The Sausage Thread

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I have a Porkert #10 mincer with sausage attachments (thick and thin)
This is brand new,never used,still in the box,I bought this for sausage making and then found an electric model at a price I could not refuse.

Price is still on the box $75.00,make me a realistic offer and it's yours,this is a larger mincer than mum had and would be costly to post I would think.

Thread to model here

I have a Porkert #10 mincer with sausage attachments (thick and thin)
This is brand new,never used,still in the box,I bought this for sausage making and then found an electric model at a price I could not refuse.

Price is still on the box $75.00,make me a realistic offer and it's yours,this is a larger mincer than mum had and would be costly to post I would think.

Thread to model here


PM sent

I have looked high and low for a Kabana recipe since Fixa posted but I have had no luck, but there has to be one somewhere. Pete post the pic and your questions will be answered, sounds like a Porkert mincer, they make very good sausages.

Here is my Aunt's old mincer Andrew. I presume I can get more of those holey thingies with smaller\larger holes? IMG_0374.JPGIMG_0373.JPG

You will need to measure the plate, Grain and grape might have them and I know Bakeandbrew carry them so just measure the plate and give them a call. Have you got any funnels for it? You might have to get a couple of those as well.

that's a mighty clean shed there pete.. almost unnervingly clean.....
You will need to measure the plate, Grain and grape might have them and I know Bakeandbrew carry them so just measure the plate and give them a call. Have you got any funnels for it? You might have to get a couple of those as well.


Many thanks Andrew. Got no funnels but will do.
Fixa, Garage mate. If only I had a shed :(. Not as tidy as it used to be. I am spending too much time brewing these days or so Mrs Sharkbait says. :p
Will pour you both a Stoutie or two from my new el cheapo party keg (in the background of one of the pics) at Winkles. :party:
Will pour you both a Stoutie or two from my new el cheapo party keg (in the background of one of the pics)

LOL - I though that was a pic of a giant fermenter sat on the garage floor - Didn't realise it little 5L jobbie sat on the bench :) Was about to ask what it was....

cheers Ross
LOL - I though that was a pic of a giant fermenter sat on the garage floor - Didn't realise it little 5L jobbie sat on the bench :) Was about to ask what it was....

cheers Ross

8 litre Bunnings sprayer Rossco. Should do the job I hope, although with a maximum pressure of 25psi & chinese-made into the bargain, I am not too keen on force carbonating (the Ross Method) this little bugger. :p

8 litre Bunnings sprayer Rossco. Should do the job I hope, although with a maximum pressure of 25psi & chinese-made into the bargain, I am not too keen on force carbonating (the Ross Method) this little bugger. :p


You better bring 2 to the swap then Pete, that won't last us greedy buggers 5 mins :D

Not long now....starting to get a thirst up :chug:

cheers Ross

Edit: To keep on topic... SAUSAGES
You better bring 2 to the swap then Pete, that won't last us greedy buggers 5 mins :D

Not long now....starting to get a thirst up :chug:

cheers Ross

Edit: To keep on topic... SAUSAGES

I'll say you are lucky to get that Ross,8 litres of Tidalpetes beer that not classified too green :party:

Batz :super:

View attachment green_beer.bmp
I've got a mincer attachment for my kenwood chef, I've minced a bit of beef with it before but never thought of making my own snags, great idea most commercial ones make me crook.

Will have to hunt done a funnel for it, shouldn't be too hard, op shops and tip shop are usually good places for things like that.

[OT] also need to finish my 8L garden keg, I've got all the bits I'm just not motivated to assemble it, 6L of beer will take me a month to get through. [/OT]
Made my first snags a few weeks/a month or so ago, came out better then expected for my first go. Only thing I did note for next time is to make sure you include enough fat, I wanted to make mine a little leaner but you pay the mistake of them coming out too dry.

Good fun though!

Will be making again shortly.
Would like to make some good bratwurst sausages. I have eaten them far and wide and have never had anything that came close to the bratwurst from the swiss club of victoria in melbourne. actually I think the swiss bratwurst are actually weisswurst... someone correct me here or guide me to a good butcher for some in outer south eastern suburbs of melbourne
Thought I would post a picture of my salami's hanging in the garage. I made the mix on friday and stuffed them on Sunday and then hang them that arvo. It is an all pork recipe with fennel, chilli, pepper, salt and capsican paste and once dry taste great! That is four kilos worth there. Next week I am going to do a 2 kilo batch with pork and beef, garlic and red wind and herbs etc - havent quiet decided on the exact recipe but more of a sopressa/pepperoni/calabrese style - okay that is way too many styles I will have to pick one!.

Any one else out there doing their own salami?

Here's a thought.

A 'Big Brew Day' coupled with a 'Big Sausage Day'.

Beer and snags, what a combo!

Sorry been there done that!

Us West Aussies did a whole bag brewday last year (mashed a bag of GP malt) and I got Chillamcgilla73 to help me make some Lamb and rosemary sausages which were served and well received by the attending crowd. The only problem is my father in law only farms sheep so I don't get much chance of cheap pork but can get as much lamb as I would like