That Feeling Of Satisfaction!

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Just finished 2 brews, an English Bitter and a Coopers Pale ale clone. No problems with the brewday and efficiencies are as predicted :D . I am sitting here typing this out and sipping an American cream ale clone and wondering if 1.00pm is too early for a Imperial stout :p .
And to top it all off, its been raining since 5.00am this morning ( first rain for about 2 mths) and the lawn is getting a soaking.

Can it get any better. ;)
hope everyone is having as good a day as me.

That's good to hear Andrew. I just finished work, and came home to check on the belgian in the fermenter. Its sitting at a nice 20 degrees, and still slowly bubbling (its been in the primary for a week).

I'm about to make a phone call to see what is happening tonight, it nothing I will crack a bottle of something nice. :chug:

Saturday's are the best day of the week
[And to top it all off, its been raining since 5.00am this morning ( first rain for about 2 mths) and the lawn is getting a soaking.

What's that , have not had rain since March the 11th..LAST YEAR !

Perhaps a bit from cyclone Willy if we are lucky , but not looking to promising at this stage :(

Just finished putting down a big stout for winter, Expecting an og around 1070.
bastard,s reading 1082 and have checked it twice in the last 1/2 hours.
Feels good, fingers crossed. :chug:
Sounds like a great day Andrew.

I did the 100% Wheat Porter today and it went without a hitch. Also got the inline aeration stone working to perfection.

My son graduated from Shrimps to Tadpoles swimming class today as well.

Finally my Super 12 team the Hurricanes are 3 wins from 3 starts.

A great day all round.

Doc, how did you get the stone working again? I remember it was blocked a while back.
pint of lager said:
Doc, how did you get the stone working again? I remember it was blocked a while back.


It is a new aeration stone with 1/2" thread that fits into my external assembly from the CFWC.
This time I cleaned and sterelised the stone with the rest of the unit with keg line cleaner.

My day was pretty good too Andrew. Got to have a few brews around lunchtime with some Newcastle brewers (couple of blokes from this list, SJW and Trent as well as some others) and then came home and brewed an Amarillo APA - first time with this hop. Finished cleaning up and chucked the fermenter in the brew fridge. A good feeling...

My son graduated from Shrimps to Tadpoles swimming class today as well.

I may be taking a big stab in the dark here, but is the next level Frog?
I am taking my daughter to swimming lessons soon I am told.

I still can't get the quote in a box thing to work
Gerard_M said:
My son graduated from Shrimps to Tadpoles swimming class today as well.

I may be taking a big stab in the dark here, but is the next level Frog?
I am taking my daughter to swimming lessons soon I am told.

Frogs maybe next. He started as a Starfish, then graduated to a Shrimp, and as of next week is a tadpole. Maybe a Frog after that, but who knows their logic :)

You'll enjoy the lessons Peter and Gerard. A great way to bond with you kid.
And if you are organised you can have the Mash and the Sparge finished before the mid morning swimming lesson, then come home and do the boil :lol:

Gerard, to get the quote box to work.

Go find some text you want to quote, highlight it and cut it like you usually do, click on reply, type whatever you want to start off, then when ready to quote, click on the quote box, paste in the text you want to quote and then click again on the quote box.

This will show the word quote with square brackets around it [...] and when the quote finishes where you once again click on the quote box, the word quote appears again, but with a slash in front of it [/....]

Then you can add some more text to finish off with.
Or to quote a particular post, click the "quote" text as the bottom of the members post. Then click reply.
Remove any part of the post you don't want then add your own text/reply after the "[/quote]" line.

Thanks for the tip
Go find some text you want to quote, highlight it and cut it like you usually do, click on reply, type whatever you want to start off, then when ready to quote, click on the quote box, paste in the text you want to quote and then click again on the quote box.
Doc said:
Or to quote a particular post, click the "quote" text as the bottom of the members post. Then click reply.
Remove any part of the post you don't want then add your own text/reply after the line.


Gerard_M said:
Thanks for the tip
Go find some text you want to quote, highlight it and cut it like you usually do, click on reply, type whatever you want to start off, then when ready to quote, click on the quote box, paste in the text you want to quote and then click again on the quote box.

If you click the quote button(s) before hitting add reply, you can quote multiple posts with the username and time by-line quite easily.

Anyway, I had a great weekend too. Kegged beer is now available at the PoMo BrauHaus!
Bat said:
i know it's of the topic but how do i change my user name


Send a Personal Message to Dane. He is the only one that can change your ID.
Click on this link

Yeah I felt all warm & fuzzy yesterday looking at the brew shelf- from left to right, 5l of mango wine, 10l of apple & pear cider perry, and 23l of Cooper's (dark) Brown ale, all bubbling away happily. Should have taken a photo...

AND I had milk crate full of brew sorted out to take home for the afternoon as well.
Just finished filtering/kegging my first AG (actually my 2nd as the first is still active after 2 weeks). A favourite porter/old ale extract recipe that I've diluted down to 5.6% to make more drinkable.

She tastes bloody gorgeous - I'm probably biased, the same as when your first kid is born & you think she's the most beautiful child ever created - but you can't quantify the satisfaction & feeling right now... :D :D :D
The mighty Nokia-cam strikes again.
From left to right we have- 5l mango wine (clarifying) 10l spiced apple & pear cider (brewing)and 22l dark brown ale (brewing).

Bubbling gently when I went to the brewery yesterday afternoon...all's well with the world. :p


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