Things We Hate About Everybody

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People who keep their phones turned on in cinemas, and leave them on the arm rest, so everyone can see that blue screen.
Not to mention those who twitter or talk on them during the movie.
Maybe cinemas could block signals. That'd be sweet.
- Idiots who go to the Petrol station, fill up their car, then proceed to get back into the car to get their wallet/purse/whatever, wander slowly over to pay, wander slowly back to the car, hop in, readjust their hair, mirrors, clothes, crotch, scream at the kids in the back seat, whatever they are farking around doing, meanwhile your sitting there waiting to use the only farking pump that has the fuel you need to use in your vehicle which they are blocking, then have the gall to tell you to get farked because you look at them with an impatient glare.

- Dickheads that don't even look when going through round-abouts.

- Idiots that go through the take-away drivethrough with 2 or more orders.

- Idiots that go through the take-away drivethrough with 2 or more orders and pay for each one by eftpos.

- Idiots that park right next to you when there are empty car parks as far as the eye can see (to explain my point, we intentionally park further away where there are heaps of vacant parks to reduce the risk of idiots parking right next to us and their car doors getting opened up onto ours - but there is always one)

- Idiots that sit and wait for a carpark near the entrance to become vacant, meanwhile there are parks as far as the eye can see a little further down. Can accept Aged or injured etc but anyone of good physical health - come on.... I have parked and walking in the entrance by the time some of these turkeys have even turned off their car.

- Idiots that merge at 80km into 100km traffic

- Idiots that don't move over a lane - when possible - to allow merging traffic in
People who let their car doors hit the car next to them.

Caught one lady open their door onto my car. She didn't even say sorry or acknowledge what she'd done. :angry:
I proceded to get out of the car, hit them, forget something, get back in, hit their car again, get what I needed, hit their car again.
She didn't know what to do. :eek: It made my day. :lol:

I love this thread! :rolleyes:
- Idiots that merge at 80km into 100km traffic

- Idiots that don't move over a lane - when possible - to allow merging traffic in

- Idiots who do not know how to merge, they drive all the way the the end of the merging lane and then stop. Do they really think it's easier to merge into 100km traffic from a standing start. Highway merging should be on the test just like a 3point turn and reverse park.

- Fwits who sit in the right hand lane on the freeway doing 95 in 110 zone.....get the fark out of my way
People who keep their phones turned on in cinemas, and leave them on the arm rest, so everyone can see that blue screen.
Not to mention those who twitter or talk on them during the movie.
Maybe cinemas could block signals. That'd be sweet.

Oh, yes!

- Idiots that go through the take-away drivethrough with 2 or more orders and pay for each one by eftpos.

There are drive throughs with EFTPOS now? All the ones I use don't...

42 subsection 6- People who use 'that' instead of 'who'.
People who drive the wrong way around car parks. What do they think the big white arrows are for ?

People who block everyone else from getting past whilst they wait for someone to load their shopping and kids and vacate a spot
42 subsection 6- People who use 'that' instead of 'who'.

Leave me alone I'm having a crunt of a week. :( :lol:

Besides these Idiots should be objectified instead of personified... about as much intelligence as a concrete block wall.
- Idiots who ...

- Idiots who ...

- Idiots who ...

- Idiots at ...

- Idiots who ...

- Idiots who ...

- Idiots who ...

- Idiots who ...

- Idiots who ...

- Idiots who ...

- Idiots who ...

- Idiots that ...
- Idiots who ...

- Dickheads that ...

- Idiots that ...

- Idiots that ...

- Idiots that ...

- Idiots that ...

- Idiots that ...

- Idiots that ...
Couldn't you have saved a lot of effort here, lumped them all together, and just said "Idiots."? Or is it just these particular idiots you have issues with? :p
Used to work the front door of a pub for about 6 years, so here goes:

People who approach the front door, and say;
"how do I get up stairs?". Find the stairs and go up
"where can I get a drink?". The pub down the road get goin'

Leaving the pub;
"Can I take this drink with me?" Sure can our licence extends infinitely outside the premises

Getting kicked out;
"This place is crapI'm never coming back here again you just lost my business!!" If you were to consider this place crap, I would expect you'd never to come back. And, as if the sole survival of the pub hangs on some d!ckhead who just got thrown out.
"I pay your wages!" Actually yes you do if there weren't d!ckheads like you to boot out, I'd not have job thanks
"I can't breathe", if you can talk, you can breathe ohh wait I probably shouldn't be saying that. Never mind. :ph34r:

"don't you know who I am?"my favourite. Yes Grant Hackett now acquaint yourself with the bushes (yep... this actually happened)
Hanging out at the front door after being kicked out;
"I'm waiting for my mates" if 5 mins go by after I've been kicked out and my mates aren't with me they're not my mates.
"I'm going" going is a verb, that's a doing word, get "GOING" then.
"Can I come back in?". sure can but you "MAY" not. (Gramma Nazis at it again) A cop mate of mine once pulled over a learner driver who was by himself. Driver said, "I thought could drive by myself" Copper said, "You can... but you MAY not" :lol: Poor bugger.

actually these people amuse me. As anyone that's spent time working hospitality people are the worst.
I hate tourists, mainly the oldies, driving at 20km below speed limit around slight bends but speed up on the straights so you can't over take them
TVs in pubs. I really farkin hate them. You go to the pub for a quiet drink and chat and they have 20 or 30 TVs blaring crap music videos or sport so you can't hear yourself think.

I'm buying myself a universal off switch.
Used to work the front door of a pub for about 6 years, so here goes:

"I'm waiting for my mates" if 5 mins go by after I've been kicked out and my mates aren't with me they're not my mates.

Not exactly the same, but I hope you can appreciate it.
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I hate dickheads who call meetings for the same of having a meeting, nothing I hate more than being stuck in a meeting room for an hour to discuss something that could have been taken care of in 5 mins with a simple phone call or email.

I'm finding this thread very therapeutic.
I can remember the dumb arses I used to meet while running pubs.....But they just get better working in gaming at the casino.....

"I can't win a hand, you're a shit dealer" Ha, more like you are playing a game that loaded for the house, you are meant to lose.
"Everytime I come here I lose" Yes, that's how we pay for the big neon signs out the front.
"This place is shit, I'm never coming back" Yes you are, you are a pathetic chronic gambler with some apparent need to throw away your money........(I normally respond with "So I'll see you tomorrow then?" and I'm always right)

And the best one I ever had was just two days ago...

"You're too energetic for this time of the morning" (I work a 4am-midday shift)
"Sorry sir, I've been home in the last 48 hours, that may be why........."
"This place is shit, I'm never coming back" Yes you are, you are a pathetic chronic gambler with some apparent need to throw away your money........(I normally respond with "So I'll see you tomorrow then?" and I'm always right)

Used to say that all the time to the regulars... throw 'em out 11pm on a Friday... 10am on Saturday morning, they'd be waiting at the door. "how was last night mate? anything interesting happen?" "grumble grumble grumble"

@ QuantumBrewer... yeah i've seen those vids before... funny stuff!! all in good humour.

I've actually been knocked back a few times from pubs because of what I was wearing. 9-10 times if you just hang back, say "no problems", let your friends go inside, say your going home etc. The bouncers will usually just let you straight in. Alot of the time that's just a test. Not everytime, but a common tactic to see how someone behaves.
I've been let in side entrances by management a couple of times, cause the other punters who were knocked back were firing up out the front.
Add to the list... Grammar Nazis

I'll thank you to leave us alone.

Argon, you sound a lot like a teacher I had in highschool who was also a bouncer. I guess it comes with the job to be a smartarse though.

On topic though; People who resort to calling other people nazis on the internet; it's not like they say it in real life.

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