G'day all
Well we at the IBU's get together a few times a year (Mark's place on the 14th) and all the gatherings are big one's (got locked out last time and slept with the chooks LOL)
The Thirroul Seaside festival is a big weekend. Held over 2 days, the first day in the main drag of Thirroul and at the Parkon the beach on Sunday. Its a great weekend for all and attracts thousands and thousands as its only 70k from Sydney.
The new SeaCliff bridge is open and worth the drive.
We have the ok from the organizers of the festival to run this competition. It has the opportunity to become a very big event for us homebrewers.
What we need to make it work on an Annual event is you guys and girls to come down and give us a hand.
These events just dont happen and a lot of work goes on in the background. The festival has all the media we could ever want.
Once all the beers are in a week before the event we can contact radio, papers and TV for the coverage and they are looking for something new. Its what the hobby needs.
So get your beers in and come down for the day.