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On behalf of Mick, here's the spec sheets attached:
View attachment SKM_C284e17060210100.pdf
View attachment SKM_C284e17060210100.pdf
Back on a pc .... Happy to take on head brewer for friday night. what sorta style were you thinking Martin? I'm sure we have some other guys with stocks they're getting ready to move on. Grain bill and hops as it be but lets keep in a simple single infusion and ramp to mash out. will be bringing the mill, drill and some buckets. If we get this happening the lads will need to be bringing an extra cube or two. We could make it a bring your spare base brew and see if we can't max out that big ol' kettle!!! I think we would all like to see that!MartinOC said:On my long drive home this evening, I had some time to think.....
Malt Junkie suggested earlier that we could do 2 brews over the weekend & then pulled the pin on the idea. I'd like to re-kindle it.
Between myself & CB, there's a lot of extraneous malt & hops that we could use-up to test the new set-up on the Friday night (ie. iron-out the bugs) before launching into the main brew the next day.
It'd be a complete dog's breakfast in terms of ingredients & totally un-calculable, but sometimes those beers turn out to be magnificent. Nothing more than ***** & giggles.
Anyone who takes-away a cube can throw whatever yeast they want at it & bring a couple of bottles back for the next swap for fun & comparison.
Style???? You gotta be ******* kidding, right? Just ***** & giggles.malt junkie said:Back on a pc .... Happy to take on head brewer for friday night. what sorta style were you thinking Martin?
Like I said .... Boys bring yer extra Base malts!!!!!MartinOC said:Style???? You gotta be ******* kidding, right? Just ***** & giggles.
This would be a complete Dog's Breakfast brew. I'll try to get a list of all the crap I've got laying-around at home/work & post it up, but it's nothing stylistic. I was just thinking to chuck the whole lot into the MLT & run it as a test for the rig with some extra base malt to stretch it out (mostly specialty grains).
Anyone who wants to take a cube or two for experimental purposes can do so.
Not a bad idea. I'd suggest we find out the pre-boil gravity & go from there.TheWiggman said:May I suggest bitter with the leftovers from all out fridges? I'll be there Friday, keen to take part
Curly79 said:Whats the verdict on Russ and his spit? Can we get a case swap food thread happening someone? I'm only on my phone as me and the laptop can't stand the ******* sight of each other. Happy to help out with the tucker
Food thread started, inc. catering list to get things going.DJ_L3ThAL said:I'll stat a food thread, on phone ATM but will do this week to get ball rolling. Sorry I have been meaning to for a bit now...
technobabble66 said:Helps alkalise the water (& offset any hardness in the water) so it increases the strength of the sod perc.
I think it might help dissolve fats as well (?).
Hey micbrew, with the sod metasilicate, are we getting the same dry stuff Jesse got in a BB ages ago (2013)?
I got some of both from then (just running out now, hence jumping in on this one), and found I've been able to mix several kgs dry and leave it to use over a year or so. However I've been reading some threads on ahb where guys have come back to erupting buckets a few hours/days later as the 2 "dry" chemicals have reacted. Apparently with the sod metasilicate you can get one form that's totally dry and one that's not (both powdered). The latter is highly reactive with dry sod perc.
I believe it's whether or not the stuff is labelled as "coated" isn't it? I pre-mix a small amount (500g) for inside the house use cleaning flasks etc, haven't had any issues but I definitely keep the bulk storage separate.micbrew said:Hey Stu
I am as far from a scientist as you can get :blush:
I have the msda sheets here ... I will try to get these posted
I did see that post ,and yes I believe its the same supplier .... I too bought from that bulk buy
.. but could not and would not guarantee if pre mixed ..this could occur
to many variables .. environment / batches / etc etc
cheers micbrew
Yep. Not sure. I noticed the sod perc Jesse organized was coated, so wondered if that was what made all the difference. In an older thread I found (~2011?) they were talking about the 2 types of sod metasil and seemed to think it was from being totally dry or not.DJ_L3ThAL said:I believe it's whether or not the stuff is labelled as "coated" isn't it? I pre-mix a small amount (500g) for inside the house use cleaning flasks etc, haven't had any issues but I definitely keep the bulk storage separate.