Thirroul Seaside Festival Comp Info

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gday scotty
i was keen on entering your comp until i read the part about only nsw residents are eligible for awards/prizes.
Due to this i wont bother as the cost to me to send entries down that far is just not worth it.
hope your comp does well

Next time I stop at northern brew I'll drop in a bottle or two :)
What are the prizes anyway? No info in the document that I could see. :unsure: the judging occurs before you drop the beer off?

"COnducted 2nd April"

"Entries close 24th april"
Sorry - the devil is in the detail and at 1am last night I was not too hot to trot on detail ;-P

Ammendments to the entry date - close is March and removal of 'NSW Residents' exclusion.

We had Ray offer himself as first prize but with his current run of infections i'm not sure about this...

Come one, come all! thanks for the eagled eyed observation.

OK so if i can add a realy silly reading the rules, any beer not in the class noted should go into special is that special class open to all styles?....and will they be judged as a special beer, or as the actual sub class of beer
The general gist is that this is a limited catergory competition with 4 main entry points. The categories offer quite a bit of scope but the comp is a limited category basis.

This is due to many reasons - including resources and the limited time for judging.

All entries outside parameters will be handled on a best effort basis - but again this is a limited category comp so best to enter to the styles availible.

There are also a number of BJCP judges attending the IBU's have sufficient experience in running comp's.
G'day all
Well we at the IBU's get together a few times a year (Mark's place on the 14th) and all the gatherings are big one's (got locked out last time and slept with the chooks LOL)
The Thirroul Seaside festival is a big weekend. Held over 2 days, the first day in the main drag of Thirroul and at the Parkon the beach on Sunday. Its a great weekend for all and attracts thousands and thousands as its only 70k from Sydney.
The new SeaCliff bridge is open and worth the drive.
We have the ok from the organizers of the festival to run this competition. It has the opportunity to become a very big event for us homebrewers.
What we need to make it work on an Annual event is you guys and girls to come down and give us a hand.
These events just dont happen and a lot of work goes on in the background. The festival has all the media we could ever want.
Once all the beers are in a week before the event we can contact radio, papers and TV for the coverage and they are looking for something new. Its what the hobby needs.
So get your beers in and come down for the day.
Just to double check if you submit the coopers PET bottles does this count as a full tallie or do we need to submit 2 of these?

So 1 or 2 pet bottles per entry required?

Cheers :D
Another clarification question. This one is using BJCP guidelines, not AABA?
There'll be an entry or two in from me.

My beer has improved a lot since I last entered so I'll be keen to compare the score sheets.

And Ray, isn't the IBU get together at Mark's on the 19th? Or is my diary in a shambles again?

Cheers for that Ray.

The beer is not my best but as I haven't entered any comps before I thought it might be good to get some feedback so I can see how things are going according to style and judging.

Ray_Mills said:
Slugger if the beer in the pet bottle is very good you need to send 2

One bottle of Hirsebier will be enough to convince you of the power of millet, bottling tomorrow, wil be ready.

Cheers, Andrew.
Jusdging guidlines and discriptors will be BJCP - as the South Coasts only BJCP Judge I'd not use anything else!

How did the comp go guys? Will you be posting the results?