Standing up for the Aussie Bottler
Which is funny cos I know a lot of poofs who could drink a lot of people under the table.
Sounds like the mob of ferals I used to live next door to in Redcliffe. They were flannelette tradesmen (you know the type, not the handsome clean cut King Gee clad tradesmen with late model utes fitted with stainless steel tool boxes etc, these were the ugly ones in rusty utes, flannelette, beards, and every second word started with f or c).
They would gather in the front yard next door at knocking off time every day with a slab of XXXX Gold. Totally brainwashed by the TV advertising they would quaff a few of dem 3.5% Goldies and would soon be rolling around shrieking and yahooing and yelling "go goldies, go goldies" and would then proceed to urinate on the walls of the house whatever. Totally pathetic.
XXXX Gold - for people who like the idea of beer drinking but can't actually drink beer.
Except I wasn't massively serious. We could spend the next six months discussing which bit of Lancashire the horse that drove the dray to the brewery in 1817 used to graze in but I thought we could talk about something else.
Have a go at someone else sweetcheeks.
Whats pathetic about it? Really. Read the case swap`s. Craftbrewers, homebrewers shriek and yahoo as well.
Diddums not get invited to a casey wasey swoppy woppy.
Actually at the last swap I was urinating on trees, not houses. Point of the post is that these morons were doing it on mid strength.
Yup King Gee. mmmmmm
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Which is funny cos I know a lot of poofs who could drink a lot of people under the table.
If you'll pardon the pun.
Haysie, you probably don't recall doing so whilst pissed but on several occasions you have already PM'd me with a simple message:Whatever BribieG, IF I CALLED YOU A ******** and your post was totally inappropriate you would agree. WTF has mid stength got to do with the thread let alone your pissing on houses fantasy.
Your a weirdo .
we all drank it and enjoyed it at some point...