Vic Case Swap Xmas In July 2010 Tasting Thread

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Chapter 9

It all started to go fuzzy when I was axe kicked in the head by a 6'10" Somoan witch doctor while sparring at my weekly Tae Kwon Do class. Hardly remembering the drive home, I found myself slumped on the couch face to face with dead monkey wearing a party hat. Then I realized it wasn't real, and instead just a picture stuck on a bottle. Luckily I had a glass in my left hand and poured the contents in it. The glass was now filled with a deep amber fluid with a frothy white top which smelled suspiciously like beer. A subliminal message from the television informed me to drink the beer, so I did. The aroma reminded me of a Biere De Garde from France, and the taste was nice strong mix of malt and bitterness with a Saison like hint in the background. Feeling satisfied I savoured it to the last drop. Then the undead party monkey came to life and gave me an almighty headbutt and it all went blank.

nice review Mal... based on your experiences I think I will have to remember to remove all sharp objects from within my general vicinity when I get around to sampling this one... :ph34r:
#22 - Wardhog - GBH English Bitter

Nice colour and clarity.
Good idea to recommend serving this style at "warm" temps (12+deg), though I found this one far too carbonated for style.
Excessive carbonic bite made it hard to get to the subtleties of the malt and hops in this beer, so I left it for 4 hours to warm up and loose it's fizz. Almost completely flat is where this style should be, and it was a much better beer for it. Low amounts of nice earthy hops in the background, and some prominent crystal and roast malts that stand out. The yeast profile is not to my liking (musty and somewhat tangy), and I could tell off the bat it was Saf S04 doing the talking. I reckon the biggest contributor to English Ale character is the yeast, and unfortunately I'm one of the pedantic few who dislike S04 in any style (sorry Wardy!).

Would love to try this again made with something like WYeast ESB or Ringwood, two lovely pommy yeasts.
I've saved the other half of the bottle to drink flat tonight for a second opinion.
Cheers Wardy.
Chapter 22

Dusk turned to night, and all indications pointed to it being exactly 12 degrees. The sound of owls hooting and frogs croaking was interupted by a window broken on the floor below. Someone was obviously trying to break in and steal my beers. So I grabbed the nearest cricket bat and descended the stairs. I nervously twisted the handle of the cellar door and sprang in to find that my worst fears weren't realised and it was only my cat. As I was down here I decided to have a beer so I grabbed the nearest bottle. I looked down and was surprised that I wasn't holding the cricket bat, but instead a beer glass had found its way into my hand. Thanking my good fortune I opened the bottle. The loud fizz startled me for a second. As I poured it into the glass a pleasant aroma reached my nostrils. Nothing too intense, but I suspected foul play as it started to control my mind and I was forced to drink from the glass. It tasted good, not overly bitter, but generally in balance. Sadly after a time there was no more to drink and the last thing I remember is being clubbed over the head by a psychotic cricket bat wielding cat.
******* lol mcook, keep em coming!

Hey mate, i think i might have a tokyo floating in your fridge still too! Atleast i cant remember drinking it on the night but thats not saying alot! :lol:
possesion is 9/10th's of the law innit?

your welcome to come share my tokyo with me anytime mate, promise i wont drink it without you. ;)
Na, I saw you drink it on the night... :icon_drunk:

Hey mate, i think i might have a tokyo floating in your fridge still too! Atleast i cant remember drinking it on the night but thats not saying alot! :lol:
Chris Taylor - English Brown #19

Starting by saying, not a big fan of english browns..

Little to no head, aroma was very port-ish... Flavour was nice while cold but as it warmed turned to tasting like scotch!

As I said not a fan of the style, it may be a great example of an english brown, just far from my cup of tea!

Sorry mate, just IMO!

MXD - Yarrasippi Pale ale #28

This IS my style of beer! Beautiful!

Huge fruity aroma that blends into the flavour perfectly. Another beer I will be looking up the recipe!

Awesome beer MXD! I wish I had more...
possesion is 9/10th's of the law innit?
your welcome to come share my tokyo with me anytime mate, promise i wont drink it without you. ;)

Na, I saw you drink it on the night... :icon_drunk:

so, who is correct?! As i said fents, i wanted to have it as a share on the night so we can split it when i come round to get my slant! (if its not already gone) ;)

I sure as hell cant remember it if i did drink it, i guess thats the reason why i fell asleep on the train and not the other 20 odd beers consumed on the night! :lol:
24. Siborg - Amber Ale

Mild sweet malt, some toffee and light damp forest and woody hop aromas but otherwise quite clean. A creamy ivory head w/very fine foam and a light copper appearance. Palate is chewy crystal malt, deep caramel and nutty malt characters. moderate spicy hops with a lingering sweetness and toasty breadcrusts in the finish. moderate body and moderate carbonation. a very well balanced beer and very well crafted.

So far this is the cleanest beer have tasted. Very well done with the yeast management Siborg! As i said to you a few months back at MB's meeting. If sourness is the ONLY thing you have to fix, you will have cracking beer. Mate, this is beautiful. Keep up the hard work. I wish my brewing came along as fast as yours has.

15. Hutch - Belgian Tripel

MMMMmmm - enjoying this one a lot.
As far as I can tell this is pretty nice work.
Great stuff.
14. seemax - Cascadian Steam Beer

Very low level of carbination for the bottle I tried, probably needed a bit longer to carb up.

Very subtle malt profile, little bit on the sweet side, which would make sense if it was still carbing up.

Good subtle hop flavours, and as the name suggests is distinctly cascade like.

Next time I will take head of the squeeze test before opening a bottle too early (sorry seemax)

All in all a good beer, perfect for a quaffer on a hot summers day.
Chapter 2

Things were all jumbled up. I woke up and stumbled out of bed to get myself some breakfast but found the cupboard was bare. There was nothing edible in the fridge either, apart from a bottle of beer. Well at least there was some sustenance to get my day started off on the right foot. Luckily the only clean glass I had left in the cupboard was a beer glass, so everything was now falling in to place. I poured out the beer and immediately a giant white fluffy cloud billowed out of the glass. Then the aroma hit me. What was it? Lime? Concerned that someone had spiked my beer while I had not been looking I rang the authorities.
"FBI, how can we help you?" asked a female voice through the phone.
"I think someone has spiked my beer with lime juice!" I replied. "Is it safe to drink?"
"Yes" she replied.
So I drank the beer. It tasted pretty good, though I could still taste the lime. "Thanks for you help. Who are you anyway?"
"Skully from X-Files. We suspect that aliens may have spiked your beer, but I assure you that is harmless." She hung up the phone.
Assured, I went about the rest of my day.
18. mcook - American Pale Ale

Fruit tingle aromas with aspicy citrus hop characteristic on the nose. Quite clean with sweet malt, nuts, breadcrusts and an almost buttercake aroma (wihtout the diacetyl) :p

Palate is balanced malt and hops. spicy citrus hops, rich breadcrust and sweet nutty malt. A moderate carbonation and moderate-full mouthfeel. the finish is all about the malt with lingering bitterness. rich malt complexity in this beer with perfect balance.

A very well made beer Mcook! quite impressed. im enjoying every sip! :icon_cheers:
19. Chris Taylor - English Brown

Pulled this straight out of the box and drank it at ambient. There was a short hiss on opening the bottle. Poured with a tight cream head, that gradually receded to a ring around the glass. Carb was mild, as expected, colour and clarity were brilliant.

I loved this one. Not a fan of coffee, and there were coffee flavours (as you'd expect), but they were within my coffee loathing threshold, and imo balanced more towards cocoa then coffee. Spicy, with hint of fruits that I tried but was unable to identify.

It reminded me very much of Orkney Dark Island, but without the DI's biggest fault. DI I found lacked a little body, and had a slightly watery finish - this did not suffer that weaknes, with the flavour lingering.

Excellent beer, but having experienced the a few of Chris' beers in the past I didn't expect anything less.
1: Warmbeer: American Porter

Pours dark brown with a small head, low carbonation. Red highlights when held to the light, fairly clear.

This review is going to be a bit mixed up.- I first opened this the other night and got the aroma and flavour of phenolics - almost like an intense Belgian ale. It wasn't bad but it was confusing. Anyway it was the end of the night so I resealed the bottle and left it on top of the fridge. tried it again today and while I got a little something I could relate to yeast, it was far more subdued. This time I could taste chocolate and nuts.

Very little in the way of hops, american or otherwise. I'm not sure what's led to my mixed up reception. I think a little more complexity in terms of malt character would be good but the chocolate and nut characteristics get a big thumbs up. The flavours are generally balanced with a malt focus and a touch of yeastiness.

Take the above review with a grain of salt - I reckon my palate is fatigued from reviewing beers over the last few days (and drinking beers and wine and port and brandy and french cider and eating loads of chilli)
MXD - Yarrasippi Pale ale #28

This IS my style of beer! Beautiful!

Huge fruity aroma that blends into the flavour perfectly. Another beer I will be looking up the recipe!

Awesome beer MXD! I wish I had more...

thanks, hope the rest of the my bottles/reviews goes this well, I'll get my case on Wednesday night and start sampling.
thanks, hope the rest of the my bottles/reviews goes this well, I'll get my case on Wednesday night and start sampling.
Well consider this another glowing review.

The ONLY negative I could come up with was that it was a little murkey. But then, I'm pretty sure I accidentally tipped it upside down whilst carrying the bottle upstairs. So even though it's not your fault, I'm still marking this as a negative. Sorry bud, that's how the cookie crumbles.

But in all seriousness, it's an excellent beer. Wish it was summer and I had an esky full of these suckers.

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