Vic Case Swap Xmas In July 2010 Tasting Thread

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Hi. I'm Siborg, and I'm an alcoholic. It's been nearly 1 week since my last beer and... better reset the counter.

I've had this cold all week and while I've been reading all your reviews, I've been dying to get into some, but didn't think I'd waste any beer, as I probably wouldn't have been able to taste it anyway.

So, after a few Kooinda Pales, I decided to crack open:

#20 Cocko's APA

First impressions: a bit on the darker side for an APA (as already noted by others). A bit of a citrusey aroma (impeded, slightly, by my cold), mixed with a bit of roasty-ness.

Carbonation isn't something I'm too fussy with, as long as its not flat, and this one is just in the sweet spot for me.

Definitely picking up on the cirtus and fruity flavours already mentioned.

All in all, a great beer. I could easily down a few of these on a hot summers day (man I'm looking forward to cold beer on a hot day!)
Hi. I'm Siborg, and I'm an alcoholic. It's been nearly 1 week since my last beer and... better reset the counter.

I've had this cold all week and while I've been reading all your reviews, I've been dying to get into some, but didn't think I'd waste any beer, as I probably wouldn't have been able to taste it anyway.

So, after a few Kooinda Pales, I decided to crack open:

#20 Cocko's APA

First impressions: a bit on the darker side for an APA (as already noted by others). A bit of a citrusey aroma (impeded, slightly, by my cold), mixed with a bit of roasty-ness.

Carbonation isn't something I'm too fussy with, as long as its not flat, and this one is just in the sweet spot for me.

Definitely picking up on the cirtus and fruity flavours already mentioned.

All in all, a great beer. I could easily down a few of these on a hot summers day (man I'm looking forward to cold beer on a hot day!)
And what a beer to get back into it with... man, I enjoyed every last drop of that, Cocko. APA, AAA, or whatever... damn fine beer is all that matters.
21. Haysie - Bohemian Pilsner

Disclaimer first: I'm an ale man. Out of 32 brews only one has been a lager, and that was an early kits'n'bits job.

Poured nice and clear, infact no residue into the glass even at the end of the bottle. Did you filter->keg->cpbf this one?

Beautiful saaz aroma perfume coming through. Was drinking Trumer pils at a beer/food matching dinner last night, and the aroma was very similar. You nailed this part.

Taste is good, very clean, with balance tending a little towards sweetness. Can taste the saaz. Again, ale-man, not 100% sure what I should be looking for.

My glass seemed to be finished quicker than most beers. Not sure if it's a lager thing, but this was really easy drinking, without being "simple". I reckon, if I could attempt a pils approaching this one, I might give this whole "lager" malarkey a bit of a go ;)

A good beer. B+
14. seemax - Cascadian Steam Beer

Bottle was still a little soft. Poured a little cloudy, and a tiny bit of head which quickly disappeared.

Have only tried a couple of Steam beers before (one of em being your own), and haven't been super impressed. This one is different, as there is a real whack of Cascade coming through on the nose. It's not offensive either, just really good.

Was surprised at just how smooth this beer was. Not overly malty, not overly hoppy, but really drinkable. Went down very well, and will be giving this one a go in the near future.

A top beer, mate. A-
21. Haysie - Bohemian Pilsner
I reckon, if I could attempt a pils approaching this one, I might give this whole "lager" malarkey a bit of a go ;)

Mark them words... I'm going to hold you to that!!!! :p

A top beer, mate. A-

Thanks! It was the 2nd time around on that recipe except this time I added a touch more cascade (cube hopped). Not overly aromatic, but the flavour IMO really hits the spot.
#20 Cocko's APA

I'm going to concur with the folks who think it's more of an AA than an APA. Given that, I think I had it a bit cold initially, but the variance as it warmed up was awesome. When cold it was dry and roasty, as it warmed it got spicy, then fruity. I was a bit disappointed when it was gone 'cause I wasn't going to see what it was to throw at me next!

Another great beer. The quality of this swap has been excellent.
writing this a little after the fact but had two crackers last night.

First was Fent's Citra APA. Poured really well - big fluffy off-white head that just stayed and stayed and stayed.... Wonderful citrusy hop aromas and flavours to complement.

S-J's amber ale - poured a little cloudy but that could have been me, had only been in the fridge for a little over an hour. Similar head retention to Fents' and a good balance between the hops and the malt. Did find myself wanting just a little more malty goodness at the end of the palate, but that's just me.

Two great beers!
Fents: Citra APA

Pours with a dense pillowy head, almost like a pavlova. Colour amber, murky

Aroma is subtly hoppy. Carbonation moderate, not gassy, nice bit of sherbert mouthfeel. Body slightly thinnish, dry and bitter finish. Flavour is fantastic - caramel malt, sweet fruity hops, lingering bitterness - packs a punch but remains balanced. Hard to stop taking sips. Bitterness and dryness is probably contributing to this - they stay on my tongue while the sweet caramel fruit stays around my cheeks.

Lovely beer.
17. Shimple - Northern Lights Hog Ale

Drinking it at the moment. Poured a nice, dense head, which retains itself pretty well. Light copper colour.

First aroma was a malty/yeasty smell which I didn't mind. Taking a sip, I can tast a bit of up-front maltyness, which is quickly subdued by the hop bitterness. It keeps going to a point where you think it is just balanced, then leaves a slight bitter after taste. I think in terms of malt/bitterness balance, that is just what I like in this type of beer. Its not over the top, but has just the right amounts of each.

All in all, I can say I'm a fan. Good work Shimple.
And what a beer to get back into it with... man, I enjoyed every last drop of that, Cocko. APA, AAA, or whatever... damn fine beer is all that matters.

#20 Cocko's APA

I'm going to concur with the folks who think it's more of an AA than an APA. Given that, I think I had it a bit cold initially, but the variance as it warmed up was awesome. When cold it was dry and roasty, as it warmed it got spicy, then fruity. I was a bit disappointed when it was gone 'cause I wasn't going to see what it was to throw at me next!

Another great beer. The quality of this swap has been excellent.

Thanks heaps lads, glad it is being enjoyed!

Call whatever you want.... just enjoy it! ;)
Would love to see a pic of Cocko's beer when anyone else reviews it next. A lot of APAs in the States get up into pretty deep reds - just curious to see if it is more like those than an AA.
???? - Fents - Midnight Ninja Man Of Mystery All Citra Pale Ale

The mysterious bottle with no identifying marks save a distinctive white cap, I'm led to believe this is the work of our gracious host with an unbelievably understanding (hence wonderful) wife. Just a bit of groundwork there for future swaps, Fents.
Brown nosing aside, on to the beer.

Thoroughly enjoyed this beer. Not a problem anywhere, unless you demand to be able to watch tv through your pint glass. It's a little bit cloudy, but that's not really a problem in my book. Other people might have different opinions, but it's fine by me.
I don't know much about Citra, except that at around 13% AA, I was expecting this beer to punch me in the face, kinda like the swap beer that was brewed, but it didn't. Instead, it was a most pleasant afternoon pint and a bit, with lovely hop and malt presence on the nose, a great balanced taste, not an issue in sight.
I've heard that Citra is basically Galaxy grown in the US, and after tasting this, I agree. It's a good hop here, a good hop there, and this is a good beer made with it.

Good job, sorry about neglecting to cold condition it for a week. Yes, I read that when I was at the bottom of the bottle.
Shimple: APA

Pours cloudy amber, tight white head. Subtle hop aroma with malt background. Head remains.

Carbonation medium low, body and mouthfeel full. This is my favourite level of carb.

Great underlying bitterness, hops are subtle but present, malt backs it up, crystal sweetness also subtle.

I know everyone expects a huge whack of fruit with APAs but the subtlety of this is really great. It has complexity and bitterness and sweetness and fruit all to be found if you take the time. I really like it.
#9 Kleiny - Rogue Dead Guy Clone

I have no experience with Rogue's beers or Maibocks, so I had no idea what to expect or what to hold it up against. My impression is that it's certainly not a dull beer. Maybe a bit overcarbonated, given the amount of flavour going on. Thick malt and a large whack of hops get largely hidden behind the bite of the carbonation (something I've learned with my ESB), but alcohol warmth stands out.

A nice beer to finish a night on. Nice work, Kleiny.
na night wardy.

19: Chris Taylor: English brown

Fair bit of fizz on opening, slight gush as the bottle is opened and let sit for a toilet break. Pours with a rich head, dense mohogany/brown, quite murky. Aroma of chocolate and yeast.

Despite the gush, carbonation at a moderate level, nice mouthfeel.

first sip - not what I was expecting. Quite yeasty, very slight hint of rubber and vegemite. I'm a little disappointed - thinking maybe I got a dud bottle. Tried a couple of your beers previously and they've been great.

If I taste past the not so good flavours I pick up a bit of malt with almost carob characteristics which has a quite pleasant after taste. Nice bit of choc in there too. The rubbery/yeastiness lessens after the first few sips although a hint remains.

I'm not sure if it's just my palate or if this bottle is not as it's supposed to be. Body is good, carb fine and dandy and some of the choc flavour are quite tatsy. Bitterness and sweetness seem completely in balance.

Some people seems to be sensitive to diacetyl or DMS - I get the feeling I may be sensitive to autolysised yeast (and maybe yeast phenolics) as I get a bit in my own beers that no-one else picks up (one reason I insist on racking to secondary about 3/4 the way through ferment). Even some Belgian beers recently have started to taste a bit odd on the yeast front. I've always been a fan of belgians so this upsets me. Last happened with Leffe Radieuse.

I could be way off base but I have to go with what I taste/perceive at the time.
4. Manticle -ESB (Young's special London ale clone)

Poured clear, little head - I am thinking a glass issue though, went a good rinse in between glass one and two and the lacing appeared.

Ok, I wanna describe this best I can:

The aroma was bad, this was first glass and a little colder than suggested serving temp so my bad - Sorry mants.

The flavour on palette was AWESOME, a beautiful ESB flavour - I don't have the beer vocab to go into details but it is exactly what I would expect from a ESB.

Now the kicker, a blend of the aroma and flavour was sooo good. Especially as I let it warm, as suggested, it really came to life! I wish I had of warmed the whole bottle a little before starting...

So over all, I never had a youngs but will now, a fantastic example of what I would call ESB flavour, colour and overall.

Great beer mate!

What a great swap - I wish we could do this every month!

BTW: I know its nothing on my designer label :lol: but, seriously, awesome effort - especially after seeing the full res version in the label thread!

2. Zebba - Fuggled Amber Ale

Took this out of the fridge about 2 hours before drinking to allow it to warm up, as requested. Now drinking it in front of some 2 hour cooking show :)

Poured a lovely amber colour, nice and clear, with a big fluffy head that hangs around. Can smell the Fuggles, mixing with a good whack of malt. Puts me in the mood for a nice English style pub ale.

First taste is, umm, confusing. My mind is expecting English malt and earthy fuggles, but I'm getting citrus. For me, it just doesn't work. I'm also getting some astringency, or almost a vinegar taste at the end of the palate.

Keep pushing the envelope, buddy, but in this instance, going against the accepted norms for hop combinations, subjectively, doesn't go.

Don't raaaaaggggeeee too hard against me for the rating, but I've said it before, Fuggles and Cascade do not belong in the same glass ;)

7. beerDingo - Slipstream Cream Ale

But just went to the recipe thread and apparently its a Fat Yak clone... I went to the recipe thread to find out how I could make some of this!

As a cream ale its not a cream ale but a good beer!

As a PA, Fatyak clone, its amazing! - flavour is spot on.

I love this beer - not mercky or clear, a HB.... Glass lacing is Spot on, glass condition varies... but ATM it is kicking!

Flavour and aroma is outstanding to me, did I mention I LOVE this beer!

Well done mate, I will be brewing this beer next weekend!

7. beerDingo - Slipstream Cream Ale

But just went to the recipe thread and apparently its a Fat Yak clone... I went to the recipe thread to find out how I could make some of this!

As a cream ale its not a cream ale but a good beer!

As a PA, Fatyak clone, its amazing! - flavour is spot on.

I love this beer - not mercky or clear, a HB.... Glass lacing is Spot on, glass condition varies... but ATM it is kicking!

Flavour and aroma is outstanding to me, did I mention I LOVE this beer!

Well done mate, I will be brewing this beer next weekend!

Will have to try this one next, I'm a bit of a fat yak fan.

Can someone confirm for me, what exactly lacing is? I think I know, but I don't wanna make an arse out of myself

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