Vic 2007 Xmas Swap Taste Thread

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SS - I don't know much about stouts, but I know what I like, and I like this. Coffee/chocolate aftertaste that makes me think I need to brew about 35,000 litres for next winter. Great beer, I could become a stout fan after this.

Cheers, stouts are underrated imo...

Tasted both of the beers with NS in them, both very good and nice to taste how the different levels of hopping affects the flavour. Also had a go on the Foreign Extra Stout, that was nice too. Good work.
Maple and apd.

I have edited that above post for your beers.

Sorry for confusion.

Brewed today while sampling some beers and some case swap beers.


As others have said its easy to see why this is your house ale. Not too much wrong with this beer. Just one thing, the bitterness seems quite harsh, could be my taste buds but?

Cummins IPA

I think might have got a bad one. Bandaid over all else.

APD brown

Bit cloudy. Branks the lot. Good beer. Better stop. Brews finished so am I.
Quintrex - belgian IPA?

Light golden colour. Pretty clear. Very high carbonation gives a big white head that is readily topped up. Also left a little lacing on the glass. Aroma was nice - a little perfumy and hoppy (not sure which one(s)). Some Belgian flavours and strong hoppy finish. It was quite bitter - big hop bite at the end. Felt light bodied in the mouth but was quite filling due to the effervescence. Strong too... a little buzz happening after my 800ml longneck. A little too much carbonation for me. An interesting beer but in my opinion not quite up to the outstanding standard you set last swap.

thanks Quintrex :)
So i botlled my 2 litres of swap day wort today. I put spill's case swap yeast on it. Bottled two plastic bottles and a stubby. Had to syphon it out of peel's 5 litye demijohn thing (i'll try and return that mate ;)). Tasted not half bad from the syphon mouthfull's i was getting.
driveitlikeyoustoleit - ACA

This was a very enjoyable beer, i could drink this all day long. This is the first time i have tasted an ACA and will be brewing this for sure. It had a nice thick creamy head which did subside over time but still held untill the end of the glass ( mind you it didn't last long ). It had a slight perfumey smell and i thought i could taste a bit of corn ?. This beer was also the palest and clearest beer of the swap so far. It really was a nice easy drinking summer beer

Thanks drive....

apd - Brown ale

Brown, muddy colour. Small off-white head. Aroma was malty/caramel, maybe some chocolate as it warmed up a little. It was malty, earthy, and a nice level of bitterness. There was a warming alcohol feel to it. There was a slightly dusty feel to it. At first I thought it was under carbonated, but decided at the end that it was just right - made it quite an easy drinking beer!

cheers apd - thanks for the beer :)
just finished last swap beer & recon we should start the polling for the craftbrew brownlow

3 vote maple rye ipa

2 vote wardhog esb

1 vote mark m house ale apa
Lucas - NS real Ale

Was quite cloudy, good head
Nice showcase of the sauvin, got heaps of passionfruit from it.
Just what I felt like when I had it on a hot day a whiles back.

Lavender - Amarillo APA

Would have been a nice easy drinker but too full of body for me!!
Tasted like it had a kg of carapils in it, or else mashed quite high.
Probably just not to my taste.

The Rook - Alt

Damn nice beer - Smooth easy drinking
Very nice work, I would be keen to do something similar based on this!
Cheers for the beer

Sorry not much description for these two but it's been one of those days!

Fents' Kolsch

Well, it certainly looked the goods for a Kolsch. It seems that a few weeks udisturbed in the fridge has taken care of any cloudiness that others might have noticed. This thing was the barest thinnest hair away from diamond bright, you could (and I tried it) read the paper through it easily. Well and truly the clearest beer of the swap so far.

Lots of Fizz, enough so the pour was hard to control. Big foamy white head. Looked just like a Kolsch is supposed to. Well, actually a kolsch is supposed to have a smaller head... but who can complain about a big fluffy head on their beer ??

Unfortunately, there were green apples in the aroma and a bit of bandaid. And plasticy off flavours as well.

Ignoring the faults that you were already aware were there.. tasting past them. For a Kolsch, it was a bit too malty and full bodied, a bit too much of the fruity winey flavour and a bit too bitter. If you made it again, I would use the same recipe and amounts of ingredients, but just make 10-20% more volume. It had all the right things, just too much of them. Kolsches are meant to be delicate and subtle. Without the faults, this would have been pretty damn nice beer, but just a bit "much" for a kolsch.


Lavender - Amarillo APA

Just a note on this (because he doesn't really use AHB), it is actually a kit beer not AG, and in my opinion probably one of the best kit beers i've had for a while. I certainly didn't make anything this good with kits.
Hairofthedog - Nelson Pils

Dammit but I like this one.

I was in the mood for a nice bitter pilsner and this thing ticks all the boxes.

Beautifully clear (just a widget short of diamond bright) dark straw/light gold colour. Big fluffy head that fades to a cap, but a cap that lasted all the way through.

NS hops dominate the aroma, with just a barley detectable soft pilsner malt character behind it.

Flavour is once again dominated by NS hops, but not as fully as the aroma. I got a good malty hit out of this. A dash of residual sweetness, but the strong bitterness balances it out easily. Even though Pilsners are supposed to be bitter, its out of balance in that direction, but thats what I felt like, and there is enough body and character in the beer so that you get away with it.

I disagree with you that its "super dry" I didn't think so at all. Like I said, bit of sweetness and good body and mouthfeel in this one. If it was actually very dry, it would be way too bitter.

I'd happily sit down to a few of these, but... after a while the bitterness might get to be too much. To make it a bit more "sessionable" you could back off the IBUs and maybe tone down the NS character a bit. BUT, a for sitting down to a bottle while I wind down from work, it was great.

Lovely smells (I really like the NS aroma/flavour) and refreshing beer with a great firm lingering bitterness.

Cheers mate, top work.

apd - brown ale

I thought I could taste DMS in your beer. A strong vegetal flavour that lurks at first, but is all I could taste in the finish.


Very well made beer. Maybe a little too roasty for my personal tastes, but I guess that's just the style, maybe also having it straight after the above didn't help either.
Hairofthedog - Super Dry Nelson Pils

Fantastic summer beer this one. Not overly dry, as I was expecting, though the hop bitternes gives the impression that it is. I would probably back off on the IBUs with this hop, as it seems slightly harsh. Otherwise, plenty of lovely passionfruit, grape and citrus aroma - one bottle was not enough.

Did you post the recipe for this Hairofthedog?
Hairofthedog - Nelson Pils

Dammit but I like this one.

I was in the mood for a nice bitter pilsner and this thing ticks all the boxes.

Beautifully clear (just a widget short of diamond bright) dark straw/light gold colour. Big fluffy head that fades to a cap, but a cap that lasted all the way through.

NS hops dominate the aroma, with just a barley detectable soft pilsner malt character behind it.

Flavour is once again dominated by NS hops, but not as fully as the aroma. I got a good malty hit out of this. A dash of residual sweetness, but the strong bitterness balances it out easily. Even though Pilsners are supposed to be bitter, its out of balance in that direction, but thats what I felt like, and there is enough body and character in the beer so that you get away with it.

I disagree with you that its "super dry" I didn't think so at all. Like I said, bit of sweetness and good body and mouthfeel in this one. If it was actually very dry, it would be way too bitter.

I'd happily sit down to a few of these, but... after a while the bitterness might get to be too much. To make it a bit more "sessionable" you could back off the IBUs and maybe tone down the NS character a bit. BUT, a for sitting down to a bottle while I wind down from work, it was great.

Lovely smells (I really like the NS aroma/flavour) and refreshing beer with a great firm lingering bitterness.

Cheers mate, top work.


happy to see u enjoyed it thirsty i called it a super dry before i had tasted it purly because the fg was 1004 so i expeced it to be slightly dryer & its a biab to boot thirsty i thought youd like to know that
happy to see u enjoyed it thirsty i called it a super dry before i had tasted it purly because the fg was 1004 so i expeced it to be slightly dryer & its a biab to boot thirsty i thought youd like to know that

I thought it was quite dry, but it had a honey flavour which I attributed to the pilsner malt.

I enjoyed it, as I like my beers dry, hoppy and bitter :lol:

apd - Brown Ale

Nice Pffttt sound when opening the bottle, nice thick creamy head which disappated with time. No hop aroma or taste but i expect this would be to style ?
I could taste an earthy and malty flavour and finished off with a nice bitterness which i liked. As it warmed up the malty smell started to come through.

Nice beer apd

apd - brown ale

I thought I could taste DMS in your beer. A strong vegetal flavour that lurks at first, but is all I could taste in the finish.

Thanks Wardhog. I've been trying to put my finger on that flavour for ages. However my pallet needs some education. I though I detected the same flavour in the Squirrel's Foot Bitter but your comments on that one don't mention DMS.

Back to the drawing board.

Thanks Wardhog. I've been trying to put my finger on that flavour for ages. However my pallet needs some education. I though I detected the same flavour in the Squirrel's Foot Bitter but your comments on that one don't mention DMS.

Back to the drawing board.


Don't just assume I'm right and you're wrong, trust what your senses are telling you.

To anyone who knows anything about DMS : Can it be localised to a bottle? Or is it "the whole batch or not at all"?
Don't just assume I'm right and you're wrong, trust what your senses are telling you.

To anyone who knows anything about DMS : Can it be localised to a bottle? Or is it "the whole batch or not at all"?

It's usually the whole batch unless your bottle has been skunked. This is caused by light, thats why most beer comes in amber glass, which helps minimalise light degradation. Has your bottle been stored in a well lit place?
