This Weekend?

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How'd you get on with the bag, Mark?

I've got a 1.5m * 2m square of swiss voile but haven't been able to organise someone to sew it up. Called a few places but they all wouldn't give an estimate or said 'maybe tuesday' and stuff like that. I wanna brew this weekend so screw that. Worse comes to worse I'll be doing a no-stitch approach.

I even looked in four shops for cheapo sewing machines today but no luck.
Taphouse spectapular tomorrow day, playing a gig tomorrow night - should be fun after a few icon 2ipas :p

Sunday a birthday lunch and dinner for some friends.
Brewing a Brown Ale tonight, kegging Barley Wine Sunday.

Edit: spelling
Hopefully Rooting...but more than likely not.

got 4 days off starting on saturday (just finished work half an hour ago - so really 4 and a half)...but have to move to my new place!

Going to get the keg fridge set up first and get beer going asap!
Brewing a Mild on Sunday arvo.

Starter of WY1968 stepped up this morning with another 2 litres of wort, and it's well underway and will be ready to pitch late Sunday/early Monday.

Other than that, entertaining (?) mrs warra's best friend and hubby, who seem to use our place as a free B&B whenever they feel like it. I'm getting tired of it. Never any offer to pay for dinner etc, they just rock up and expect to be fed, housed, alcoholised, and entertained. They've perfected the art of freeloading.
Other than that, entertaining (?) mrs warra's best friend and hubby, who seem to use our place as a free B&B whenever they feel like it. I'm getting tired of it. Never any offer to pay for dinner etc, they just rock up and expect to be fed, housed, alcoholised, and entertained. They've perfected the art of freeloading.

Brew a old black and gold kit beer at 30deg in the sun - there is their alc
use off milk in there tea
and maybe food poisoning -there's dinner
bed bugs in their bed

I know i would never be back :)
off to the holiday house in bonnie doon (yep, the serenity is awesome!!) to do a bit of my other passion - wakeboarding. Oh, gonna celebrate my son's 8th birthday whilst we are there!
Hoping to get a few brews done this weekend, a Rogue Yellow Snow IPA clone attempt and house APA or a light summer ale.

interested to know how yellow snow goes! im doing one soon with all centennial instead of amarillo and probably munich instead of melanoiden as i already have it on hand.

so i guess its not yellow snow but pretty much inspired by it! Im only adding enough munich just to get some melanoidens happening in the aroma, as for colour its pretty much SFA.

Maybe a swapover if you're interested Maple? (if we can be arsed bottling from a keg :p)

Did i read 'light summer ale'?!? i didnt think light was in your brewing vocab! or does that just mean 6%?! :D
BenH is coming over tomorrow morning and we're going to brew beer. I'm doing an IPA, he's got a Dunkel sorted. Then a big feed of malaysian (YUM!) and maybe a visit to the Mean Fiddler if I can get there and aren't too hammered from brewing all day. I hear from home that the kids are ill, so it's going to be a quiet one!

Cheers - Mike
Hopefully Rooting...but more than likely not.


Try harder!

Brewing a Mild on Sunday arvo.

Starter of WY1968 stepped up this morning with another 2 litres of wort, and it's well underway and will be ready to pitch late Sunday/early Monday.

Other than that, entertaining (?) mrs warra's best friend and hubby, who seem to use our place as a free B&B whenever they feel like it. I'm getting tired of it. Never any offer to pay for dinner etc, they just rock up and expect to be fed, housed, alcoholised, and entertained. They've perfected the art of freeloading.

i think they may like your company!
According to google maps, there are two! I knew of the Victorian one, but not the banana bender one.

Yeah, I knew of both. We have a bit of a connection to Bonnie Doon - was the first place I ever lived when my old man was the school teacher there. The holiday house we have now is a few hundred metres past "the" house made famous in the movie.

We refer to the holiday house as the 'pool room' :rolleyes:

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