Two Big Wins...

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Yeast, unleashed in the East...
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So two major wins for me today:

1. Just finished my last exam for the year and handed in my last paper for the year. This is my first year back as a full time student (done 5 years part time in the present degree) and now I am facing my first decent break in about 6 years - a f*cking fantastic 6 weeks of reading for pleasure instead of study, mashing brews like crazy, trying to lose a few kgs and offering sacrifices to the hayfever gods that I don't spend the entire time incapacitated haha.

2. I am drinking my first AG Schwarzbier, based on an old extract recipe I used to use for a Tooheys old style.

%80 Pilsner malt

%10 Munich

%5 carapils

%5 carafa I

27 IBUs (I used Hallertau and Horizon for 60 mins cos thats what I had on the fridge)

Wyeast 2206

Been in the bottle 4 weeks and the only way to describe it is to use 50s American sayings that express admiration for a nice looking dameat the moment, halfway through the pintRING-A DING DING!

Hope you all have a fantastic end to the week, lets hope I'm not too hungover tomorrow to actually mash that dark wheat beer I was threatening to do a few weeks ago.

Cheers all. :icon_chickcheers: