SBOB said:
Glad to see that I'm not alone with the invaid chars at the end of the line...
Haven't bothered looking through the code but I imagine its because its not clearing whatever was validly displayed there last
so being both bored and OCD in equal parts this morning, the following is what you need to update in the code if you dont want to see the annoying extra character during the PID settings pages
- Open the ArdBir_2_8_3RC8.ino file with whatever version of the Arduino software you are using
- Navigate across the top to the file named 'LCD20x4_ENG.h' (assuming you are using the english language, if you aren't then I havent checked the others)
- Find the routine '
void PidSet(int pidSet, byte i)'
- Find the line (line 2 in the routine) that says '
lcd.setCursor(10, 2);'
- Update it to '
lcd.setCursor(9, 2);'
- Re 'Verify', and 'Upload' the code
(all settings will likely be wiped and need setting again, but the annoying extra character on all the PID pages should now be fixed)
I cant see anywhere in the code that indicates to me that this change will cause any issues, but it goes without saying that 'don't blame me if it breaks anything'

Looking at the history of the file it looks like this was broken back in Feb but hasnt been fixed/updated...
Pic attached to show the line needing updating