ivars, each of their Sacc strain vials contains 80 billion cells. This info is tucked away near the bottom of the Product Info page on their website!ivars said:I'm using the Wallonian Farmhouse strain for the first time and I'm flying pretty much blind. On top of that I'm also using new equipment so this is quite a learning experience, if something drinkable comes of it that will be a bonus :unsure: I made a starter assuming a the vial contained 100 billion cells (which seems to be confirmed by Fattox' BeerSmith files) and pitched at 20°C. After 13 hours I had to fit a blow off tube as the brew was going walkies - didn't leave much head space but that's another story). Am now ramping the temp up 1°C per day to reach 23°C. Interesting to see what happens. Any comments / suggestions most welcome. Oh and a huge thanks to Nick for sorting out OZ Post!
My saison was (20 litre batch @ 85% efficiency) 4kg Dingemans Pils, 540g flaked unmalted rye, 500g malted rye, and approx. 450g of Simplicity Candi Sugar. Mashed at 67, fermented with the Saison Blend (not the Saison Brett, I clearly wasn't paying attention when I ordered it!) and the Beersel Brett blend. It's a shame you're down in Sydney but I might send a bottle each of the BW and the Saison when they finish up, and maybe my version of Heady Topper at the same time. It's cubed at the moment until the sours are OK to come out of the bigger fridge, or until I empty the keg in the small fridge (whichever is first!!)Nick R said:Sounds tops! What went in to your saison?
What temperature have you got the Saison Brett brew sitting at BilBrewing?BilBrewing said:Bottled the Saison Blend last week which was tasting ok, but smelling awesome after a serious dry hop of Enigma. I stuck to my usual 4g/L ratio and that's one potent hop. Definitely unique like they say it is.
More interesting and exciting though is the Saison Brett blend. This sucker has been in primary for 4 weeks now. Drew a sample off and pow, it's tasting awesome. OG was 1.048 and it's now down to 1.007. This one has me much more excited than the other blend. It's tropical, bretty and finishes quite dry, one of those beers i could've drawn a pint off the fermenter.
Another vial of Wallonian has arrived and i'm going to dry a bigger grist with some rye.