Vicbrew 2010

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hey Haysie and CM2 if your doing the strong lager then I'm the other judge. I got the email last night and told Mike I was a noob etc..if you really needed someone then I could try to assist, so if you 2 can assist/guide/correct me that would be great. If you think im not right just push me off the chair or suggest I have some beers between tastings :) (as that should get me thrown out)
if they are all uber strong then we will be falling off the chairs without any help! I kid.

Dont worry mate, the scores can only have a 5 point spread between highest and lowest. so if somone is relaly off the mark it gets discussed why between the judges until a spread of less than 5 points is reached.

you can be the non-hanging judge. :D
I'd like to help out with stewarding so I can get an insight into how competitions work. I will then have inside knowledge to assist me in my ultimate plan to become SUPREME BREWER OF THE UNIVERSE!!
Anyway, back on topic. Can anyone tell me approximately what time the Sunday arvo session is likely to finish? SWMBO won't give me a leave pass unless I know when I'll be home :(

Depends how big the flight - mid arvo-ish. Bank on it being the day and you can't get in trouble ;)
really? I thought the job of a steward was to pay attention and have the beer ready for the judges. The jusges shouldnt have to tell stewards to open beer. if you get what im getting at. The steward did a great job at westgate brewers stout extravaganza and we the judges didnt say a word to them, other than at one stage a few of the beers were a little cold. judges are there to judge not run the stewarding side of things IMO. I want to be able to concentrate on judging the beer in front of me, not having to worry about the beer to come next. but of course ill just do as im told.
That was my interpretation of how I've done it in the past also, but the quote is directly from the guidelines sent in the email, and the "NOT" is in capitals for emphasis, so someone seems to think it's important.
I was also told that the role of the Steward includes a need to encourage the judges to get through each beer within a resonable amount of time, and not procrastinate too much (which seems to happen very easily) and having the next beer on the table and ready to go does help with that.

But rules are rules and the most important thing - I think - that a Steward can do is present each beer in the same way to the Judges (within reason) so they can evaluate and compare each beer under the same conditions. (Which will be next to impossible with Specialty Beer since each beer is based on a particular style and will require different conditions to get the best from the beer - all other categories can at least all be served at the same temp/conditions).
That was my interpretation of how I've done it in the past also, but the quote is directly from the guidelines sent in the email, and the "NOT" is in capitals for emphasis, so someone seems to think it's important.
I was also told that the role of the Steward includes a need to encourage the judges to get through each beer within a resonable amount of time, and not procrastinate too much (which seems to happen very easily) and having the next beer on the table and ready to go does help with that.

But rules are rules and the most important thing - I think - that a Steward can do is present each beer in the same way to the Judges (within reason) so they can evaluate and compare each beer under the same conditions. (Which will be next to impossible with Specialty Beer since each beer is based on a particular style and will require different conditions to get the best from the beer - all other categories can at least all be served at the same temp/conditions).

The trouble is if a beer is opened too early you are at risk of the volatile aromatics fading prior to judging.

No good solution but at least this does give the beer it's best chance.

So Wolfy - bring your whip and crack it often to make sure we stay on course ;)
I didn't know that 4* was into that kind of thing. ;)

Be gentle... :p

So, youre stewarding the sepcialties hey? Enjoy trying to resolve the bickering and indepth discussion that may come from lack of entry notes. You will call me hitler my the days end if that is the case. what has happend in the past wont happen again if i can be sure of it.
Be gentle... :p

So, youre stewarding the sepcialties hey? Enjoy trying to resolve the bickering and indepth discussion that may come from lack of entry notes. You will call me hitler my the days end if that is the case. what has happend in the past wont happen again if i can be sure of it.
I'll be gentle if you don't fart-ass around more than is required. ;)

After reading the feedback about last year's specialty beers, it's why I suggested I'd help with that category.
If there are entry notes that are available to me, you'll get them, what happens after that is up to you and the other Judges. :)
hey Haysie and CM2 if your doing the strong lager then I'm the other judge. I got the email last night and told Mike I was a noob etc..if you really needed someone then I could try to assist, so if you 2 can assist/guide/correct me that would be great. If you think im not right just push me off the chair or suggest I have some beers between tastings :) (as that should get me thrown out)

Hi mate, i`ve been fortunate enough to taste a few bocks in the last couple of days, including my own (didnt enter it). Familiarise yourself with the guidelines and of course the attached PDF for stewards and juydges. It could have been worse i.e. light lagers or bitters etc etc.
I was driving in until I seen the category I drew, so now its the train. Cya there.
After reading the feedback about last year's specialty beers, it's why I suggested I'd help with that category.
If there are entry notes that are available to me, you'll get them, what happens after that is up to you and the other Judges. :)
Mark emailed people entering cat 18 asking for additional info for their entries. So there should be plenty of info now for the judges.
hope i dont have to steward for you..

Thats probably good then. Im not being a hard arse, im just ensuring the entries people PAY for and want correct feedback on get judged correctly. I dont think thats too much to ask for.
its not 4*youve got to worry about..its the hanging judge Paul Rigby.....
Just got Mark's email. Looks like I'm stewarding cat 17 - famhouse and wild (whatever that is). Should go and read up on the styles to see what I'll be in for.
Mark put me to steward brown ales, hopefully I have no need to nudge anybody! Haha, I'll just be having fun compared to 4*'s table.

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