The 2017 Melbourne Grain Bulk Buy

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1. Mardoo, Simpsons Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Pale Wheat, Baird's Pale Malt
2. Camo6, TF Maris Otter, TF Golden Promise, Wey Pils, Gladfields American Ale
3. Malt Junkie, TF Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Vienna
4. Shavey147; BB Ale, BB Wheat Malt (Light)
5. Schooner_downunder, TF Maris Otter,TF Golden Promise, Wey Bo Pils
6. Razz, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, Weyermann Pale Ale.
7. Technobabble66, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, TF Maris Otter. Gladfields American Ale x2, BB Pale Ale x2.
8. Haciluku, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, BB Pale Malt
9. droid, Weyerman Vienna, Weyerman light Munich, Weyerman Pilsner x 4, Weyerman Wheat (Pale)
10. Nullnvoid, JW Trad Ale x 2
11. Peaky, Barrett Burston Ale Malt, Weyermann Light Munich.
12. BrockHops, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner, TF Golden Promise
13. Secretive Squarehead (via MartinOC): Bairds Heavily Peated (x7), Weyermann Bo-Pils (x3), Weyermann Light Munich, Weyermann Dark Munich. Joe White Traditional Ale (x 10).
14. JB, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner x3
15. mofox1: 2 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Weyermann Dark Munich
16. cspencer, Barrett Burston Ale Malt x2
17.Micbrew , 1 x TF Golden Promise , 2 x Gladfield American Ale
18.Bronson, 1x TF Maris Otter ,1 x weyermann Bohemian Pilsner.
19. Mezz94, 1 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Gladfield Ale
20. Curly79 1x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x TF Golden promise
21. Timmi9191 1x Weyerman Bohem Pils, 1 x Weyerman light Munich
22. Laxation: 1x BB Pale Malt, 1x TF Golden Promise
23. Stubbie: 1xWeyerman Pilsner, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x TF Maris Otter
24. Husky: 3 x Bairds Pale, 1 x Gladfields Ale, 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x TF Maris Otter, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Wey Pilsner, 1 x Wey Vienna
25. DJ_L3ThAL 1x TF Golden Promise
26. Jordie_tackles 1x TF Golden Promise
27. W1nta, 1x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Weyermann Pale Ale.
28. Lyrebird Cycles, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils
29. Brenthor 1 x B.B Ale, 2 x Joe White Trad Ale, 1 x Joe White Munich
30. Peekaboo_Jones, 1x BB Wheat, 1x BB Vienna, 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Imperial
31. TreeFiddy: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Maris Otter
32. WEAL- TF Golden Promise.
33. djgilmore: 1 x Bairds Pale Ale, 1 x Weyerman Boh Pils, 1 x Joe White Ale
34. Midnight Brew: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Golden Promise
35. eldertaco: 2x TF Golden Promise, 2x BB Pale Malt
36. RamuGupta: 3 x Joe White Traditional Ale, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Joe White Munich
37. Brutusb: 1x Weyermann Pale Ale, 1x Gladfields American Ale, 1x Simpsons Golden Promise
38. Fattima: 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1x Joe White Munich, 1x BB Wheat Malt light
39. (Nullnvoid) Collaboration Brew: 4 x JW Traditional Ale, Weyerman Rye x 1
40. DU99 Bairds Pale Ale x1
41. Big78sam (pickup by Brethor): 1x Weyermann Pilsener, 1x TF Marris Otter

1. Simpsons Imperial 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
2. Wey Munich Dark 1. Malt Junkie 2. Technobabble66 (FULL)
3. BB Caramalt 1. Shavey147, 2. Brenthor (Full)
4. BB Crystal Medium 1.Shavey147, 2. Schooner_downunder (FULL)
5. Weyermann Vienna, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Mardoo (FULL)
6. Weyerman Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid 2. JB (FULL)
7. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Nullnvoid 2. BrockHops (FULL)
8. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Laxation 2. Husky (FULL)
9. Weyermann Pilsner 1. Laxation 2. Haciluku (FULL)
10. Weyermann Vienna, 1.Timmi9191 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
11. Barrett Burston Wheat, 1. cspencer 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
12. Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner, 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
13. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Husky 2. Brutusb (Full)
14. Weyermann Caramunich III 1. Brutusb 2. droid (FULL)

1. Simpsons Brown 1. Mardoo 2. DJ_L3ThAL 3.Malt Junkie 4.micbrew 5.Bronson (FULL)
2. Simpsons Amber 1.Malt Junkie 2.Bronson 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. 5.
3. Gladfields Shepherd's Delight 1. Malt Junkie 2. Timmi9191 3. Curly79 4. GrumpyPaul 5. Mardoo (FULL)
4. Weyermann Caramel Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. droid 3. Curly79 4. Malt Junkie 5. Brutusb (FULL)
5. Gladfield Sour Grapes 1. Mardoo 2.Malt Junkie 3.droid 4.yob 5.razz (FULL)
6. Baird's Torrefied Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. BrockHops 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Peekaboo_Jones 5. Stubbie (FULL)
7. Gladfield Supernova 1. Mardoo 2. Laxation 3.Malt junkie 4. 5.
8. Weyermann Melanoidan, 1. Schooner_downunder 2. Technobabble66 3.BrockHops 4. JB 5.Bronson (FULL)
9. Weyermann Cararoma, 1.Schooner_downunder 2. Peekaboo_jones 3. Midnight Brew 4. 5.
10. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Haciluku, 3. Mardoo 4. Malt Junkie 5. BrockHops (FULL)
11. Weyerman Munich Dark, 1. Nullnvoid 2. Technobabble66, 3. Timmi9191 4. Husky 5.
12. Simpson Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid 2. cspencer 3. cspencer 4.Bronson 5. Technobabble66(FULL)
13. Bairds Oat Malt, 1. Technobabble66, 2. JB 3.Micbrew 4. Mardoo 5. droid (FULL)
14. Weyermann Abbey 1. mofox1 2. mofox1 3. JB 4. Peekaboo_jones 5.BrockHops (FULL)
15. Briess Midnight Wheat 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.JB 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Bronson (FULL)
16. Briess Special Roast 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.Shavey147 4.Malt Junkie 5.
17. Weyermann Caramunich I 1. Laxation 2. droid 3. Husky 4. Jordie_tackles 5.
18. Weyermann Vienna 1. Laxation 2.Stubbie 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Haciluku 5. Haciluku (FULL)
19. Weyermann Rye Malt 1. Laxation 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Midnight Brew 5.Mardoo (FULL)
20. Simpsons Aromatic Malt 1. JB 2. 3. 4. 5
21. Weyermann Acidulated Malt 1. Technobabble66 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Fattima (FULL)
22.Weyermann Melanoidan. 1 Curly79 2. 3. 4. 5.
23. Weyermann Abbey 1. Midnight Brew. 2. Midnight Brew. 3. droid 4. 5.
24. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS 1. droid 2. droid 3.Husky 4. Brutusb 5.
25. Simpsons Brown 1. Husky 2. 3. 4. 5.
26. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid (Collab), 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. Nullnvoid (Collab) 4.Stubbie 5.DU99 (FULL)
27. Simpsons Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5.
28. Weyermann Carapils 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. 4. 5.
29. Weyerman Acidulated 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5

2 full bags added at number 41. Brenthor will pick mine up (legend!)
1. Mardoo, Simpsons Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Pale Wheat, Baird's Pale Malt
2. Camo6, TF Maris Otter, TF Golden Promise, Wey Pils, Gladfields American Ale
3. Malt Junkie, TF Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Vienna
4. Shavey147; BB Ale, BB Wheat Malt (Light)
5. Schooner_downunder, TF Maris Otter,TF Golden Promise, Wey Bo Pils
6. Razz, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, Weyermann Pale Ale.
7. Technobabble66, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, TF Maris Otter. Gladfields American Ale x2, BB Pale Ale x2.
8. Haciluku, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, BB Pale Malt
9. droid, Weyerman Vienna, Weyerman light Munich, Weyerman Pilsner x 4, Weyerman Wheat (Pale)
10. Nullnvoid, JW Trad Ale x 2
11. Peaky, Barrett Burston Ale Malt, Weyermann Light Munich.
12. BrockHops, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner, TF Golden Promise
13. Secretive Squarehead (via MartinOC): Bairds Heavily Peated (x7), Weyermann Bo-Pils (x3), Weyermann Light Munich, Weyermann Dark Munich. Joe White Traditional Ale (x 10).
14. JB, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner x3
15. mofox1: 2 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Weyermann Dark Munich
16. cspencer, Barrett Burston Ale Malt x2
17.Micbrew , 1 x TF Golden Promise , 2 x Gladfield American Ale
18.Bronson, 1x TF Maris Otter ,1 x weyermann Bohemian Pilsner.
19. Mezz94, 1 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Gladfield Ale
20. Curly79 1x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x TF Golden promise
21. Timmi9191 1x Weyerman Bohem Pils, 1 x Weyerman light Munich
22. Laxation: 1x BB Pale Malt, 1x TF Golden Promise
23. Stubbie: 1xWeyerman Pilsner, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x TF Maris Otter
24. Husky: 3 x Bairds Pale, 1 x Gladfields Ale, 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x TF Maris Otter, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Wey Pilsner, 1 x Wey Vienna
25. DJ_L3ThAL 1x TF Golden Promise
26. Jordie_tackles 1x TF Golden Promise
27. W1nta, 1x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Weyermann Pale Ale.
28. Lyrebird Cycles, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils
29. Brenthor 1 x B.B Ale, 2 x Joe White Trad Ale, 1 x Joe White Munich
30. Peekaboo_Jones, 1x BB Wheat, 1x BB Vienna, 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Imperial
31. TreeFiddy: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Maris Otter
32. WEAL- TF Golden Promise.
33. djgilmore: 1 x Bairds Pale Ale, 1 x Weyerman Boh Pils, 1 x Joe White Ale
34. Midnight Brew: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Golden Promise
35. eldertaco: 2x TF Golden Promise, 2x BB Pale Malt
36. RamuGupta: 3 x Joe White Traditional Ale, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Joe White Munich
37. Brutusb: 1x Weyermann Pale Ale, 1x Gladfields American Ale, 1x Simpsons Golden Promise
38. Fattima: 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1x Joe White Munich, 1x BB Wheat Malt light
39. (Nullnvoid) Collaboration Brew: 4 x JW Traditional Ale, Weyerman Rye x 1
40. DU99 Bairds Pale Ale x1
41. Big78sam (pickup by Brethor): 1x Weyermann Pilsener, 1x TF Marris Otter
42. AJ80 (pickup by JB): 1 x BB ale, 1 x Weyermamm Bohemian Pilsner

1. Simpsons Imperial 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
2. Wey Munich Dark 1. Malt Junkie 2. Technobabble66 (FULL)
3. BB Caramalt 1. Shavey147, 2. Brenthor (Full)
4. BB Crystal Medium 1.Shavey147, 2. Schooner_downunder (FULL)
5. Weyermann Vienna, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Mardoo (FULL)
6. Weyerman Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid 2. JB (FULL)
7. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Nullnvoid 2. BrockHops (FULL)
8. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Laxation 2. Husky (FULL)
9. Weyermann Pilsner 1. Laxation 2. Haciluku (FULL)
10. Weyermann Vienna, 1.Timmi9191 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
11. Barrett Burston Wheat, 1. cspencer 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
12. Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner, 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
13. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Husky 2. Brutusb (Full)
14. Weyermann Caramunich III 1. Brutusb 2. droid (FULL)

1. Simpsons Brown 1. Mardoo 2. DJ_L3ThAL 3.Malt Junkie 4.micbrew 5.Bronson (FULL)
2. Simpsons Amber 1.Malt Junkie 2.Bronson 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. 5.
3. Gladfields Shepherd's Delight 1. Malt Junkie 2. Timmi9191 3. Curly79 4. GrumpyPaul 5. Mardoo (FULL)
4. Weyermann Caramel Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. droid 3. Curly79 4. Malt Junkie 5. Brutusb (FULL)
5. Gladfield Sour Grapes 1. Mardoo 2.Malt Junkie 3.droid 4.yob 5.razz (FULL)
6. Baird's Torrefied Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. BrockHops 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Peekaboo_Jones 5. Stubbie (FULL)
7. Gladfield Supernova 1. Mardoo 2. Laxation 3.Malt junkie 4. 5.
8. Weyermann Melanoidan, 1. Schooner_downunder 2. Technobabble66 3.BrockHops 4. JB 5.Bronson (FULL)
9. Weyermann Cararoma, 1.Schooner_downunder 2. Peekaboo_jones 3. Midnight Brew 4. 5.
10. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Haciluku, 3. Mardoo 4. Malt Junkie 5. BrockHops (FULL)
11. Weyerman Munich Dark, 1. Nullnvoid 2. Technobabble66, 3. Timmi9191 4. Husky 5.
12. Simpson Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid 2. cspencer 3. cspencer 4.Bronson 5. Technobabble66(FULL)
13. Bairds Oat Malt, 1. Technobabble66, 2. JB 3.Micbrew 4. Mardoo 5. droid (FULL)
14. Weyermann Abbey 1. mofox1 2. mofox1 3. JB 4. Peekaboo_jones 5.BrockHops (FULL)
15. Briess Midnight Wheat 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.JB 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Bronson (FULL)
16. Briess Special Roast 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.Shavey147 4.Malt Junkie 5.
17. Weyermann Caramunich I 1. Laxation 2. droid 3. Husky 4. Jordie_tackles 5.
18. Weyermann Vienna 1. Laxation 2.Stubbie 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Haciluku 5. Haciluku (FULL)
19. Weyermann Rye Malt 1. Laxation 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Midnight Brew 5.Mardoo (FULL)
20. Simpsons Aromatic Malt 1. JB 2. 3. 4. 5
21. Weyermann Acidulated Malt 1. Technobabble66 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Fattima (FULL)
22.Weyermann Melanoidan. 1 Curly79 2. 3. 4. 5.
23. Weyermann Abbey 1. Midnight Brew. 2. Midnight Brew. 3. droid 4. 5.
24. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS 1. droid 2. droid 3.Husky 4. Brutusb 5.
25. Simpsons Brown 1. Husky 2. 3. 4. 5.
26. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid (Collab), 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. Nullnvoid (Collab) 4.Stubbie 5.DU99 (FULL)
27. Simpsons Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5.
28. Weyermann Carapils 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. 4. 5.
29. Weyerman Acidulated 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5

Added mine which will be collected by JB (the most toppest of top blokes!)
1. Mardoo, Simpsons Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Pale Wheat, Baird's Pale Malt
2. Camo6, TF Maris Otter, TF Golden Promise, Wey Pils, Gladfields American Ale
3. Malt Junkie, TF Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Vienna
4. Shavey147; BB Ale, BB Wheat Malt (Light)
5. Schooner_downunder, TF Maris Otter,TF Golden Promise, Wey Bo Pils
6. Razz, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, Weyermann Pale Ale.
7. Technobabble66, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, TF Maris Otter. Gladfields American Ale x2, BB Pale Ale x2.
8. Haciluku, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, BB Pale Malt
9. droid, Weyerman Vienna, Weyerman light Munich, Weyerman Pilsner x 4, Weyerman Wheat (Pale)
10. Nullnvoid, JW Trad Ale x 2
11. Peaky, Barrett Burston Ale Malt, Weyermann Light Munich.
12. BrockHops, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner, TF Golden Promise
13. Secretive Squarehead (via MartinOC): Bairds Heavily Peated (x7), Weyermann Bo-Pils (x3), Weyermann Light Munich, Weyermann Dark Munich. Joe White Traditional Ale (x 10).
14. JB, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner x3
15. mofox1: 2 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Weyermann Dark Munich
16. cspencer, Barrett Burston Ale Malt x2
17.Micbrew , 1 x TF Golden Promise , 2 x Gladfield American Ale
18.Bronson, 1x TF Maris Otter ,1 x weyermann Bohemian Pilsner.
19. Mezz94, 1 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Gladfield Ale
20. Curly79 1x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x TF Golden promise
21. Timmi9191 1x Weyerman Bohem Pils, 1 x Weyerman light Munich
22. Laxation: 1x BB Pale Malt, 1x TF Golden Promise
23. Stubbie: 1xWeyerman Pilsner, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x TF Maris Otter
24. Husky: 3 x Bairds Pale, 1 x Gladfields Ale, 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x TF Maris Otter, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Wey Pilsner, 1 x Wey Vienna
25. DJ_L3ThAL 1x TF Golden Promise
26. Jordie_tackles 1x TF Golden Promise
27. W1nta, 1x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Weyermann Pale Ale.
28. Lyrebird Cycles, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils
29. Brenthor 1 x B.B Ale, 2 x Joe White Trad Ale, 1 x Joe White Munich
30. Peekaboo_Jones, 1x BB Wheat, 1x BB Vienna, 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Imperial
31. TreeFiddy: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Maris Otter
32. WEAL- TF Golden Promise.
33. djgilmore: 1 x Bairds Pale Ale, 1 x Weyerman Boh Pils, 1 x Joe White Ale
34. Midnight Brew: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Golden Promise
35. eldertaco: 2x TF Golden Promise, 2x BB Pale Malt, 1x Weyermann Pilsner
36. RamuGupta: 3 x Joe White Traditional Ale, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Joe White Munich
37. Brutusb: 1x Weyermann Pale Ale, 1x Gladfields American Ale, 1x Simpsons Golden Promise
38. Fattima: 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1x Joe White Munich, 1x BB Wheat Malt light
39. (Nullnvoid) Collaboration Brew: 4 x JW Traditional Ale, Weyerman Rye x 1
40. DU99 Bairds Pale Ale x1
41. Big78sam (pickup by Brethor): 1x Weyermann Pilsener, 1x TF Marris Otter
42. AJ80 (pickup by JB): 1 x BB ale, 1 x Weyermamm Bohemian Pilsner

1. Simpsons Imperial 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
2. Wey Munich Dark 1. Malt Junkie 2. Technobabble66 (FULL)
3. BB Caramalt 1. Shavey147, 2. Brenthor (Full)
4. BB Crystal Medium 1.Shavey147, 2. Schooner_downunder (FULL)
5. Weyermann Vienna, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Mardoo (FULL)
6. Weyerman Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid 2. JB (FULL)
7. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Nullnvoid 2. BrockHops (FULL)
8. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Laxation 2. Husky (FULL)
9. Weyermann Pilsner 1. Laxation 2. Haciluku (FULL)
10. Weyermann Vienna, 1.Timmi9191 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
11. Barrett Burston Wheat, 1. cspencer 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
12. Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner, 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
13. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Husky 2. Brutusb (Full)
14. Weyermann Caramunich III 1. Brutusb 2. droid (FULL)

1. Simpsons Brown 1. Mardoo 2. DJ_L3ThAL 3.Malt Junkie 4.micbrew 5.Bronson (FULL)
2. Simpsons Amber 1.Malt Junkie 2.Bronson 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. 5.
3. Gladfields Shepherd's Delight 1. Malt Junkie 2. Timmi9191 3. Curly79 4. GrumpyPaul 5. Mardoo (FULL)
4. Weyermann Caramel Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. droid 3. Curly79 4. Malt Junkie 5. Brutusb (FULL)
5. Gladfield Sour Grapes 1. Mardoo 2.Malt Junkie 3.droid 4.yob 5.razz (FULL)
6. Baird's Torrefied Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. BrockHops 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Peekaboo_Jones 5. Stubbie (FULL)
7. Gladfield Supernova 1. Mardoo 2. Laxation 3.Malt junkie 4. eldertaco 5.
8. Weyermann Melanoidan, 1. Schooner_downunder 2. Technobabble66 3.BrockHops 4. JB 5.Bronson (FULL)
9. Weyermann Cararoma, 1.Schooner_downunder 2. Peekaboo_jones 3. Midnight Brew 4. 5.
10. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Haciluku, 3. Mardoo 4. Malt Junkie 5. BrockHops (FULL)
11. Weyerman Munich Dark, 1. Nullnvoid 2. Technobabble66, 3. Timmi9191 4. Husky 5.
12. Simpson Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid 2. cspencer 3. cspencer 4.Bronson 5. Technobabble66(FULL)
13. Bairds Oat Malt, 1. Technobabble66, 2. JB 3.Micbrew 4. Mardoo 5. droid (FULL)
14. Weyermann Abbey 1. mofox1 2. mofox1 3. JB 4. Peekaboo_jones 5.BrockHops (FULL)
15. Briess Midnight Wheat 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.JB 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Bronson (FULL)
16. Briess Special Roast 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.Shavey147 4.Malt Junkie 5.
17. Weyermann Caramunich I 1. Laxation 2. droid 3. Husky 4. Jordie_tackles 5.
18. Weyermann Vienna 1. Laxation 2.Stubbie 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Haciluku 5. Haciluku (FULL)
19. Weyermann Rye Malt 1. Laxation 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Midnight Brew 5.Mardoo (FULL)
20. Simpsons Aromatic Malt 1. JB 2. 3. 4. 5
21. Weyermann Acidulated Malt 1. Technobabble66 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Fattima (FULL)
22.Weyermann Melanoidan. 1 Curly79 2. 3. 4. 5.
23. Weyermann Abbey 1. Midnight Brew. 2. Midnight Brew. 3. droid 4. 5.
24. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS 1. droid 2. droid 3.Husky 4. Brutusb 5. eldertaco (FULL)
25. Simpsons Brown 1. Husky 2. 3. 4. 5.
26. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid (Collab), 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. Nullnvoid (Collab) 4.Stubbie 5.DU99 (FULL)
27. Simpsons Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5.
28. Weyermann Carapils 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. 4. 5.
29. Weyerman Acidulated 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5

updated quantities and added myself to a couple of 5 ways
1. Mardoo, Simpsons Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Pale Wheat, Baird's Pale Malt
2. Camo6, TF Maris Otter, TF Golden Promise, Wey Pils, Gladfields American Ale
3. Malt Junkie, TF Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Vienna
4. Shavey147; BB Ale, BB Wheat Malt (Light)
5. Schooner_downunder, TF Maris Otter,TF Golden Promise, Wey Bo Pils
6. Razz, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, Weyermann Pale Ale.
7. Technobabble66, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, TF Maris Otter. Gladfields American Ale x2, BB Pale Ale x2.
8. Haciluku, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, BB Pale Malt
9. droid, Weyerman Vienna, Weyerman light Munich, Weyerman Pilsner x 4, Weyerman Wheat (Pale)
10. Nullnvoid, JW Trad Ale x 2
11. Peaky, Barrett Burston Ale Malt, Weyermann Light Munich.
12. BrockHops, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner, TF Golden Promise
13. Secretive Squarehead (via MartinOC): Bairds Heavily Peated (x7), Weyermann Bo-Pils (x3), Weyermann Light Munich, Weyermann Dark Munich. Joe White Traditional Ale (x 10).
14. JB, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner x3
15. mofox1: 2 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Weyermann Dark Munich
16. cspencer, Barrett Burston Ale Malt x2
17.Micbrew , 1 x TF Golden Promise , 2 x Gladfield American Ale
18.Bronson, 1x TF Maris Otter ,1 x weyermann Bohemian Pilsner.
19. Mezz94, 1 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Gladfield Ale
20. Curly79 1x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x TF Golden promise
21. Timmi9191 1x Weyerman Bohem Pils, 1 x Weyerman light Munich
22. Laxation: 1x BB Pale Malt, 1x TF Golden Promise
23. Stubbie: 1xWeyerman Pilsner, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x TF Maris Otter
24. Husky: 3 x Bairds Pale, 1 x Gladfields Ale, 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x TF Maris Otter, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Wey Pilsner, 1 x Wey Vienna
25. DJ_L3ThAL 1x TF Golden Promise
26. Jordie_tackles 1x TF Golden Promise
27. W1nta, 1x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Weyermann Pale Ale.
28. Lyrebird Cycles, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils
29. Brenthor 1 x B.B Ale, 2 x Joe White Trad Ale, 1 x Joe White Munich
30. Peekaboo_Jones, 1x BB Wheat, 1x BB Vienna, 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Imperial
31. TreeFiddy: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Maris Otter
32. WEAL- TF Golden Promise.
33. djgilmore: 1 x Bairds Pale Ale, 1 x Weyerman Boh Pils, 1 x Joe White Ale
34. Midnight Brew: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Golden Promise
35. eldertaco: 2x TF Golden Promise, 2x BB Pale Malt, 1x Weyermann Pilsner
36. RamuGupta: 3 x Joe White Traditional Ale, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Joe White Munich
37. Brutusb: 1x Weyermann Pale Ale, 1x Gladfields American Ale, 1x Simpsons Golden Promise
38. Fattima: 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1x Joe White Munich, 1x BB Wheat Malt light
39. (Nullnvoid) Collaboration Brew: 4 x JW Traditional Ale, Weyerman Rye x 1
40. DU99 Bairds Pale Ale x1
41. Big78sam (pickup by Brethor): 1x Weyermann Pilsener, 1x TF Marris Otter
42. AJ80 (pickup by JB): 1 x BB ale, 1 x Weyermamm Bohemian Pilsner

1. Simpsons Imperial 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
2. Wey Munich Dark 1. Malt Junkie 2. Technobabble66 (FULL)
3. BB Caramalt 1. Shavey147, 2. Brenthor (Full)
4. BB Crystal Medium 1.Shavey147, 2. Schooner_downunder (FULL)
5. Weyermann Vienna, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Mardoo (FULL)
6. Weyerman Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid 2. JB (FULL)
7. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Nullnvoid 2. BrockHops (FULL)
8. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Laxation 2. Husky (FULL)
9. Weyermann Pilsner 1. Laxation 2. Haciluku (FULL)
10. Weyermann Vienna, 1.Timmi9191 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
11. Barrett Burston Wheat, 1. cspencer 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
12. Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner, 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
13. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Husky 2. Brutusb (Full)
14. Weyermann Caramunich III 1. Brutusb 2. droid (FULL)
15. Weyermann Munich (light) 1. Seb rad 2.
16. Weyermann rye 1. Seb rad 2.
1. Simpsons Brown 1. Mardoo 2. DJ_L3ThAL 3.Malt Junkie 4.micbrew 5.Bronson (FULL)
2. Simpsons Amber 1.Malt Junkie 2.Bronson 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. 5.
3. Gladfields Shepherd's Delight 1. Malt Junkie 2. Timmi9191 3. Curly79 4. GrumpyPaul 5. Mardoo (FULL)
4. Weyermann Caramel Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. droid 3. Curly79 4. Malt Junkie 5. Brutusb (FULL)
5. Gladfield Sour Grapes 1. Mardoo 2.Malt Junkie 3.droid 4.yob 5.razz (FULL)
6. Baird's Torrefied Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. BrockHops 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Peekaboo_Jones 5. Stubbie (FULL)
7. Gladfield Supernova 1. Mardoo 2. Laxation 3.Malt junkie 4. eldertaco 5.
8. Weyermann Melanoidan, 1. Schooner_downunder 2. Technobabble66 3.BrockHops 4. JB 5.Bronson (FULL)
9. Weyermann Cararoma, 1.Schooner_downunder 2. Peekaboo_jones 3. Midnight Brew 4. 5.
10. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Haciluku, 3. Mardoo 4. Malt Junkie 5. BrockHops (FULL)
11. Weyerman Munich Dark, 1. Nullnvoid 2. Technobabble66, 3. Timmi9191 4. Husky 5. Seb rad (full)
12. Simpson Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid 2. cspencer 3. cspencer 4.Bronson 5. Technobabble66(FULL)
13. Bairds Oat Malt, 1. Technobabble66, 2. JB 3.Micbrew 4. Mardoo 5. droid (FULL)
14. Weyermann Abbey 1. mofox1 2. mofox1 3. JB 4. Peekaboo_jones 5.BrockHops (FULL)
15. Briess Midnight Wheat 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.JB 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Bronson (FULL)
16. Briess Special Roast 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.Shavey147 4.Malt Junkie 5.
17. Weyermann Caramunich I 1. Laxation 2. droid 3. Husky 4. Jordie_tackles 5. Seb rad (full)
18. Weyermann Vienna 1. Laxation 2.Stubbie 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Haciluku 5. Haciluku (FULL)
19. Weyermann Rye Malt 1. Laxation 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Midnight Brew 5.Mardoo (FULL)
20. Simpsons Aromatic Malt 1. JB 2. 3. 4. 5
21. Weyermann Acidulated Malt 1. Technobabble66 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Fattima (FULL)
22.Weyermann Melanoidan. 1 Curly79 2. 3. 4. 5.
23. Weyermann Abbey 1. Midnight Brew. 2. Midnight Brew. 3. droid 4. 5.
24. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS 1. droid 2. droid 3.Husky 4. Brutusb 5. eldertaco (FULL)
25. Simpsons Brown 1. Husky 2. 3. 4. 5.
26. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid (Collab), 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. Nullnvoid (Collab) 4.Stubbie 5.DU99 (FULL)
27. Simpsons Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5.
28. Weyermann Carapils 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. 4. 5.
29. Weyerman Acidulated 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5

updated quantities and added myself to a couple of 5 ways
1. Mardoo, Simpsons Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Pale Wheat, Baird's Pale Malt
2. Camo6, TF Maris Otter, TF Golden Promise, Wey Pils, Gladfields American Ale
3. Malt Junkie, TF Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Vienna
4. Shavey147; BB Ale, BB Wheat Malt (Light)
5. Schooner_downunder, TF Maris Otter,TF Golden Promise, Wey Bo Pils
6. Razz, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, Weyermann Pale Ale.
7. Technobabble66, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, TF Maris Otter. Gladfields American Ale x2, BB Pale Ale x2.
8. Haciluku, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, BB Pale Malt
9. droid, Weyerman Vienna, Weyerman light Munich, Weyerman Pilsner x 4, Weyerman Wheat (Pale)
10. Nullnvoid, JW Trad Ale x 2
11. Peaky, Barrett Burston Ale Malt, Weyermann Light Munich.
12. BrockHops, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner, TF Golden Promise
13. Secretive Squarehead (via MartinOC): Bairds Heavily Peated (x7), Weyermann Bo-Pils (x3), Weyermann Light Munich, Weyermann Dark Munich. Joe White Traditional Ale (x 10).
14. JB, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner x3
15. mofox1: 2 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Weyermann Dark Munich
16. cspencer, Barrett Burston Ale Malt x2
17.Micbrew , 1 x TF Golden Promise , 2 x Gladfield American Ale
18.Bronson, 1x TF Maris Otter ,1 x weyermann Bohemian Pilsner.
19. Mezz94, 1 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Gladfield Ale
20. Curly79 1x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x TF Golden promise
21. Timmi9191 1x Weyerman Bohem Pils, 1 x Weyerman light Munich
22. Laxation: 1x BB Pale Malt, 1x TF Golden Promise
23. Stubbie: 1xWeyerman Pilsner, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x TF Maris Otter
24. Husky: 3 x Bairds Pale, 1 x Gladfields Ale, 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x TF Maris Otter, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Wey Pilsner, 1 x Wey Vienna
25. DJ_L3ThAL 1x TF Golden Promise
26. Jordie_tackles 1x TF Golden Promise
27. W1nta, 1x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Weyermann Pale Ale.
28. Lyrebird Cycles, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils
29. Brenthor 1 x B.B Ale, 2 x Joe White Trad Ale, 1 x Joe White Munich
30. Peekaboo_Jones, 1x BB Wheat, 1x BB Vienna, 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Imperial
31. TreeFiddy: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Maris Otter
32. WEAL- TF Golden Promise.
33. djgilmore: 1 x Bairds Pale Ale, 1 x Weyerman Boh Pils, 1 x Joe White Ale
34. Midnight Brew: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Golden Promise
35. eldertaco: 2x TF Golden Promise, 2x BB Pale Malt, 1x Weyermann Pilsner
36. RamuGupta: 3 x Joe White Traditional Ale, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Joe White Munich
37. Brutusb: 1x Weyermann Pale Ale, 1x Gladfields American Ale, 1x Simpsons Golden Promise
38. Fattima: 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1x Joe White Munich, 1x BB Wheat Malt light
39. (Nullnvoid) Collaboration Brew: 4 x JW Traditional Ale, Weyerman Rye x 1
40. DU99 Bairds Pale Ale x1
41. Big78sam (pickup by Brethor): 1x Weyermann Pilsener, 1x TF Marris Otter
42. AJ80 (pickup by JB): 1 x BB ale, 1 x Weyermamm Bohemian Pilsner

1. Simpsons Imperial 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
2. Wey Munich Dark 1. Malt Junkie 2. Technobabble66 (FULL)
3. BB Caramalt 1. Shavey147, 2. Brenthor (Full)
4. BB Crystal Medium 1.Shavey147, 2. Schooner_downunder (FULL)
5. Weyermann Vienna, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Mardoo (FULL)
6. Weyerman Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid 2. JB (FULL)
7. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Nullnvoid 2. BrockHops (FULL)
8. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Laxation 2. Husky (FULL)
9. Weyermann Pilsner 1. Laxation 2. Haciluku (FULL)
10. Weyermann Vienna, 1.Timmi9191 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
11. Barrett Burston Wheat, 1. cspencer 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
12. Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner, 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
13. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Husky 2. Brutusb (Full)
14. Weyermann Caramunich III 1. Brutusb 2. droid (FULL)
15. Weyermann Munich (light) 1. Seb rad 2.
16. Weyermann rye 1. Seb rad 2.
1. Simpsons Brown 1. Mardoo 2. DJ_L3ThAL 3.Malt Junkie 4.micbrew 5.Bronson (FULL)
2. Simpsons Amber 1.Malt Junkie 2.Bronson 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. 5.
3. Gladfields Shepherd's Delight 1. Malt Junkie 2. Timmi9191 3. Curly79 4. GrumpyPaul 5. Mardoo (FULL)
4. Weyermann Caramel Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. droid 3. Curly79 4. Malt Junkie 5. Brutusb (FULL)
5. Gladfield Sour Grapes 1. Mardoo 2.Malt Junkie 3.droid 4.yob 5.razz (FULL)
6. Baird's Torrefied Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. BrockHops 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Peekaboo_Jones 5. Stubbie (FULL)
7. Gladfield Supernova 1. Mardoo 2. Laxation 3.Malt junkie 4. eldertaco 5.
8. Weyermann Melanoidan, 1. Schooner_downunder 2. Technobabble66 3.BrockHops 4. JB 5.Bronson (FULL)
9. Weyermann Cararoma, 1.Schooner_downunder 2. Peekaboo_jones 3. Midnight Brew 4. 5.
10. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Haciluku, 3. Mardoo 4. Malt Junkie 5. BrockHops (FULL)
11. Weyerman Munich Dark, 1. Nullnvoid 2. Technobabble66, 3. Timmi9191 4. Husky 5. Seb rad (full)
12. Simpson Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid 2. cspencer 3. cspencer 4.Bronson 5. Technobabble66(FULL)
13. Bairds Oat Malt, 1. Technobabble66, 2. JB 3.Micbrew 4. Mardoo 5. droid (FULL)
14. Weyermann Abbey 1. mofox1 2. mofox1 3. JB 4. Peekaboo_jones 5.BrockHops (FULL)
15. Briess Midnight Wheat 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.JB 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Bronson (FULL)
16. Briess Special Roast 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.Shavey147 4.Malt Junkie 5.
17. Weyermann Caramunich I 1. Laxation 2. droid 3. Husky 4. Jordie_tackles 5. Seb rad (full)
18. Weyermann Vienna 1. Laxation 2.Stubbie 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Haciluku 5. Haciluku (FULL)
19. Weyermann Rye Malt 1. Laxation 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Midnight Brew 5.Mardoo (FULL)
20. Simpsons Aromatic Malt 1. JB 2. 3. 4. 5
21. Weyermann Acidulated Malt 1. Technobabble66 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Fattima (FULL)
22.Weyermann Melanoidan. 1 Curly79 2. 3. 4. 5.
23. Weyermann Abbey 1. Midnight Brew. 2. Midnight Brew. 3. droid 4.Malt Junkie 5.
24. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS 1. droid 2. droid 3.Husky 4. Brutusb 5. eldertaco (FULL)
25. Simpsons Brown 1. Husky 2. 3. 4. 5.
26. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid (Collab), 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. Nullnvoid (Collab) 4.Stubbie 5.DU99 (FULL)
27. Simpsons Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5.
28. Weyermann Carapils 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. 4. 5.
29. Weyerman Acidulated 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5

@technobabble66 you realise you are in a half bag and a 5way for Wey Dark Munich:bigcheers:
@Nullnvoid If you want to change your collab Wey Carapils to 1/2 bag I'll grab the second half

Got individual sheets done (mainly; some of the last splits are a little low so I'll wait on those). Get the main tally sheet together tonight.

BTW I hate Bastards with complex long ass names. JB and DU99.... we can still be friends:D
1. Mardoo, Simpsons Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Pale Wheat, Baird's Pale Malt
2. Camo6, TF Maris Otter, TF Golden Promise, Wey Pils, Gladfields American Ale
3. Malt Junkie, TF Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Vienna
4. Shavey147; BB Ale, BB Wheat Malt (Light)
5. Schooner_downunder, TF Maris Otter,TF Golden Promise, Wey Bo Pils
6. Razz, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, Weyermann Pale Ale.
7. Technobabble66, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, TF Maris Otter. Gladfields American Ale x2, BB Pale Ale x2.
8. Haciluku, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, BB Pale Malt
9. droid, Weyerman Vienna, Weyerman light Munich, Weyerman Pilsner x 4, Weyerman Wheat (Pale)
10. Nullnvoid, JW Trad Ale x 2
11. Peaky, Barrett Burston Ale Malt, Weyermann Light Munich.
12. BrockHops, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner, TF Golden Promise
13. Secretive Squarehead (via MartinOC): Bairds Heavily Peated (x7), Weyermann Bo-Pils (x3), Weyermann Light Munich, Weyermann Dark Munich. Joe White Traditional Ale (x 10).
14. JB, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner x3
15. mofox1: 2 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Weyermann Dark Munich
16. cspencer, Barrett Burston Ale Malt x2
17.Micbrew , 1 x TF Golden Promise , 2 x Gladfield American Ale
18.Bronson, 1x TF Maris Otter ,1 x weyermann Bohemian Pilsner.
19. Mezz94, 1 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Gladfield Ale
20. Curly79 1x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x TF Golden promise
21. Timmi9191 1x Weyerman Bohem Pils, 1 x Weyerman light Munich
22. Laxation: 1x BB Pale Malt, 1x TF Golden Promise
23. Stubbie: 1xWeyerman Pilsner, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x TF Maris Otter
24. Husky: 3 x Bairds Pale, 1 x Gladfields Ale, 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x TF Maris Otter, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Wey Pilsner, 1 x Wey Vienna
25. DJ_L3ThAL 1x TF Golden Promise
26. Jordie_tackles 1x TF Golden Promise
27. W1nta, 1x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Weyermann Pale Ale.
28. Lyrebird Cycles, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils
29. Brenthor 1 x B.B Ale, 2 x Joe White Trad Ale, 1 x Joe White Munich
30. Peekaboo_Jones, 1x BB Wheat, 1x BB Vienna, 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Imperial
31. TreeFiddy: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Maris Otter
32. WEAL- TF Golden Promise.
33. djgilmore: 1 x Bairds Pale Ale, 1 x Weyerman Boh Pils, 1 x Joe White Ale
34. Midnight Brew: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Golden Promise
35. eldertaco: 2x TF Golden Promise, 2x BB Pale Malt, 1x Weyermann Pilsner
36. RamuGupta: 3 x Joe White Traditional Ale, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Joe White Munich
37. Brutusb: 1x Weyermann Pale Ale, 1x Gladfields American Ale, 1x Simpsons Golden Promise
38. Fattima: 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1x Joe White Munich, 1x BB Wheat Malt light
39. (Nullnvoid) Collaboration Brew: 4 x JW Traditional Ale, Weyerman Rye x 1
40. DU99 Bairds Pale Ale x1
41. Big78sam (pickup by Brethor): 1x Weyermann Pilsener, 1x TF Marris Otter
42. AJ80 (pickup by JB): 1 x BB ale, 1 x Weyermamm Bohemian Pilsner

1. Simpsons Imperial 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
2. Wey Munich Dark 1. Malt Junkie 2. Technobabble66 (FULL)
3. BB Caramalt 1. Shavey147, 2. Brenthor (Full)
4. BB Crystal Medium 1.Shavey147, 2. Schooner_downunder (FULL)
5. Weyermann Vienna, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Mardoo (FULL)
6. Weyerman Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid 2. JB (FULL)
7. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Nullnvoid 2. BrockHops (FULL)
8. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Laxation 2. Husky (FULL)
9. Weyermann Pilsner 1. Laxation 2. Haciluku (FULL)
10. Weyermann Vienna, 1.Timmi9191 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
11. Barrett Burston Wheat, 1. cspencer 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
12. Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner, 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
13. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Husky 2. Brutusb (Full)
14. Weyermann Caramunich III 1. Brutusb 2. droid (FULL)
15. Weyermann Munich (light) 1. Seb rad 2.
16. Weyermann rye 1. Seb rad 2.
17. Weyermann Carapils 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. Malt Junkie (FULL)

1. Simpsons Brown 1. Mardoo 2. DJ_L3ThAL 3.Malt Junkie 4.micbrew 5.Bronson (FULL)
2. Simpsons Amber 1.Malt Junkie 2.Bronson 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. 5.
3. Gladfields Shepherd's Delight 1. Malt Junkie 2. Timmi9191 3. Curly79 4. GrumpyPaul 5. Mardoo (FULL)
4. Weyermann Caramel Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. droid 3. Curly79 4. Malt Junkie 5. Brutusb (FULL)
5. Gladfield Sour Grapes 1. Mardoo 2.Malt Junkie 3.droid 4.yob 5.razz (FULL)
6. Baird's Torrefied Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. BrockHops 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Peekaboo_Jones 5. Stubbie (FULL)
7. Gladfield Supernova 1. Mardoo 2. Laxation 3.Malt junkie 4. eldertaco 5.
8. Weyermann Melanoidan, 1. Schooner_downunder 2. Technobabble66 3.BrockHops 4. JB 5.Bronson (FULL)
9. Weyermann Cararoma, 1.Schooner_downunder 2. Peekaboo_jones 3. Midnight Brew 4. 5.
10. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Haciluku, 3. Mardoo 4. Malt Junkie 5. BrockHops (FULL)
11. Weyerman Munich Dark, 1. Nullnvoid 2. Technobabble66, 3. Timmi9191 4. Husky 5. Seb rad (full)
12. Simpson Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid 2. cspencer 3. cspencer 4.Bronson 5. Technobabble66(FULL)
13. Bairds Oat Malt, 1. Technobabble66, 2. JB 3.Micbrew 4. Mardoo 5. droid (FULL)
14. Weyermann Abbey 1. mofox1 2. mofox1 3. JB 4. Peekaboo_jones 5.BrockHops (FULL)
15. Briess Midnight Wheat 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.JB 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Bronson (FULL)
16. Briess Special Roast 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.Shavey147 4.Malt Junkie 5.
17. Weyermann Caramunich I 1. Laxation 2. droid 3. Husky 4. Jordie_tackles 5. Seb rad (full)
18. Weyermann Vienna 1. Laxation 2.Stubbie 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Haciluku 5. Haciluku (FULL)
19. Weyermann Rye Malt 1. Laxation 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Midnight Brew 5.Mardoo (FULL)
20. Simpsons Aromatic Malt 1. JB 2. 3. 4. 5
21. Weyermann Acidulated Malt 1. Technobabble66 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Fattima (FULL)
22.Weyermann Melanoidan. 1 Curly79 2. 3. 4. 5.
23. Weyermann Abbey 1. Midnight Brew. 2. Midnight Brew. 3. droid 4.Malt Junkie 5.
24. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS 1. droid 2. droid 3.Husky 4. Brutusb 5. eldertaco (FULL)
25. Simpsons Brown 1. Husky 2. 3. 4. 5.
26. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid (Collab), 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. Nullnvoid (Collab) 4.Stubbie 5.DU99 (FULL)
27. Simpsons Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5.
28. Weyerman Acidulated 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5

Update the carapils to 2 way split and put against Malt Junkie as well
cool cool, frenzy was my thinking and note I picked that up after my 7th coffee at 2:30 this morning.

Picked up some Pauliner Octoberfest as my reward when all is in done and dusted .... actually I got 3 with Steins:foammug:
1. Mardoo, Simpsons Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Pale Wheat, Baird's Pale Malt
2. Camo6, TF Maris Otter, TF Golden Promise, Wey Pils, Gladfields American Ale
3. Malt Junkie, TF Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Vienna
4. Shavey147; BB Ale, BB Wheat Malt (Light)
5. Schooner_downunder, TF Maris Otter,TF Golden Promise, Wey Bo Pils
6. Razz, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, Weyermann Pale Ale.
7. Technobabble66, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, TF Maris Otter. Gladfields American Ale x2, BB Pale Ale x2.
8. Haciluku, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, BB Pale Malt
9. droid, Weyerman Vienna, Weyerman light Munich, Weyerman Pilsner x 4, Weyerman Wheat (Pale)
10. Nullnvoid, JW Trad Ale x 2
11. Peaky, Barrett Burston Ale Malt, Weyermann Light Munich.
12. BrockHops, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner, TF Golden Promise
13. Secretive Squarehead (via MartinOC): Bairds Heavily Peated (x7), Weyermann Bo-Pils (x3), Weyermann Light Munich, Weyermann Dark Munich. Joe White Traditional Ale (x 10).
14. JB, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner x3
15. mofox1: 2 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Weyermann Dark Munich
16. cspencer, Barrett Burston Ale Malt x2
17.Micbrew , 1 x TF Golden Promise , 2 x Gladfield American Ale
18.Bronson, 1x TF Maris Otter ,1 x weyermann Bohemian Pilsner.
19. Mezz94, 1 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Gladfield Ale
20. Curly79 1x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x TF Golden promise
21. Timmi9191 1x Weyerman Bohem Pils, 1 x Weyerman light Munich
22. Laxation: 1x BB Pale Malt, 1x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Gladfield American Ale
23. Stubbie: 1xWeyerman Pilsner, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x TF Maris Otter
24. Husky: 3 x Bairds Pale, 1 x Gladfields Ale, 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x TF Maris Otter, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Wey Pilsner, 1 x Wey Vienna
25. DJ_L3ThAL 1x TF Golden Promise
26. Jordie_tackles 1x TF Golden Promise
27. W1nta, 1x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Weyermann Pale Ale.
28. Lyrebird Cycles, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils
29. Brenthor 1 x B.B Ale, 2 x Joe White Trad Ale, 1 x Joe White Munich
30. Peekaboo_Jones, 1x BB Wheat, 1x BB Vienna, 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Imperial
31. TreeFiddy: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Maris Otter
32. WEAL- TF Golden Promise.
33. djgilmore: 1 x Bairds Pale Ale, 1 x Weyerman Boh Pils, 1 x Joe White Ale
34. Midnight Brew: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Golden Promise
35. eldertaco: 2x TF Golden Promise, 2x BB Pale Malt, 1x Weyermann Pilsner
36. RamuGupta: 3 x Joe White Traditional Ale, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Joe White Munich
37. Brutusb: 1x Weyermann Pale Ale, 1x Gladfields American Ale, 1x Simpsons Golden Promise
38. Fattima: 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1x Joe White Munich, 1x BB Wheat Malt light
39. (Nullnvoid) Collaboration Brew: 4 x JW Traditional Ale, Weyerman Rye x 1
40. DU99 Bairds Pale Ale x1
41. Big78sam (pickup by Brethor): 1x Weyermann Pilsener, 1x TF Marris Otter
42. AJ80 (pickup by JB): 1 x BB ale, 1 x Weyermamm Bohemian Pilsner

1. Simpsons Imperial 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
2. Wey Munich Dark 1. Malt Junkie 2. Technobabble66 (FULL)
3. BB Caramalt 1. Shavey147, 2. Brenthor (Full)
4. BB Crystal Medium 1.Shavey147, 2. Schooner_downunder (FULL)
5. Weyermann Vienna, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Mardoo (FULL)
6. Weyerman Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid 2. JB (FULL)
7. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Nullnvoid 2. BrockHops (FULL)
8. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Laxation 2. Husky (FULL)
9. Weyermann Pilsner 1. Laxation 2. Haciluku (FULL)
10. Weyermann Vienna, 1.Timmi9191 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
11. Barrett Burston Wheat, 1. cspencer 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
12. Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner, 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
13. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Husky 2. Brutusb (Full)
14. Weyermann Caramunich III 1. Brutusb 2. droid (FULL)
15. Weyermann Munich (light) 1. Seb rad 2.
16. Weyermann rye 1. Seb rad 2.
17. Weyermann Carapils 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. Malt Junkie (FULL)

1. Simpsons Brown 1. Mardoo 2. DJ_L3ThAL 3.Malt Junkie 4.micbrew 5.Bronson (FULL)
2. Simpsons Amber 1.Malt Junkie 2.Bronson 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. 5.
3. Gladfields Shepherd's Delight 1. Malt Junkie 2. Timmi9191 3. Curly79 4. GrumpyPaul 5. Mardoo (FULL)
4. Weyermann Caramel Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. droid 3. Curly79 4. Malt Junkie 5. Brutusb (FULL)
5. Gladfield Sour Grapes 1. Mardoo 2.Malt Junkie 3.droid 4.yob 5.razz (FULL)
6. Baird's Torrefied Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. BrockHops 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Peekaboo_Jones 5. Stubbie (FULL)
7. Gladfield Supernova 1. Mardoo 2. Laxation 3.Malt junkie 4. eldertaco 5.
8. Weyermann Melanoidan, 1. Schooner_downunder 2. Technobabble66 3.BrockHops 4. JB 5.Bronson (FULL)
9. Weyermann Cararoma, 1.Schooner_downunder 2. Peekaboo_jones 3. Midnight Brew 4. 5.
10. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Haciluku, 3. Mardoo 4. Malt Junkie 5. BrockHops (FULL)
11. Weyerman Munich Dark, 1. Nullnvoid 2. Technobabble66, 3. Timmi9191 4. Husky 5. Seb rad (full)
12. Simpson Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid 2. cspencer 3. cspencer 4.Bronson 5. Technobabble66(FULL)
13. Bairds Oat Malt, 1. Technobabble66, 2. JB 3.Micbrew 4. Mardoo 5. droid (FULL)
14. Weyermann Abbey 1. mofox1 2. mofox1 3. JB 4. Peekaboo_jones 5.BrockHops (FULL)
15. Briess Midnight Wheat 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.JB 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Bronson (FULL)
16. Briess Special Roast 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.Shavey147 4.Malt Junkie 5.
17. Weyermann Caramunich I 1. Laxation 2. droid 3. Husky 4. Jordie_tackles 5. Seb rad (full)
18. Weyermann Vienna 1. Laxation 2.Stubbie 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Haciluku 5. Haciluku (FULL)
19. Weyermann Rye Malt 1. Laxation 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Midnight Brew 5.Mardoo (FULL)
20. Simpsons Aromatic Malt 1. JB 2. 3. 4. 5
21. Weyermann Acidulated Malt 1. Technobabble66 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Fattima (FULL)
22.Weyermann Melanoidan. 1 Curly79 2. 3. 4. 5.
23. Weyermann Abbey 1. Midnight Brew. 2. Midnight Brew. 3. droid 4.Malt Junkie 5.
24. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS 1. droid 2. droid 3.Husky 4. Brutusb 5. eldertaco (FULL)
25. Simpsons Brown 1. Husky 2. 3. 4. 5.
26. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid (Collab), 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. Nullnvoid (Collab) 4.Stubbie 5.DU99 (FULL)
27. Simpsons Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5.
28. Weyerman Acidulated 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5
Cut-off for orders is Sunday. Don't leave it too late.

I've spoken to the Boss today & we'll happily cover un-filled split bags & turn the residuals into CB stocks (as long as it's something that we're going to continue to stock). Otherwise, it's a no-go.

MJ, the Boss & I need access to your spreadsheet so we can work-out orders from multiple suppliers.
Cut-off for orders is Sunday. Don't leave it too late.

I've spoken to the Boss today & we'll happily cover un-filled split bags & turn the residuals into CB stocks (as long as it's something that we're going to continue to stock). Otherwise, it's a no-go.

MJ, the Boss & I need access to your spreadsheet so we can work-out orders from multiple suppliers.
Will be finished tomoz (have the last 10 of the 5 ways to add and Fix up one users orders)then will Pm you the link, going to have SWMBO proof it with me. Sunday at close of play I'll add any further changes(probably take an hour at most), and it WILL be finalised and ready for you Monday morning.
Pm's go out Monday evening?
1. Mardoo, Simpsons Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Pale Wheat, Baird's Pale Malt
2. Camo6, TF Maris Otter, TF Golden Promise, Wey Pils, Gladfields American Ale
3. Malt Junkie, TF Golden Promise, TF Maris Otter, Wey Vienna
4. Shavey147; BB Ale, BB Wheat Malt (Light)
5. Schooner_downunder, TF Maris Otter,TF Golden Promise, Wey Bo Pils
6. Razz, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, Weyermann Pale Ale.
7. Technobabble66, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, TF Maris Otter. Gladfields American Ale x2, BB Pale Ale x2.
8. Haciluku, Weyermann Bohemian Pils, BB Pale Malt
9. droid, Weyerman Vienna, Weyerman light Munich, Weyerman Pilsner x 4, Weyerman Wheat (Pale)
10. Nullnvoid, JW Trad Ale x 2
11. Peaky, Barrett Burston Ale Malt, Weyermann Light Munich.
12. BrockHops, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner, TF Golden Promise
13. Secretive Squarehead (via MartinOC): Bairds Heavily Peated (x7), Weyermann Bo-Pils (x3), Weyermann Light Munich, Weyermann Dark Munich. Joe White Traditional Ale (x 10).
14. JB, Weyerman Bohemian Pilsner x3
15. mofox1: 2 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Weyermann Dark Munich
16. cspencer, Barrett Burston Ale Malt x2
17.Micbrew , 1 x TF Golden Promise , 2 x Gladfield American Ale
18.Bronson, 1x TF Maris Otter ,1 x weyermann Bohemian Pilsner.
19. Mezz94, 1 x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x Gladfield Ale
20. Curly79 1x Gladfield American Ale, 1 x TF Golden promise
21. Timmi9191 1x Weyerman Bohem Pils, 1 x Weyerman light Munich
22. Laxation: 1x BB Pale Malt, 1x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Gladfield American Ale
23. Stubbie: 1xWeyerman Pilsner, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x TF Maris Otter
24. Husky: 3 x Bairds Pale, 1 x Gladfields Ale, 1 x Simpsons MO, 1 x TF Maris Otter, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Wey Pilsner, 1 x Wey Vienna
25. DJ_L3ThAL 1x TF Golden Promise, 1x BB Pale, 1x Wey Pilsner
26. Jordie_tackles 1x TF Golden Promise
27. W1nta, 1x TF Golden Promise, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Weyermann Pale Ale.
28. Lyrebird Cycles, 1 x TF Golden Promise, 2 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils
29. Brenthor 1 x B.B Ale, 2 x Joe White Trad Ale, 1 x Joe White Munich
30. Peekaboo_Jones, 1x BB Wheat, 1x BB Vienna, 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Imperial
31. TreeFiddy: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Maris Otter
32. WEAL- TF Golden Promise.
33. djgilmore: 1 x Bairds Pale Ale, 1 x Weyerman Boh Pils, 1 x Joe White Ale
34. Midnight Brew: 1x BB Ale, 1x TF Golden Promise
35. eldertaco: 2x TF Golden Promise, 2x BB Pale Malt, 1x Weyermann Pilsner
36. RamuGupta: 3 x Joe White Traditional Ale, 1 x Weyermann Bohemian Pils, 1 x Joe White Munich
37. Brutusb: 1x Weyermann Pale Ale, 1x Gladfields American Ale, 1x Simpsons Golden Promise
38. Fattima: 1x Joe White Export Pilsner, 1x Simpsons Maris Otter, 1x Joe White Munich, 1x BB Wheat Malt light
39. (Nullnvoid) Collaboration Brew: 4 x JW Traditional Ale, Weyerman Rye x 1
40. DU99 Bairds Pale Ale x1
41. Big78sam (pickup by Brethor): 1x Weyermann Pilsener, 1x TF Marris Otter
42. AJ80 (pickup by JB): 1 x BB ale, 1 x Weyermamm Bohemian Pilsner

1. Simpsons Imperial 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
2. Wey Munich Dark 1. Malt Junkie 2. Technobabble66 (FULL)
3. BB Caramalt 1. Shavey147, 2. Brenthor (Full)
4. BB Crystal Medium 1.Shavey147, 2. Schooner_downunder (FULL)
5. Weyermann Vienna, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Mardoo (FULL)
6. Weyerman Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid 2. JB (FULL)
7. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Nullnvoid 2. BrockHops (FULL)
8. Weyerman Munich (light) 1. Laxation 2. Husky (FULL)
9. Weyermann Pilsner 1. Laxation 2. Haciluku (FULL)
10. Weyermann Vienna, 1.Timmi9191 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
11. Barrett Burston Wheat, 1. cspencer 2. TreeFiddy (FULL)
12. Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner, 1. Mardoo 2. Malt Junkie (Full)
13. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Husky 2. Brutusb (Full)
14. Weyermann Caramunich III 1. Brutusb 2. droid (FULL)
15. Weyermann Munich (light) 1. Seb rad 2.
16. Weyermann rye 1. Seb rad 2.
17. Weyermann Carapils 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. Malt Junkie (FULL)
18. Barrett Burston Wheat, 1. DJ_L3ThAL 2.

1. Simpsons Brown 1. Mardoo 2. DJ_L3ThAL 3.Malt Junkie 4.micbrew 5.Bronson (FULL)
2. Simpsons Amber 1.Malt Junkie 2.Bronson 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. 5.
3. Gladfields Shepherd's Delight 1. Malt Junkie 2. Timmi9191 3. Curly79 4. GrumpyPaul 5. Mardoo (FULL)
4. Weyermann Caramel Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. droid 3. Curly79 4. Malt Junkie 5. Brutusb (FULL)
5. Gladfield Sour Grapes 1. Mardoo 2.Malt Junkie 3.droid 4.yob 5.razz (FULL)
6. Baird's Torrefied Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. BrockHops 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Peekaboo_Jones 5. Stubbie (FULL)
7. Gladfield Supernova 1. Mardoo 2. Laxation 3.Malt junkie 4. eldertaco 5.
8. Weyermann Melanoidan, 1. Schooner_downunder 2. Technobabble66 3.BrockHops 4. JB 5.Bronson (FULL)
9. Weyermann Cararoma, 1.Schooner_downunder 2. Peekaboo_jones 3. Midnight Brew 4. 5.
10. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS, 1. Technobabble66, 2. Haciluku, 3. Mardoo 4. Malt Junkie 5. BrockHops (FULL)
11. Weyerman Munich Dark, 1. Nullnvoid 2. Technobabble66, 3. Timmi9191 4. Husky 5. Seb rad (full)
12. Simpson Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid 2. cspencer 3. cspencer 4.Bronson 5. Technobabble66(FULL)
13. Bairds Oat Malt, 1. Technobabble66, 2. JB 3.Micbrew 4. Mardoo 5. droid (FULL)
14. Weyermann Abbey 1. mofox1 2. mofox1 3. JB 4. Peekaboo_jones 5.BrockHops (FULL)
15. Briess Midnight Wheat 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.JB 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Bronson (FULL)
16. Briess Special Roast 1. Madhu 2.Curly79 3.Shavey147 4.Malt Junkie 5.
17. Weyermann Caramunich I 1. Laxation 2. droid 3. Husky 4. Jordie_tackles 5. Seb rad (full)
18. Weyermann Vienna 1. Laxation 2.Stubbie 3. DJ_L3ThAL 4. Haciluku 5. Haciluku (FULL)
19. Weyermann Rye Malt 1. Laxation 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Midnight Brew 5.Mardoo (FULL)
20. Simpsons Aromatic Malt 1. JB 2. 3. 4. 5
21. Weyermann Acidulated Malt 1. Technobabble66 2. Peekaboo_Jones 3.GrumpyPaul 4.Schooner_downunder 5.Fattima (FULL)
22.Weyermann Melanoidan. 1 Curly79 2. 3. 4. 5.
23. Weyermann Abbey 1. Midnight Brew. 2. Midnight Brew. 3. droid 4.Malt Junkie 5.
24. Simpsons Golden Naked OATS 1. droid 2. droid 3.Husky 4. Brutusb 5. eldertaco (FULL)
25. Simpsons Brown 1. Husky 2. 3. 4. 5.
26. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Nullnvoid (Collab), 2. Nullnvoid (Collab) 3. Nullnvoid (Collab) 4.Stubbie 5.DU99 (FULL)
27. Simpsons Medium Crystal 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5.
28. Weyerman Acidulated 1. Nullnvoid (Collab) 2. 3. 4. 5

Sorry guys to get in so late, who am I kidding, I need moar grain :p
Just a note for all of us late changers, as a courtesy to the Overlords, put a note in your post if you have changed a previous order. That will help the Overlords to submit your order correctly, and avoid the awkwardness of future torture.
BTW, Martin, if there are other things we would like to order - and it's not unheard of to show a little gratitude by ordering a little something else other than your grain (and yes, tiresome conversations DO include the fact that Clever is making a Klingon's worth of dosh from this buy) - how do we do that for pickup? I've tried to enter "Bayswater" as the coupon code, but that didn't work. Can you clarify?
Good thinking Mardoo!

I added 1x BB Pale, 1x Wey Pilsner to my full sacks.

Also added a 1/2 split for 18. Barrett Burston Wheat, 1. DJ_L3ThAL 2.
Have all changes to this point, thanks Mardoo, yep noting changes at the bottom of the post will help, the buy as it stands now will in Martins hands this afternoon. Now just need to caffinate.

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