Vic 2007 Xmas Swap Taste Thread

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Got about 10 left I think, had holidays and back at work, two nights as well as a full week this one so quite busy.
Will be posting more soon!
start off by saying we had my daughters first birthday on the weekend and I put homebrew and megaswill on for those that wanted it. I unfortunately had a few of my case swap tucked away in the fridge inside for my own private tasting session later on. Some bugger gotinto the fridge and drank a few of the caseswaps. so I wont be making comment on a few. I hope at least they enjoyed the beers.

Chris Taylor's American Amber Ale
A darker than I thought it was going to be. perfect carbonation and head retention. really interestiong hop flavours going on. bit hit of bitterness up front which trails off and you get some of the sublte hops and beer flavours (like the choc). It was such an unexpected beer as there were elements of a good stout (bitterness and roasty choc), but it wasnt as heavy as a stout and went down like an ale. nice beer Chris. I wish I had of drunk it on a slightly cooler day though.
Still half a dozen or so left in my swap case (mostly heavies and stouts)

Had Lucas' NS summer Ale last night. Bloody marvelous! That's how I like my beers.
Sorry - no detailed critique unfortunately - I had it amongst many beers with a mate, and he absolutely loved it too.
Will be putting this one on the "to do" list for this year.
Cheers Lucas.
15. voota - extra stout

Cap was labelled "SS" - I think this is voota's extra stout.

Wow, this beer is black! A brown coloured head. Lowish carbonation but a good level for the beer. There was a touch of sweetness in the aroma, biscuits, some perfume, and a hint of smoke. The flavour was very roasty, toasty with quite a bitter finish. It was medium to heavy in body with a beautiful smooth feel to it. After finishing the longneck I feel the beginnings of a slight buzz happening which makes me think there must be a kick to it - but I certainly couldn't taste it when drinking...

I think this is a good stout but I'm not a big stout drinker so feedback from other tasters may be more valuable to you! Thanks very much for the beer :icon_cheers:

Maples rye ipa rocked my boat after a long drinking day today, loved it, biggups.
Cheers Fents, Glad you liked it.
11. DarkFaerytale - F.E. Stout - 'FES' on the lid

Dark brown in colour - not quite total black. Brown head. Light carbonation - enough for the beer. Main aroma is roasted/burnt malt. There is also a slightly perfume-y aroma from the hops. Taste follows the predominant aroma - roasty, toasty, with a bitter end. Its medium body.

A fairly easy drinking beer and an interesting comparison to last night's "SS" stout - many similar aromas and flavours but this one was slightly less intense in the colour and flavour and the mouthfeel was different.

thanks for the beer DFT :)

andreic's Hefe -

Lightly clovey, low but present banana, slightly undercarbed for style. Refreshing but a little lacking in flavour. An interesting take on the style but not my favourite Hefe.

And THEN - I realised that it wasn't Andreic's beer at all, it was the bottle of my own damn hefe that I got back in the swap.

Apparently with a lot more time than you'd think it would need, it has turned from almost undrinkable swill into a not exciting but not unpleasant beer. :rolleyes:
andreic's Hefe -

Lightly clovey, low but present banana, slightly undercarbed for style. Refreshing but a little lacking in flavour. An interesting take on the style but not my favourite Hefe.

And THEN - I realised that it wasn't Andreic's beer at all, it was the bottle of my own damn hefe that I got back in the swap.

Apparently with a lot more time than you'd think it would need, it has turned from almost undrinkable swill into a not exciting but not unpleasant beer. :rolleyes:

I'll post the real one now then...

Adreics hefe

Drank it just now, didnt like it (happens to me with all these wheat's but i make myself drink em) at first but fell in love with it by the second pot. So clearand refreshing, nice one.
I've tried them all now, sorry I couldn't give feedback for them all... but I did my best.

1. Adreics hefe - simply delicious, an faultless classic Bavarian weizen.
2 & 3 split between Mark M's house ale, Maples Rye IPA, The APA with the flying dog yeast, and Quintrex's Belgian IPA. All these were really interesting and ridiculously easy to drink.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the swap.

Ok, i have finished all my beers

3 votes - Hutch - Hair of the Dog - this won by the length of the straight, the premiership beer
2 votes Quintrex - Belgium IPA
1 vote, this was a dead heat mark_m, Andrei and maple

over all it was a very good experience

Thanks fellas

Rook's alt.

never had an alt so I dont know how it compares to the style. nice flavours coming though, Spalter huh? nice. nice brown colour with a touch or sweetness? taking the edge of the dark grain. nice amount of body to the beer. went down very easily. only thing is that there was no head and ver very little carbonation. not sure if thats the style or not. I personaly would have liked a little more carbonation. but thats just personal taste.

I cant vote as I still have a few left. but they'll be gone by the end of the weekend :)
Boy I'm a slow drinker!
Had Andrei's Hefe last night, and thought it was an awesome drop - better than most weizens I've sampled from respected micro's, IMHO.
Perfect (high) carbonation level, reasonably clear, decent head that lasted the length of the glass. All the right flavours, and not too overpowered by any one in particular. Was this WYeast 3068?
Might have to go hunt down your recipe - this was better than my recent attempt at the style.
Would love to know how this one would stack-up in a comp.
Great work Andrei!

Just FYI, I had the last of my flying Dog APA's the other night, and it tasted very weird indeed! I think some of the bottles had some "left-over" ginger-beer yeast around the rim (poor washing in hand-me-down bottles). So I would expect this would account for the "funky" flavours some have noted. Great to get this feedback from you all - I've enjoyed this case-swap immensely.
Had Andrei's Hefe last night, and thought it was an awesome drop - better than most weizens I've sampled from respected micro's, IMHO.
Perfect (high) carbonation level, reasonably clear, decent head that lasted the length of the glass. All the right flavours, and not too overpowered by any one in particular. Was this WYeast 3068?
Might have to go hunt down your recipe - this was better than my recent attempt at the style.
Would love to know how this one would stack-up in a comp.
Great work Andrei!

cheers for the compliments :)

The recipe is in the vic case swap recipe thread. Its pretty simple - 60/40 Wheat/Pilsener malt and a 60 min hop addition. This was my 4th crack at this style and by far my best. The key, I think, was adding a rest at 43c before the main rest when mashing. The yeast was whitelabs Hefeweizen WLP300 and I also fermented a little higher this time - 21c.

I will be doing the exact same beer again soon so I hope it comes out the same...









i don't think the point was to say who's beer is best. i'm not gonna stop ya, just saying :)

and no i'm not just saying that 'cos i'm loosing :p

I agree with DFT, not really the point, but however, I'll vote anyway

3 - Peels - Scotish ale
2 - Chris T - Red Ale
1 - Spills - Belgian Blonde
Honourable mention to Andreic - Hefe
i don't think the point was to say who's beer is best. i'm not gonna stop ya, just saying :)

and no i'm not just saying that 'cos i'm loosing :p


i get ya point i was just thinking it would be a bit of fun & the brewer with the most votes might enjoy the the praise of there fellow brewers (so i guess the idea of a trophy for the winner is out of the question)