Yep I do think that people should be aware that a steak actually came from somewhere. I fully recognise that people can do whatever they want and that the vast majority of people don't care and are happy living in ignorance as to how their steak arrived at their table.
I simply believe that if you are going to eat meat, show some empathy, respect and care to the creatures that you have killed. If you aren't the sort of person that can kill an animal, why are you eating it?
yep I agree and the only thing I felt when I last killed an animal was the recoil.
I agree my 5 year old knows where her dinner comes from
she has also asked to eat Duck, and Venison with out being prompted to try it
some people can not deal with being able to kill something to eat them selves, ( My mrs is one of them )
however she really enjoys a nice steak
And regarding tradition, I don't believe tradition to be a good enough reason to do anything. Think for yourself dammit.
nothing wrong with tradition's I am a fisher and hunter and not going to change any time soon.
I am all for animal welfare,and having respect for animals.
however animal rights are another thing all together.
I am surprised that the terrorist organisation PeTa has not been brought up more... won't someone thing about the sea kittens