The Airlock Strikes..

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..we've never seen eye to eye, either she gurgles away like a beauty or keeps mum, however i digress..

in my haste in taking a hydro reading yeasterday (SWMBO was in gassing to me about something ;) ) and upon taking a sample, didnt keep my on the airlock. Due to the magic of suction some of the water escaped from said 'lock into my beloved brew. Have I ruined it by letting potential nasties in :( ?

Never happened before, even though I am new to this homebrew lark (although I am loving it!)

I have my flame-retardant suit on (retard being the operative word), and will buy some megaswill this afternoon as penance..

Welcome to the forums.

Only way to find out if it affected it will be to wait. Next time fill your airlock with a no-rinse sanitiser solution or cheap vodka.
If the water in the airlock was cooled and boiled water, there should be nothing to worry about.

I've done this a couple of times, panicked about it and had my hand held nicely by some of the esteemed members of this forum. Brew turned out fine, no infection.

If on the other hand you made some chemical solution for the airlock, then it's another question altogether.

Cheers - Fermented.
SA - Welcome to the forum firstly!

A lot of others have had this happen, and the outcome is generally that the beer turned out fine.

IMO you should be ok, alcohol produced during fermentation will also help negate any possible effects from the possible nasties (albeit unlikely with good sanitation, etc) in the air lock liquid.

I know if I move my fermenter, it sometimes sucks a few drops into the brew, I have never noticed any side effects in my beer from it though.

If it tastes ok when about to bottle/keg it, then proceed as normal, you can also bottle some in pet, keep it a little warmer to condition - keeping an eye on pressure by giving the bottle a squeeze, then after a few weeks, taste the conditioned beer. If good keep, if bad drink it all anyways! :p

You can also take taste samples during the fermentation period to check progress...

I am sure it will be fine though.
Wouldn't worry too much unless the fermenter has been in a place where there could be mould spores or excessive amounts of dust. I only every put just plain tap water in the airlock. After doing 28 kits and partial brews It always strikes me: why pour huge amounts of tap water into the fermenter then obsess about some tap water in the airlock? Haven't lost a brew yet touch wood (can't find any wood around... :eek: )
This has happened to me, worst thing was, there was a dead bug in there too :eek:

Stressed for a month thinking it would be infected, and its fine :huh:
+1 to everythign said
should be good... I do the same thing from time to time.
just always make sure its sterile in the airlock
Much obliged for the swift reply chaps!

The airlock had boiled water in, I presumed it should be OK, but I didnt want to loose anymore sleep over it!

I will contemplate using some cheap spirit in my next batch, never thought of that before! All part an parcel of my brewing traineeship I guess!

Wouldn't worry too much unless the fermenter has been in a place where there could be mould spores or excessive amounts of dust. I only every put just plain tap water in the airlock. After doing 28 kits and partial brews It always strikes me: why pour huge amounts of tap water into the fermenter then obsess about some tap water in the airlock? Haven't lost a brew yet touch wood (can't find any wood around... :eek: )

Because not everyone risks their beer with unfiltered/unboiled tap water? :)

Vodka in the airlock here if its an s-type, or starsan if it's a 2 or 3 piece, as you can simple remove the floating part while moving.
Welcome and double welcome for the airlock incidents.

Now I still use airlock only for aseptic reasons as my kids are most likely to pierce and touch glad wrap if I were to use that.

I used to put alcohol in it but found it evaporated too quick.
I didn't dare to put any sanitation products in it.

Now I unscrew the lid so I don't get any airlock liquid into the brew.

I am not overly concern about watching the air lock work as long as I see a krausen forming.
I'm doing Yorkshire bitters for the time being and, as I'm using liquid Wyeast West Yorkshire Bitter I'm even considering down the track fermenting in an open square fermenter like they do in Yorkshire and rousing / aerating the wort regularly. Of course this will take place in the brewing fridge that will have to be thoroughly sanitised inside.

fermenting in an open square fermenter

My initial thought was how big a batch you making? Then realised being inside a fridge, I assume you are only probably looking at 25 - 50L batches?

I like the size of that fermenting tub though! ;)
fermenting in an open square fermenter like they do in Yorkshire

I do recall seeing one of these puppies at the York Town Brewery (I may stand corrected). Since I'm early on in my crusade for great beer, I havent figured out the science behind open fermentation, although I can confirm with my taste buds that it is bloody good!

I believe they're bringing out their own range of homebrew kits, , although I dont have the skills (nor the space) to give it the ope air treatment, might be one for later down the track.

Thanks to everyones responses, very helpful indeed! The fermentor lives in its special cupboard at home (much to the missus disaproval) so hopefully exposure to infection should be minimal. I was just unsure if I had made a massive error and wasted a batch of much awaited bitter!

Cheers, Sieg
Hi S.A.,

a common problem for new brewers is to miss the real problem while chasing a symptom. In your case - you might want to address the problem of having your missus in the brewery... :D
Ha ha! Duly noted ;) , will invest in some fence posts and chicken wire - never thought that this would feature as part of my homebrew set up, but if needs must!
This has happened to me, worst thing was, there was a dead bug in there too :eek:

Stressed for a month thinking it would be infected, and its fine :huh:

Ha ha ha! Thats funny. The same thing happened to me on my first AG attempt. I have never told anyone though. The beer tasted great so .......
Ha ha! Duly noted ;) , will invest in some fence posts and chicken wire - never thought that this would feature as part of my homebrew set up, but if needs must!



this should keep her out.
mine`s electrified as well.