. cdbrown - confirmed yank brown ale 5.9% or yank pale ale 5.1%
4. sinkas?
5. Bizier
6. malt_shovel - confirmed, APA from fathers day brew in PET now unless i get something else done beforehand
7. spoonta
8. Evil G ?
9. jyo- confirmed- soft blonde or pumpkin ale.
10. Mikey - even if i cant make it am keen to do a swap - confirmed either pilsner or belgium blonde
11. biggo
12. NME
13. Edge
fermenting fridge(s) full of bucks night beers for a mate will have room to brew next week![]()
So it looks like this:
1. Jimboley- confirmed, rad dry stout.
2. keifer33 - confirmed (probably something infected)
3. cdbrown - confirmed yank brown ale 5.9% or yank pale ale 5.1%
4. sinkas - confirmed
5. Bizier
6. malt_shovel - confirmed, APA from fathers day brew in PET now unless i get something else done beforehand
6. spoonta
7. Evil G - confirmed (T.B.A. maybe some type of lager or possibly a Bees Knees?)
8. jyo- confirmed- saaz blonde
9. Mikey - even if i cant make it am keen to do a swap - confirmed either pilsner or belgium blonde
10. biggo - confirmed - Braggot or Pale ale
11. NME - confirmed (dunno yet!)
12. Fodder (?)
13. markymoo - ESB or Landlord (if you will have me)
14. Fish13
15. Edge
whats the gravity currently?
also any idea of the aa% of the hops?
actually even more questions.
how long where the hops boiled for?
was the liquid malt just the normal stuff so are we talking 800g and 300g cause most of the software measures it by weight?
Hmm seems the recipe with the lbs has stuffed things up. This is what I get for a 10lt batch
0.03 kg Caramunich I (Weyermann) (100.5 EBC) Grain 1 2.4 %
0.80 kg Dark Liquid Extract (34.5 EBC) Extract 2 64.5 %
0.30 kg Pale Liquid Extract (15.8 EBC) Extract 3 24.2 %
0.11 kg Corn Sugar (Dextrose) (0.0 EBC) Sugar 4 8.9 %
6.35 g Northern Brewer [9.00 %] - Boil 40.0 min Hop 5 15.0 IBUs
4.53 g Fuggles [5.70 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 6 2.8 IBUs
Estimated OG: 1.037 SG
Estimated Color: 18.8 EBC
Estimated IBU: 17.8 IBUs
So it seems like a mild of some description but I would be cautious about bottling too soon as it suggests around 1008 for a finished gravity but that really depends on the yeast etc.
Also I think you need a bigger batch than 10 lts as by my calcs 15 x 740ml bottles is a tad over 11lts finished volume so better get brewing on a bigger batch me thinks.