Things We Hate About Everybody

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I hate dickheads who call meetings for the same of having a meeting, nothing I hate more than being stuck in a meeting room for an hour to discuss something that could have been taken care of in 5 mins with a simple phone call or email.

Just remember why meetings exist in the first place. Because corporations, as a physical entity, can't actually masturbate. Meetings are the corporate equivalent.
Just remember why meetings exist in the first place. Because corporations, as a physical entity, can't actually masturbate. Meetings are the corporate equivalent.

Absolutely - the person calling the meeting feels really good. It wastes a lot of time. And at the end of the day it never produces anything. Corporate masturbation.
Thatfore someone created "Bullshit Bingo"

Since Im playing Bullshit Bingo at meetings, things have chanded dramatically :p

My PhD supervisor emerged from a department meeting with a big smirk. He told me that during the meeting while prof A was talking - a guy with a nervous throat clearing problem who literally cleared his throat every 2nd or 3rd word - prof B kept writing something. He was king of curious what B was writing down but didn't think that much of it. After the meeting prof B approaches my supervisor. He held up the paper he had been writing on and it's full of tick marks. He said, "A cleared his throat 231 times in 8 minutes."
at shift change over, i detest idiots from the opposite shift who hang around in the crib hut, get in the ******* way when you're making a coffee and try to tell you about the progress they made over night.
as if i give a shit, these morons usually smell of wee and have no friends..
People who keep their phones turned on in cinemas, and leave them on the arm rest, so everyone can see that blue screen.
Not to mention those who twitter or talk on them during the movie.
Maybe cinemas could block signals. That'd be sweet.

My wife copped this last night. Fuckers talking in the cinema. After unsuccessful "SHH's" from round the cinema, her younger sister, one who's not afraid of confrontation, shoved her face in theirs and abrupty told them to shut the **** up or move. LEGEND.
My PhD supervisor emerged from a department meeting with a big smirk. He told me that during the meeting while prof A was talking - a guy with a nervous throat clearing problem who literally cleared his throat every 2nd or 3rd word - prof B kept writing something. He was king of curious what B was writing down but didn't think that much of it. After the meeting prof B approaches my supervisor. He held up the paper he had been writing on and it's full of tick marks. He said, "A cleared his throat 231 times in 8 minutes."

I've been in meetings before with a few colleagues and played the, "Super Troopers - Meow Game".

Anyone unfamiliar with the movie Super Troopers... it goes like this.

Count how many times you cn say meow without being caught;
eg: David is look at compiling and amending the reports meow (now)
eg: Right meow, i'm editing that document and will send it out when i'm done

etc. etc. hardest part is keeping a straight face
My PhD supervisor emerged from a department meeting with a big smirk. He told me that during the meeting while prof A was talking - a guy with a nervous throat clearing problem who literally cleared his throat every 2nd or 3rd word - prof B kept writing something. He was king of curious what B was writing down but didn't think that much of it. After the meeting prof B approaches my supervisor. He held up the paper he had been writing on and it's full of tick marks. He said, "A cleared his throat 231 times in 8 minutes."
a. Drivers who reach the limit of their comfort zone somewhere between 10 to 20 kph below the posted speed limit.
Then, when they get to a passing lane, they speed up, as there are 2 lanes, and their comfort zone has increased.
Result is that you can't legally pass them without breaking the speed limit.

b. Idiots towing caravans. No excuses, no exceptions. They're all idiots in my eyes.

got longservice leave approaching am buying a caravan and travelling round oz,where did you say you live....he..he..he.....cheers....spog........
Stupid people who hold up the fast service lane at the supermarket by telling the checkout operator the story of their lives. Their jaws flapping up and down twenty to the dozen as they rummage in their handbag for their purse. Yap Yap Yap. That's why I go to ALDI, the line moves so fast that you are struggling to keep up with the operator as she shovels your order in the direction of your trolley, no time to yak.

Lycra louts on bikes who ride three abreast on the main street holding up streams of traffic whilst there is a perfectly good bike track running parallel, two metres to the left. Someone should tell lycra bike chicks that they look like a cross between a Power Ranger and a spider, and they should do something about that lank mousey hair hanging down their backs like rats tails.

The pathetic whining mother in "The Day After Tomorrow" - "Oh Sam, oh Sam, it's so wonderful to hear your voice and to know that you are alive but, although I know you are about to drown in 30 seconds because the freezing floodwater is about to submerge the phone area in the museum where you are precariously trying to maintain a foothold so you can listen to my miserable cow-eyed whining...."
People who can't operate the self service checkout at coles....

Scan item, place it in the bag, wait for green light, scan next item. At the end pay for your groceries and be on your way.

Or, get tricky like me, scan one item, place a second in front of the scanner while you bag the first, leaving ZERO downtime.
I hate how people complain about other people but don't actually do anything to fix the problem apart from vent their anger and disapproval behind their backs.
42 subsection 6- People who use 'that' instead of 'who'.

'That' is equally acceptable as a relative pronoun as 'who' in the quoted context.

1. People who correct others when the corrected person was right in the first place.

People who think their kid's are gifted.
Sorry love, he/she's just a little snotnosed pleb. (Compared to my awesome kidlets, of course)
'That' is equally acceptable as a relative pronoun as 'who' in the quoted context.


They shall not grow old as we are that are left grow old

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