Tooheys Pale ale

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Tried a six pack the other day. Was anticipating something better than New, but not radically better.

I was wrong. It's worse. I would drink New instead of this. It has that ugly New taste with the faintest hint of hops underneath which never quite pushes through, leaving just a weird flavour profile.
Looks like I'm the only one who likes it.
Finished the second carton yesterday.
I think a lot of you blokes have got your head up your arse.

Basically I see this beer as a great alternative to coopers Green on tap.
Had half a dozen at The Star on tap and I'm a coopers man but preferred this.
It has a back bite of American a weaker version of Sierra Nevada. Which I prefer cause I find that beer too over the top on for me I loved it for a session.

I bought a case today......gotta say the packaging is a MAJOR disappointment. It's like the marketing team got confused on what they were trying to create and who they were trying to appeal to. It's packaged like That new Crown Lager beer.
They have tried to stay true to the brand......but those loyalists are not the market you should be appealing to.
They should have gone for something fresh with the's not the nineteen eighties!!
Trewhella said:
Which I prefer cause I find that beer too over the top on for me I loved it for a session.
Damn those beers with flavour, damn them to hell!!!

Nothing but soda water and steamed celery for me!
Trewhella said:
I think a lot of you blokes have got your head up your arse.

Basically I see this beer as a great alternative to coopers Green on tap.
There is no alternative to Coopers Green on tap B)
Pratty1 said:
The problem I see with this attempt at craft beer is the effect of what people think craft beer is.

Firstly, the faithful will try this beer trusting that the brand they are culturally driven to consume is worth trying and think that ALL craft beer eg ales are ****.

Secondly are the others that don't know beer or craft beer and will think that a big brand like tooheys is worth trying and likely not try craft beer again after tasting the New pale ale.

This is a problem, they will sell some but a large portion of the tooheys faithful will be cemented in making sure they go back to and continue to buy tooheys new, never trying craft beer again, telling there mates what they think of it etc etc and the culture of the brand grows stronger.

It's a shame really, cos I reckon the big boys could pump out a top level pale ale or IPA but they just don't give a ****.
Micro brewery`s hijacked the "Craft Brew (AKA. hand crafted)" tag from home brewers. After all, how many micro breweries actually hand craft?
Trewhella said:
I think a lot of you blokes have got your head up your arse.

Basically I see this beer as a great alternative to coopers Green on tap.
Had half a dozen at The Star on tap and I'm a coopers man but preferred this.
It has a back bite of American a weaker version of Sierra Nevada. Which I prefer cause I find that beer too over the top on for me I loved it for a session.

I bought a case today......gotta say the packaging is a MAJOR disappointment. It's like the marketing team got confused on what they were trying to create and who they were trying to appeal to. It's packaged like That new Crown Lager beer.
They have tried to stay true to the brand......but those loyalists are not the market you should be appealing to.
They should have gone for something fresh with the's not the nineteen eighties!!
^ Tooheys employee....
Burt de Ernie said:
^ Tooheys employee....

If only, imagine the backstroke Homer style in the vats

Mate, I had no expectation regarding this beer......I honestly thought it would be generic garbage. It ain't.
It made me happy.
Happy enough to buy a case of it.
I think Brewers and micro Brewers can't stand the fact that the big Brewers produced a good beer
It is at my local on tap. Of the tap offerings they have, it would be the best.

Unless of course you find a really old Coopers Sparkling ale in the back of the fridge that no one ever buys.. Then I smile. And get a coopers red. :)
Trewhella said:
If only, imagine the backstroke Homer style in the vats

Mate, I had no expectation regarding this beer......I honestly thought it would be generic garbage. It ain't.
It made me happy.
Happy enough to buy a case of it.
I think Brewers and micro Brewers can't stand the fact that the big Brewers produced a good beer
Its really a matter of opinion.

It is likely that anyone who actually rates this beer just has an underdeveloped palette, but that's just my own opinion.

Edit: There are people in my office who actually critique instant just saying.
Trewhella said:
I think Brewers and micro Brewers can't stand the fact that the big Brewers produced a good beer
Nothing would make me happier than if either of the big 2 would release a **** hot beer (of any style) under one of their core brands (not a craft subsidiary). We all know they can do it if they wanted to.....they just don't want to. At least Lion are trying to engage the public a little. All CUB do is release another 'yak' beer. Really inspiring.
Trewhella said:
I think Brewers and micro Brewers can't stand the fact that the big Brewers produced a good beer
Nope... cos they didnt.

I am honestly surprised that someone o this forum actually like it.

Maybe it was my mindset, i expected a flavoursome beer as it had been labelled a pale ale, my blonde ales have more flavour than this.
I would have to say that I am mildly sus that the only person who likes the beer in question has been an AHB member for only 4 hours, but whatever.
I tried one on tap at the Fox hotel here a couple of weeks ago, however, I had been out for a big one the night before so I can't really say whether it tasted bland because it is, or because my tastebuds were numb. :lol:

However, I did try a couple of other beers at the Charming Squire afterwards, which had noticeable flavour...
A) I have a mature palate......I'm 45 and have been drinking beer since 16.
The other beer I like is the organic steam ale........

B) I have nothing to do with Tooheys. I drank new when I was a boy. I moved to coopers on tap, then black then back to coopers.
I've tried most beers around.
For me and my palate, this beer rates.

Some of you think that cause you brew your own your opinion counts more than others. So many home brews I've tried........dozens......have been average
I have so much beer coming out my ears in the form of home brew, and so many more recipes I want to try that if I get the chance to go to the bottleshop id rather give my money to an actual craft brewery who brews beer to taste superb with less focus on brewing a beer that will appeal to the maximum number of people possible. Faux craft beers and breweries are probably run by office folk with no idea on how to brew whereas id say 99% of real craft breweries are started and run by the head brewer.
Trewhella said:
I think a lot of you blokes have got your head up your arse.
Says a bloke with a grand total of 3 posts on a forum known for nothing but honest opinions and objective conjecture.

So... go local sports team...?