Vic 2007 Xmas Swap Taste Thread

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Just cracked a bottle of 23 Cummins IPA. I don't normally start drinking at 06:00 am but have just finished a night shift so it is the start of my Friday night. Any way as soon as I opened the bottle it was frothing over, definitely a boy. The beer it self is lovely really malty and extremely hoppy but the carbonation is huge. I know that I am a big fan of lightly carbonated beers but this one is a bit to fizzy for my liking. I do love the Hops though really tasty.
ok while the memory is still there i had two of the beers last night

one was the Hutch - flying dog ale

what an interesting yeast. seemed to change quite suddenly in the flavour profile. the first thing that struck me was the aroma, your all gonna laugh at me for this but it reminded me of that glue/paste stuff you use in primary school, clag. i swear i smelled just like it, but it wasn't a bad thing. after that i was getting cloves and alot of pepper. i actually quite liked it. i'm deffinatly going to play around with this strain in the new year. good beer hutch could not find anything wrong with it

the other was a honey wheat was it wambesi's? or was there another honey wheat in the case? i really should right thigns down like i did on the last swap, anyway...

the aroma on the beer was quite nice but i found the beer itself really really dry from what i would think was over use of honey and perhaps a tad overcarbonated, but in saying that, while i found it hard to drink at first by the end of the beer while sitting out on the back deck in the hot night and having a smoke i found myself wanting another one of them. would probably make a great summer beer

Citymorgues Kenzie Hop Ale

Well this beer brings back memories of my kit days and thats a good thing. The darker style kits seem to turn out pretty well and this beer has. Much better than any of the kits I ever brewed.
therook's Alt -

I quite like an altbier, and this one's no exception. Only two things about it though, very very low carbonation - look at more next time.

What is that flavour that lingers on the palate? I've only had a few alts, but none of them had a finish like that - almost dimethyl sulfide. Maybe you shouldn't reuse the yeast from this one, or have a more vigorous boil.

Edit: It was a very low level, not enough to stop me from finishing the bottle. Cheers, therook.

Interesting Wardy, i used Nottinghams Dry yeast in this and it was the one recommended. I will give it a go with an liquid next time Wyeast 1007.
I was also dissapointed in the carbonation and i cant work out why it is like this, i bulk prime with the same way for all my beers, but this one let me down.

Thanks for the feedback Ward.

Interesting Wardy, i used Nottinghams Dry yeast in this and it was the one recommended. I will give it a go with an liquid next time Wyeast 1007.
I was also dissapointed in the carbonation and i cant work out why it is like this, i bulk prime with the same way for all my beers, but this one let me down.

Thanks for the feedback Ward.


No, I meant don't repitch the slurry if you were thinking of saving and reusing. I'm sure the Nottingham yeast is fine in a beer like this, I meant that possibly there was a mild infection in your batch or bottle. I'm thinking bottle because no one else has said anything.


Edit: VVVVV Maple and I are SCIENTISTS, we have the white coats and everything
Just as a quality control, I'd go another as well Rook, didn't mind this one at all.

Edit: for the sake of science, that is...
driveitlikeyoustoleit - ACA

This is a very well made beer. I can't think of a single thing to suggest to improve it. Light, clear, holds head all the way down, nice little hint of fruity flavour remains of the bittering hops - refreshing.

You may think I'm saying that without much enthusiasm, and you'd be right. The style doesn't grab me, that's all - the brewer has done a great job.
wambesi - Honey Wheat Beer

Golden colour, almost perfectly clear. Small white head that is gone in a flash (my glass may not have helped). There was a slightly sweet smell, perhaps some apples. It had a wheaty taste, then I could taste the honey. It was fairly sweet, but not overly so.

The total lack of head probably detracted from the overall impression a tad (I still get this in the occasional beer too). I'm also not entirely sure whether honey beers are my thing (I am willing to keep tasting to check though). Having said that I quite enjoyed the beer - it was pretty easy drinking and there was no trouble at all draining the bottle - gone :)

thanks for the beer wambesi
lucas' NS summer ale

A well made beer, but too much grapefruit for me. My wife liked it, and there's not many beers that she does like (especially mine).
Early start today Wardhog? love the commitment...
Early start today Wardhog? love the commitment...

Last night's memory. SWMBO orders that the sun is not over the yardarm just yet, and doesn't care that it actually is somewhere in the world.
And now for something completely different.

Sorry I cant remember whos beer it is. It is either apds Brown or Hutchs APA. Both were good beers but from memory Hutchs beer was a little funky. Not infected funky, just funky funky.

Wish I had taken some notes last night like I normally do.

EDIT: It appears in my drunken stupor I did in fact take some notes. The beer in the photo is Maples Rye IPA. All I have written in my notes is expletively good beer.

Lucas NS summer ale

Well I dont know how much NS you put in this batch as I havent seen your recipe but from the taste I would say heaps. Just a little too much for me. Otherwise a well balanced beer. I would like to see your recipe as I would like to have a crack at this one with the hops backed off a bit to suit my taste. Well made beer.
Chris Taylor - American Amber Ale

Deep dark brown colour. Well and truly at the darker end of the amber colour spectrum. Small off white head that dissipated, but I got a nice lacing down the glass. The aroma was US hops (cascade?) and malty caramel. Taste was big malt - roasty, coffee, chocolate and some hop flavour but difficult for me to pick out. Rather bitter, but well in balance with all the other flavours going on. For me the malt dominated the hops, but I have a hard time picking out the different hop flavours....

A really tasty, interesting beer. Very enjoyable and suited the cooler day we've had today.

good one - thanks Chris :)

Had a look through the recipes thread - what yeast did you use?
65 Bellet - Squirrel Foot Bitter
Yum. that's all i got. not sure how to expand on this, but i'll try. Malt profile - roasty and full- bit of a tangy taste, not sure what, but certainly a feature. didn't take but a few minutes to hit the bottom of this beaut. Well constructed.

Mrs Maple didn't fancy this one, i told her it was squirrel foot bitter, she suggested that the squirrel wash its feet next time. all the same, I really enjoyed it. Cheers 65bellet
Chris Taylor - American Amber Ale

Deep dark brown colour. Well and truly at the darker end of the amber colour spectrum. Small off white head that dissipated, but I got a nice lacing down the glass. The aroma was US hops (cascade?) and malty caramel. Taste was big malt - roasty, coffee, chocolate and some hop flavour but difficult for me to pick out. Rather bitter, but well in balance with all the other flavours going on. For me the malt dominated the hops, but I have a hard time picking out the different hop flavours....

A really tasty, interesting beer. Very enjoyable and suited the cooler day we've had today.

good one - thanks Chris :)

Had a look through the recipes thread - what yeast did you use?

Thanks andreic.

Hops are starting to fade a little now, but the bitterness is still there. Was a mixture of pride of ringwood, cascade and amarillo.

Yeast was Wyeast 1056.
lucas - NS Summer "Real Ale"

Nice light golden colour. Fairly hazy. Small white head that left fairly quickly - but not completely - I got a bit of lacing down the glass. Aroma was of citrus - lemon-y. Taste was very smooth, than again with the lemons, and a nice smooth bitterness which lasted.

I can see how this would be a nice refreshing beer on a summer's day. I think this is a well made beer.

thanks for the beer lucas :)

I think that between this and the Dry Nelson Pils case-swappers have a good chance to taste some Nelson Sauvin beers and see if its a hop they like. Its new to me - I've never used it or tasted it before. My overall impression is "lemons". I'm not sure that I'm quite sold on it... if my review seems luke-warm at all then that is why... cheers, Andrei
Two for the price of one... no, actually three

BIPA - Good beer, but balance is out in favour of the hops. Not by much though, and would certainly happily drink it any old time.

edit: I treated this just like any old IPA, and thought it was mildly out of balance towards the hops, but after sussing out what it was, I tip my hat to you, sir. You've taken a very big punt and pulled it off admirably.

SS - I don't know much about stouts, but I know what I like, and I like this. Coffee/chocolate aftertaste that makes me think I need to brew about 35,000 litres for next winter. Great beer, I could become a stout fan after this.

Thirsty's Hefeweizen - Sorry dude, I could smell rubber and the taste was not pleasant, and that's as far as I got.

I'm sure this is an aberration, a statistical anomaly, shit happens, you'll come back on the next case swap and I'll look forward to your beer then.
Thanks andreic.

Hops are starting to fade a little now, but the bitterness is still there. Was a mixture of pride of ringwood, cascade and amarillo.

Yeast was Wyeast 1056.

thanks Chris - just interested because I'm tasting similar flavours in a few different beers - handy to look at recipes and try and work out if its yeast, malt, hops, or maybe just my screwy palate. these case-swaps are great to get feedback on your beer, taste a lot of different beers, and also to try and educate your own palate through tasting and reading other peoples's notes...

cheers, Andrei