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Wolfman, I definitely didn't take it personally. I've noted your comments/suggestions for discussion, as you had some great points/ideas. Thanks!
Yob said:
now this is exactly where I sit, but there isnt much by way of comment as to where the minor flaws are so incredibly difficult to change things to get those extra 3-5 points... particularly when you only get 8 out of 10 and also says no faults :blink: ...

Judges names omitted for privacy
Looking at the detail of scoring on the first scoresheet, i'd say this is the standard that needs to be set across the entire flight. This comes from experience AND willingness to evaluate correctly and populate the scoresheet well. This is the level of detail i like to provide as a minimum. Sometimes the beer doesn't help you out either which can in turn lend to a lack of comments of its attributes but definitely leaves room to detail what the beer lacks.

This is something thats typically neglected across scoresheets. What the beer has is documented well usually, not what it lacks against a style. This is where BJCP and a deeper understanding of beer styles. Again, hard for specialty as a lot of it comes from personal interpretation of the beer presented against a base style.

As for the 8/10 for aroma my judgment here would be process of elimination, if there are no faults i'd be expecting it to be balance of the fruit with the base style or a level of 'je ne sais quoi' . Its difficult to sum up on a specialty beer without being the judge myself. overall, with 1 = excellent and 5 = terrible, for all three of the checkboxes you'd be looking at a mix of ones and twos. Does this help? probably not, so i'd be taking them with a train of salt anyway. use the comments as the evidence in any scenario.

My only concern with such expectation is that not everyone is BJCP certified, nor do they wish to be. Demanding such standards of judges might put some off, when really all competitions are crying out for them.
Not all judges need to be BJCP certified/qualified etc., but we do need a few more to create a core of available bodies to cover comps. 1 qualified judge per table is all that's required.

The Committee has a new member who is working on a plan to fire-up a training program to get more people in the system.
worthogs webmaster said:
My only concern with such expectation is that not everyone is BJCP certified, nor do they wish to be. Demanding such standards of judges might put some off, when really all competitions are crying out for them.
Actually it's a lot of bjcp judges who need a kick in the pants.
MartinOC said:
Not all judges need to be BJCP certified/qualified etc., but we do need a few more to create a core of available bodies to cover comps. 1 qualified judge per table is all that's required.

The Committee has a new member who is working on a plan to fire-up a training program to get more people in the system.
Everybody is talking about their scoresheets haven't received mine yet . When are the due to be posted or emailed ? Thanks
brianvcskin said:
Everybody is talking about their scoresheets haven't received mine yet . When are the due to be posted or emailed ? Thanks
if you entered on Compmaster - you can get them online. If not it could take a while - I think it was a couple of weeks after the event last year
GP is correct.

Bear in mind that not everyone entered via Compmaster. I think I remember AndyD saying he'd just finished loading 1200 or 1300 sheets for the CM entrants. That leaves about 400-500 manual/paper entries that need to be sorted-out.

Some poor bunny has to sit-down with a spreadsheet of all the entrants, work-out who is a "paper" entrant & pull those out of the 1300 scoresheets.

These get passed to another bunny who then sorts-out which categories those entrants put entries into, separate them-out & put them into piles for re-sorting, where they are then collated into piles for the individual entrants (this can be a monumental task if someone has entered multiple categories).

This takes time & a great-many beers to achieve. I've spent an entire weekend with another committee member doing this in the past. Luckily, there was a lot of beer available to "lubricate" the task... :chug:

Only when that's done, will they be mailed-out. Consider that all the committee members have day-jobs, so time is limited.

Your patience is appreciated.
I got 13th in American Pale Ale with a Coopers Mexican Cerveza, kit yeast and hops! Wish I had of steeped some specialty grains
Dippet said:
When are trophies delivered?
Hi mate, probably similar to getting your feedback sheets out by post it can take some time. For members of clubs they are generally distributed via the club. If your not a club member suggest you email VicBrew directly address is on their website from memory.
Received my notes on Friday pretty quick in comparison to other 2 comps I entered well done to the organisers good job inspite of the issues you had.
Heres Cheers to everyone who entered Vic brew and a big thanks to those who organize the event. Wishing everybody the best of luck for the Nationals.

You're not competition, so good luck wilk's ;)

Edit: I'd post pic's of mine, but then B&T would come along and post the eleventy that he won... :angry2: ... :lol: :beerbang:
mofox1 said:
You're not competition, so good luck wilk's ;)
Who's not competition??

Last year, I entered 1 single beer.... ONE. That was only done to help the Worthogs boost numbers for 2014 when the "Barney" was awarded for the first time.

After 10+ years bereft of brewing & entering comp's, I entered ONE beer out of 500+ ( it was the first brew off my new rig).: 1st-Place in Porters..Nice! Pretty good strike-rate, n'est pas??

It wasn't a "competitive"'s just what I made for a relative & added some dextrose to a known recipe to push the ABV for his tastes. That's what you guys in the last Vic. winter case-swap got as my swap beer. Sorry you guys got a 1st-place-winning beer by default... :ph34r:

Competitive? Pft!!!! 'Couldn't give a ****. I just make good/love beer & appreciate a good one when it's put in front of me...
MartinOC said:
It wasn't a "competitive"'s just what I made for a relative & added some dextrose to a known recipe to push the ABV for his tastes. That's what you guys in the last Vic. winter case-swap got as my swap beer. Sorry you guys got a 1st-place-winning beer by default... :ph34r:
Still got it. What would such a bottle be worth? ;)
@martin - I think mofox just meant they'll both be in different cats in the nats (hence not 'competition').

Could be wrong.
And you guys suck at using apostrophes. If there was a comp for that, you'd all be in the major faults section.